This makes me feel like picking the hobby up again. Or start it for real I should say. I glued some stuff together as a kid, but all those kits ended awful with too many glue on all parts and awful paint jobs. I still have 2 or 3 kits laying around I think.
I really like the look of those mechs/robots/... The only thing bothering me is painting it. I would love to be able to do it nice, but I don't want to invest too much money in equipment. So say, maybe some spray cans to start as has been suggested. But even then I'll need to look for a lot of tips to get it right.
Spray cans are cheap and you can get very, very good results. Are you thinking of any particular look? Clean and pristine or dirty and battle scarred?
Dirty and battle scarred, definitely! Although that might be the harder look to obtain? Let's say I'd settle for anything with a decent look.
I am currently in the early stages of building the Bismarck and I need to drill 1.3 mm holes into the ship, But lacking a drill this is rather difficult. Are there alternatives to drills?
I am currently in the early stages of building the Bismarck and I need to drill 1.3 mm holes into the ship, But lacking a drill this is rather difficult. Are there alternatives to drills?
I meant to reply to this a while back and was just reminded of it.
Take a look at this project log. The techniques are a bit advanced but this log, and the rest of this guys website, is a goldmine of inspiration, ideas, and tutorials.
I am currently in the early stages of building the Bismarck and I need to drill 1.3 mm holes into the ship, But lacking a drill this is rather difficult. Are there alternatives to drills?
Yeah, me too. Back when I was in air cadets my unit made a huge variety of aircraft. Some guys made some incredible dioramas of war scenes and crash sites.This makes me feel like picking the hobby up again.
Any plans for adding accessories like stowage or the like?
That looks awesome lastplayed, I've never tried making a tank/armored vehicle but now I want to try a kit. Any recommendations on a good tank kit to start with?
My latest project - Canadian LAV-III in 1/35th scale.
It's the closest kit I could find to the NZLAV, although there are several differences. It'll do me for now.
Got a few bits to paint, then decals, then a wash to apply, then dusting/weathering... getting there though.
What do you need to know regarding details?
Years ago I read an article about model cars (in a lowrider magazine!) and one guy said he gets a lot of detail parts from gutted VCRs and other electronics. Plates, electrical components, springs, etc. For cables I like to use the wire inside twist ties as it always seems to be the right thickness and it's pretty easy to work with.
Using flock for carpeting also sounds like an awesome idea. I don't know why I never thought of that.
I did it, I went out and picked up an F-4C Phantom II, 1/48 scale. Look at this decal sheet:
May God have mercy on my soul.
I did it, I went out and picked up an F-4C Phantom II, 1/48 scale. Look at this decal sheet:
May God have mercy on my soul.
Heh, that's what I love about armour - bugger all decals.
Good luck!
edit: just noticed it doesn't even include all the roundels and tail markings. Good lord!
That Academy Phantom is a relatively new kit I know. Applying those decals is going to be fun! Just remember to gloss coat it before doing the decals to make your life easier...
Are there any up to date guides and resources for Gundams? Looking to get started, but a lot of the stuff earlier in the thread no longer exist.
Alright. So I did get cracking on the F4. I started some work on the cockpit when I decided I needed to really sharpen my skills a little more if I hope to do this model justice. It being one of my absolute favorite American aircraft in history I wanted to be sure I had some practice before I really start to plug away.
So for much needed exercise I've decided to work on a car that's been in my backlog for a few years now. I won't reveal what it is just yet, but maybe someone can guess what it is based on the (half) finished engine:
Thanks. Didn't know there was a dedicated Gumpla thread here.I posted this dudes blog earlier. His early models were mostly Gunpla. You can also try the subreddit r/gunpla, GAFs own Gundam thread, and Gundam Eclipse for other more up to date resources.
I just completed my little Airfix RNZAF T.11 Vampire kit. It was supposed to be a weekend build, but ended up taking an entire week. This was due to me discovering that Airfix's other Vampire kit has way more stenciling decals, so I acquired that and applied it to this model. Was worth the extra effort and money though.
There were a few fit issues and I'm not entirely happy with the puttying and seam work, but it's something I'm slowly getting better at (I hope). But if you look at a real Vampire of the time, they look a bit bashed about, like someone built them just using a hammer, so that's the excuse I'm running with lol.
Thanks. Didn't know there was a dedicated Gunpla thread here.
Does model-Gaf have an opinion on miniatures? I've been spending a lot of time painting Warhammer 40K minis lately, technically modeling though there's already a thread for that.
Ferrari F40?I have no knowledge of engines.
Looks pretty cool!