damn this thread is awesome, im not sure i'll have anything to contribute, but looking forward to everyones progress!
Also as a side note! I just got hired by HLJ! I start next month. You may see me on Hobbylink TV eventually... I may also be getting my own show to talk about scale models but not sure yet. Have quite a few things to take care of first (ugh moving).
Probably out of the realistic realm for most of us here but does anyone know anything about modeling HUGE stuff like 1/100 battleship?
Seen many made but don't even know where to start...
or heck even find a kit.
Hope GAF doesn't mind a bit of self promotion, but I've recently launched my own modeling channel. It's early days yet and I'm still working out what sort of videos I want to make etc, but there's 4 videos up. Hopefully they aren't too boring!
Has there been true 1/100 scale Evangelion models?
Get some results on google but those don't seem right given the price and such.
Thanks, seemed like a stretch considering at their smallest they are almost double the taller Gundams.Those are non-scale model kits. Though the PG kit is around 1/200 scale.
Im actually thinking about the 1/350s versions for RC conversions.1/00 would be huge!
1/350 is big enough for me, with my two Enterprises.
On a Takao or Kirishima kit.
OK GAF, I've had this sitting around since 2000. Let's do this.
If anyone's familiar with the kit, or something similar, please advise. The official instructions for painting the livery is paint white, then apply the red decals. That, to me, is absurd. I plan on doing it with white sprey, masking tape, then red sprey. Am I right to think it would be infinitely better this way?
Also, fuck enamels. I'll be doing it all in acrylic paints and washes. Anyone else use these paints for scale models?
OK GAF, I've had this sitting around since 2000. Let's do this.
If anyone's familiar with the kit, or something similar, please advise. The official instructions for painting the livery is paint white, then apply the red decals. That, to me, is absurd. I plan on doing it with white sprey, masking tape, then red sprey. Am I right to think it would be infinitely better this way?
Also, fuck enamels. I'll be doing it all in acrylic paints and washes. Anyone else use these paints for scale models?
Holy cow, the 1/200 Iowa just got here and I can't believe how big it it.
Makes the 1/275 Russian Destroyer I have look like a dingy.
The photoetch is scaring me.
Going on, how big is it?
Going on 6ft.
Good lord.. where do you put something like that?![]()
Im really not understanding the purpose of 90% of this Photo etch for anything other than the wires and railings.
"Okay here are 100 pre-sculpted doors, now glue this one random photo etch door on. Got 50 sculpted life preservers, here are 5 photo etched"
Hey guys I have a quick question if you don't mind my asking. So I'm in the middle of fixing up my actual car (accident long story) and decided I'd buy a 1/18 DIE CAST MODEL and try and make it look kinda like my real car. I've never painted anything before so I tried winging it. In the end it came out ok and not as crappy as I expected haha. So now my question, is there any way to get the plastic windshield pieces on the model to look like their tinted? I want to make the rear and small side ones look tinted.
Sorry for the crappy pics. I'm also gonna fix up the parts where i missed paint the first time in the future.
I guess the easiest way is to paint them with a transparent/clear coloured paint, like smoke or something.
Applying with a brush might be tricky to get an even coat (especially important with transparent paint), would be better to remove the plastic and spray with an airbrush.
Cool car btw. I've got a diecast of mine too, except it's not quite the Type-R version.![]()
Thanks I'll try it. I never even thought of transparent/clear coloured paint. I don't have an airbrush so a regular brush will have to do. I'm not to worried of it coming out perfect. I just want it to kinda look like my car haha.
Finally started to build my tiny transparent aircraft for the Enterprise.
Where's Wonderwoman?
How do you guys sand, exactly? I feel my process in that aspect is way too slow.
Depends what I'm sanding.
Sometimes it can take a while, especially if it's a delicate part. Maybe try with a lower grit paper and then work your way up the finer grit numbers the closer you get?
I also use a small metal sanding file just to remove small bits quickly.
I was working the opposite, first 1500 then 1200. I''l try switching it. And speaking of metal sanding files, what do we use them instead of sand paper?
Been working on the Phalanx guns for the Enterprise.
On the left are the kit parts, on the right are some resin and photoetch aftermarket upgrades. A slight improvement!