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PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS Early Access Thread: This Is Battle Royale



Super stoked fam. I was having a fire fight with a guy when the blue wall consumed him. :D


I really prefer the urban fighting to running through fields desperately scanning the horizon and hoping nobody gets the drop on you. I hope the mostly urban desert map isn't too far off.

fuck me[/QUOTE]

Shotguns are one of those things that when you get good at them with, you're an unstoppable master of CQB who can rush a street corner or into a building and take out a whole squad.

Until then, it feels like a constant stream of "OH COME ON I WAS LIKE A PIXEL OFF"


Shotguns are one of those things that when you get good at them with, you're an unstoppable master of CQB who can rush a street corner or into a building and take out a whole squad.

Until then, it feels like a constant stream of "OH COME ON I WAS LIKE A PIXEL OFF"
It's more a case of "OH I HAD TO PUMP THE SHOTGUN FOR NO REASON AT ALL" kinda situation


Junior Member
We had 4 great games with Golden_Pigeon, all of them top 10, but the last one was amazing, we dropped by the military base, had crappy loot for most of the game, the circles were bad but we ended up winning thanks to Golden_Pigeon tactics.



Got my first solo dinner FINALLY! And after a complete disaster of a match that I had zero expectations of things working out. Managed a duo and squad win this weekend, but solo has been tough to get despite a handful of top 3 finishes, but I got it tonight! :)

Dropped into the farm south of Pochinki/north of the western bridge leading to/from the military island. Some guy landed near me and went into the house so I hit the barn and found 2x M416s and ammo. Grabbed it all and took off since the circle was in the far north center of the map and I was way too far to make it on foot. Found a buggy and hauled ass up north. My plan was to stop at the single entrance bunker underneath the firing range to find some other gear since I only had 60 rounds of ammo for my gun and nothing else. I flip the buggy halfway there after a freak accident with a rock, find a UAZ nearby and take it to the bunker. I drive up, no signs of anyone, and I park it on the side of the road a few hundred meters past the bunker so no one knows I'm in there and head back to the entrance. Someone starts taking shots at me and hits me, nearly killing me and I have no health left but manage to get down into the bunker. There's nothing down there but an uzi and I have no health, no bandage, no health kits, no first aid kits, no boosters, no vest, no gun attachments except for my 1911.

I debate just rushing the hill the sniper was on, but instead just decide to hide in the corner of the bunker since the circle ended up centered on it, and wait to see if someone comes down. I'm thinking if I'm lucky, they'll have a bunch of gear and healing items and I can maybe get the drop on them and not take a hit because literally, any shot to me will kill me. So I hide behind a box and wait. A guy comes down a few minutes later and he has a bunch of stuff, but he also has a M416 and I didn't have a clean shot, he ran around the bunker but never came over to my side for some reason. He crouched in the middle of some crates and waited for the circle to move. And I sat there, waiting for him to move. We both sat in there for about 10 minutes, through two circle movements.

Finally, the circle moves north and for some reason, he decides it's time to come check over in my corner of the bunker. I pop out and mow him down without him even knowing what happened. He has first aid, bandages, and boosters, so I get my health back up and head out.

I crawl past the firing range and run up the hill somehow avoiding being seen while hitting a couple of different people with a few shots at a distance and end up on the outside of a fence near two houses with ~10 people left. People on both sides of me and I'd have to run around the house to get past the fence (white fence, couldn't jump it), so I drop a smoke, shoot the fence out, and run into the house and upstairs. After some more time, there are only 6 people left and the circle has moved, forcing me to get out of the house. I throw three smoke grenades out and jump off the balcony and run into the adjacent garage. I can't believe no one is in the houses. Circle tightens again, I have to move outside. I prone next to a fence and there are 3 left. I wait, circle tightens again and I'm caught behind it taking damage but I don't want to be first to move. At about 1/4th health I go and run about 10 meters into some short grass and prone. Right then, someone kills the third person alive. I heard the guy who killed him shoot near a tree in front of me, the circle is so tiny it's easy to figure out, but he had a silencer. I abuse third person and see him near the tree, crouched, not even looking my direction. I line him up, move to crouch to ensure I don't miss and fire three shots.

Chicken Dinner! :D It was a really great turnaround from a bad situation to a win. I really had all the circle luck after I got up to the houses.

Video, if anyone's interested: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/156696278
About 10min in length, starts with my approach to the houses near the end of the match.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Multiple duos tonight where I've seen 3-4 people working together. Pretty bullshit.


First Chicken Dinner, as a three man squad. I was worthless for combat (they had the Scopes and FPS experience), but I contributed a bunch of good strategic calls that made it all possible. Landed on the west edge of the map on a beach via boat, away from the rest of the flow so that we had nobody behind us for the last few circles.
Shoot a guy as he goes for a bike, he gets finished off by someone else in a fuckboi shack who drives off on a different bike, hear a fight just behind you in a compound, snipe the survivor running out and grab the first bike, first bike I was depending on has 30 seconds of gas and it's a south island finish, someone has deliberately(?) beached the perfect boat on the north shore, barely make it to a bike after running all the way to milbase, drive up to ATC building for a milbase finish with a 1/5 health remaining, get off the bike just before you finish braking and it's enough to finish you off.

Other fun rounds recently:

-see a person in a compound manage to snipe like 5 people in a row with an M16 as multiple cars keep driving past, try to rush them as they clearly know I'm there, I have to snipe a guy coming down off the hill who's shooting at them because otherwise they'll see me, I'm playing blue chicken with this sniper as they come downstairs in their building and I wait with a shotgun next to their UAZ, I eventually decide to run and they immediately pop out and double headshot me as I'm already 100m+ away.

-Try to sneak up on a guy who's switching cars, too late to get them, they've left behind tons of first aid kits and Level 3 vests and helmets on corpses, I find another car and drive off and get some kills, then as I'm trying to decide when to rush a guy I tagged in an adjacent building (who somehow did not realize I was there even after I killed the guy they were sniping at), someone runs up behind my garage without realizing I'm there. Instead of popping up to shoot them (which would have been super easy, they were sitting very obviously in a bush) and exposing myself to the first target, I try to grenade while prone... and the cooked frag bounces off the wall of the balcony because the indicator is a liar at that distance, and I'm immediately killed before I can stand up and feel super stupid for wasting my luck.


i'm awful at these games but i picked this up for memorial day weekend anyway. pretty much got rekt all weekend then all sudden every game tonight i finish solo in the top 3 or so... no chicken dinner but damn man, feels good

i found my new time sink


I feel this game is actively trying to piss me off at this point. In the same round I headshot a guy with a red dotted M16 who was driving a boat halfway across the river between the main island and the military base and got a kill.

In the final 15, I got the drop on a guy and put three rounds in his head and chest with the same gun, and then he turns to me and headshot kills me with one bullet while I was wearing a level 2 helmet and ballistic mask and at 75% health. End game stat screen, I had 20 kill points and three, just three, hit points.
Ballistic mask still does nothing at all, as far as I know (not even a bug, just not implemented).


Awesome, thanks for the ShadowPlay tips. I'll give that a shot. I like the save last 5 min feature.

Its nice WHEN it works, it doesnt work always.
This kind of program should work 100% of times, not 90%.

Too many times the clips of my "last 5min" recordings have 1-2min missing from the end.


Does anyone else do the 'pop parachute early' strats to get to far away places from the planes flight path?

I do

It's lonely sometimes
Did once, was most north of the map.
Safe zone was almost exclusively the military base island.
Couldn't boat there fast enough.
Never again.


I'll try and do that next time, or set up Shadowplay or something. To be fair, it's the first time I've ever come across it, so I don't know how common a thing it is. But yeah, still stupid.

I've seen it twice in solo games on the Oceania server, both times there were two players in a vehicle so it was easy to spot. All Chinese players as well.


Unconfirmed Member
When you play SQUAD and the last circle ends up at a house:



Does anyone else do the 'pop parachute early' strats to get to far away places from the planes flight path?

I do

It's lonely sometimes

umm why did i not think of this? Being lonely is my favourite as well. had the game 2 days, had 3 2nd places and 2 4th places. i will get that Chicken dinner, im famished
umm why did i not think of this? Being lonely is my favourite as well. had the game 2 days, had 3 2nd places and 2 4th places. i will get that Chicken dinner, im famished

it's pretty good

Pro tip-with the parachute, just tap forward and don't hold it down to get maximum distance travelled


Finally got my first squad chicken dinner last night, we were only a three stack too. Got some luck with the circle for once and got on the other side of it while the remaining people up fought on the other side of the hill. Tastes good fellas!

This game has me hoooooooked.

Had a crazy close call earlier on: https://streamable.com/7q4va


yo wtf, i loot a whole apartment building and get to the roof and there's someone just sitting up there with a shotgun and kills me

who waits like 5 minutes on a roof hoping someone goes there


yo wtf, i loot a whole apartment building and get to the roof and there's someone just sitting up there with a shotgun and kills me

who waits like 5 minutes on a roof hoping someone goes there

I did a similar thing but the opposite way round. I knew a guy was on the roof after dropping to the building next to me so I ran over and waited at the bottom of the stairs.

Sorry guy for taking your 8x.


yo wtf, i loot a whole apartment building and get to the roof and there's someone just sitting up there with a shotgun and kills me

who waits like 5 minutes on a roof hoping someone goes there

Some guys are really patient once they hear a footstep


this game hates me tonight i swear

rolled over a uaz (when it probably shouldn't have but whatever)

tried to get out of when it was on its side and clipped into the middle of the uaz and couldn't move at all, couldn't get back in, couldn't do anything at all

eventually died to me shooting the uaz until it exploded

lame as hell


Åesop;242626740 said:
When you play SQUAD and the last circle ends up at a house:



Had one of those nightmarish 'Terminator scenarios' too. Same motorcycle guy chased me across the map in his vehicle for a long-ass time. He even killed another guy in the process, but he never stopped hunting me.

Only managed to get the last two minutes.


The game is way intense sometimes.

The sprint animation (with weapons holstered) is so perfect as well, like you're properly pegging it.

PS good job getting him - good ole red dot


Wish I could play more but since the newest update the game makes my GPU go to around 92c

Then you have some cleaning to do or check your airflow.
The game cant make your GPU overwork or something.
Or you can limit your fps to make it less stressed.


Anyone have another gmg code? Girlfriend asked me if could get her one so we could play together.

There are discount codes? where can I find them?

I've been seeing my brother addicted to this game, and he speaks highly of it.

How is the netcode on this? I've quit online games a while ago due to frustration with lag/latency issues. (I'm in the ME usually play on EU servers)
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