Got my first solo dinner FINALLY! And after a complete disaster of a match that I had zero expectations of things working out. Managed a duo and squad win this weekend, but solo has been tough to get despite a handful of top 3 finishes, but I got it tonight!
Dropped into the farm south of Pochinki/north of the western bridge leading to/from the military island. Some guy landed near me and went into the house so I hit the barn and found 2x M416s and ammo. Grabbed it all and took off since the circle was in the far north center of the map and I was way too far to make it on foot. Found a buggy and hauled ass up north. My plan was to stop at the single entrance bunker underneath the firing range to find some other gear since I only had 60 rounds of ammo for my gun and nothing else. I flip the buggy halfway there after a freak accident with a rock, find a UAZ nearby and take it to the bunker. I drive up, no signs of anyone, and I park it on the side of the road a few hundred meters past the bunker so no one knows I'm in there and head back to the entrance. Someone starts taking shots at me and hits me, nearly killing me and I have no health left but manage to get down into the bunker. There's nothing down there but an uzi and I have no health, no bandage, no health kits, no first aid kits, no boosters, no vest, no gun attachments except for my 1911.
I debate just rushing the hill the sniper was on, but instead just decide to hide in the corner of the bunker since the circle ended up centered on it, and wait to see if someone comes down. I'm thinking if I'm lucky, they'll have a bunch of gear and healing items and I can maybe get the drop on them and not take a hit because literally, any shot to me will kill me. So I hide behind a box and wait. A guy comes down a few minutes later and he has a bunch of stuff, but he also has a M416 and I didn't have a clean shot, he ran around the bunker but never came over to my side for some reason. He crouched in the middle of some crates and waited for the circle to move. And I sat there, waiting for him to move. We both sat in there for about 10 minutes, through two circle movements.
Finally, the circle moves north and for some reason, he decides it's time to come check over in my corner of the bunker. I pop out and mow him down without him even knowing what happened. He has first aid, bandages, and boosters, so I get my health back up and head out.
I crawl past the firing range and run up the hill somehow avoiding being seen while hitting a couple of different people with a few shots at a distance and end up on the outside of a fence near two houses with ~10 people left. People on both sides of me and I'd have to run around the house to get past the fence (white fence, couldn't jump it), so I drop a smoke, shoot the fence out, and run into the house and upstairs. After some more time, there are only 6 people left and the circle has moved, forcing me to get out of the house. I throw three smoke grenades out and jump off the balcony and run into the adjacent garage. I can't believe no one is in the houses. Circle tightens again, I have to move outside. I prone next to a fence and there are 3 left. I wait, circle tightens again and I'm caught behind it taking damage but I don't want to be first to move. At about 1/4th health I go and run about 10 meters into some short grass and prone. Right then, someone kills the third person alive. I heard the guy who killed him shoot near a tree in front of me, the circle is so tiny it's easy to figure out, but he had a silencer. I abuse third person and see him near the tree, crouched, not even looking my direction. I line him up, move to crouch to ensure I don't miss and fire three shots.
Chicken Dinner!

It was a really great turnaround from a bad situation to a win. I really had all the circle luck after I got up to the houses.
Video, if anyone's interested:
About 10min in length, starts with my approach to the houses near the end of the match.