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PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS Early Access Thread: This Is Battle Royale


After 40 hours I never thought I'd manage to pull it off.

Learned a LOT about how that last ~15 alive goes many times, finally did it right.

It was a sad game to win, as I only encountered one guy early on, who gave me his Vector which took me to victory.
RNG was the real winner here. I constantly found myself near nobody. The 2nd person I killed (3rd person left in the match) simply didn't realize I was right next to them while they were concentrating on the one other remaining person which they knew the location of. The last guy and I were poking at each other through through doors and windows (he was inside) until I finally got lucky and game up behind him.

New patch live on Steam. 1.7 GB.

Today we look at what we have changed and fixed in our week 15 patch.

This patch will be deployed to the Test Servers on Wednesday, July 5, and if everything is stable, to the Live Servers on Thursday.

Early Access – Week 15 - Patch Notes


  • Added SEA (Southeast Asia) server

Client Performance

  • Improved UI performance

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused a character to walk through gas station wall.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a character to stand on top of a tunnel after getting out of motorbike inside of a tunnel.
  • You can no longer get out of a vehicle if the vehicle is blocked all the way around.
  • Fixed a bug that made a teammate's weapon invisible in spectator mode
  • Fixed an issue of the scope crosshair appearing blurry when post-processing quality is set to high
  • Adjusted GROZA rail to better fit Holographic Sight and Red Dot Sight
  • Fixed a bug that caused ammo not to drop after dropping Extended Mag with full Backpack
  • Vehicle tire effects will change immediately when the vehicle is on a different type of ground

See you in-game,
I don't see more recent patch notes, so I guess this is it.
Since the update I can't talk to my teammates,anyone else having this problem? I've tried muting,unmuting,rebinding the talk key,making chat from teammates only to all..Nothings working...


Since the update I can't talk to my teammates,anyone else having this problem? I've tried muting,unmuting,rebinding the talk key,making chat from teammates only to all..Nothings working...

if its anything like me this morning, check your mic wire, your cat might have chewed through it ffs
Åesop;242724204 said:
Yeah I dont get why we have to wait 60 seconds when there's already 100 players in the game

Just a complete guess on my part, but if you've ever brought up your map while sitting on Wait Island, you'll see it's the upper-right island that never really makes much sense during actual gameplay. My guess is that during that minute wait, it's loading in some of the essential assets used throughout the map so you're not sitting on a loading screen for many seconds.


New patch live on Steam. 1.7 GB.

Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that caused a character to walk through gas station wall

I don't see more recent patch notes, so I guess this is it.

My friend has gotten stuck in that gas station wall twice in the past week, so glad they're going to fix it.

Matter of fact, we won a game just last night while he was stuck in the wall. Here's me getting the last kill in duos on a silly mf'r in a bush, while my friend is stuck in the gas station wall lol: https://streamable.com/4ztzu


Back to back #3's...fuck. I looted ~20 houses in Georgopol and I couldn't find any scopes other than a red dot...Fuck...

Does anyone here stream this game on anything other than an I7?

I did a test stream last night with OBS (at what I believe default OBS settings) and ultra settings on my PC which I get about 60+ FPS per secon and it was so choppy and bad.

My PC spec is I5 4690k, 980Ti, 16Gb RAM with 200Mb fibre broadband and 20Mb upload.

Should I lower the game visual settings and try again? I really want to try and get into streaming but bitrates, stream resoloution, FPS etc is all too much info to take in lol

I have a 6700K and 980 Ti, 16gb DDR4 etc and I have most settings on very low/low and textures on high. I'd say I average about 90+ fps, but it can drop into the high 50's on the sunset map. They have improved performance but the game is far from being well optimised.

My settings:

AA - Medium
Post-processing - Very low
Shadows - Low
Texture - High
Effects - Very low
Foliage - Very low
View Distance - Low

See how you go with that. Some streamers use a dedicated PC just for streaming alongside their gaming PC, but obviously that's not viable for someone starting out.
Does anyone know what the deal is with the foliage distance? Seems to me like there's still a distance where grass doesn't render and you can just see someone regardless of him/her lying prone in high grass or not.


I'm complete trash when it comes to shooting moving targets even when I know their destination. I know I know lead your shots but I can never gauge how far out. Also I need to git gud at spotting when I'm on the move.
I'm complete trash when it comes to shooting moving targets even when I know their destination. I know I know lead your shots but I can never gauge how far out.

It's because you can't see the bullet travel like you can in say, Battlefield. I don't know if they're going for more realism or if it's a technical limitation right now, but I definitely wish you could see where your bullets were going so you can adjust and learn the arc of the different weapons.


I swear every time I put a suppressor on my sniper rifle I'm doomed to die soon after. Got half a dozen kills with my AWM without one, put one on and literally 5 seconds later I'm dead.



Does anyone know what the deal is with the foliage distance? Seems to me like there's still a distance where grass doesn't render and you can just see someone regardless of him/her lying prone in high grass or not.
Foliage setting only affects the rendering distance of trees if I'm not wrong. I keep it on ultra because I hate every kind of pop up. Grass is the same for everyone, no?


Does anyone know what the deal is with the foliage distance? Seems to me like there's still a distance where grass doesn't render and you can just see someone regardless of him/her lying prone in high grass or not.

Grass has hard rendering distance that isn't affected in any way by level of graphics settings. Only reliable cover over longer range is trees, rocks and larger bushes as those render at all distances.

They really should do what ArmA does for soldiers in prone at long distance, fake sink them into the ground little bit to make them harder to spot.


Grass has hard rendering distance that isn't affected in any way by level of graphics settings. Only reliable cover over longer range is trees, rocks and larger bushes as those render at all distances.

They really should do what ArmA does for soldiers in prone at long distance, fake sink them into the ground little bit to make them harder to spot.

Make prone more BS than it already is? No thanks. This game needs less camper's advantage not more. Everyone is so damn passive because of this and 3rd person perspective encourages you to play that way.
It's because you can't see the bullet travel like you can in say, Battlefield. I don't know if they're going for more realism or if it's a technical limitation right now, but I definitely wish you could see where your bullets were going so you can adjust and learn the arc of the different weapons.

Pretty sure You can but the bullet velocity plays a part in if you can see it. If you shoot far enough and with a scope you will see your bullet.

Try the VSS which has a slow velocity and fast dip. You can see the bullet quite easily traveling on its path.


Make prone more BS than it already is? No thanks. This game needs less camper's advantage not more. Everyone is so damn passive because of this and 3rd person perspective encourages you to play that way.

How it's BS if you are proned in the grass, but player e.g. 100m out sees you being proned on flat coverless surface? Game already has garbage tier amount of hard cover when outside of forests or buildings [e.g. Gatka fields] so using prone to hide for at least some soft cover needs to be viable.

How grass rendering is done it isn't viable before like last 2-3 circles.


How it's BS if you are proned in the grass, but player e.g. 100m out sees you being proned on flat coverless surface? Game already has garbage tier amount of hard cover when outside of forests or buildings [e.g. Gatka fields] so using prone to hide for at least some soft cover needs to be viable.

How grass rendering is done it isn't viable before like last 2-3 circles.

My bad I misread your comment saying only at a distance. I didn't play arma, how did hitboxes work in that scenario? Did you just have two separate hitboxes? One for people far away from you and another for people close?


My bad I misread your comment saying only at a distance. I didn't play arma, how did hitboxes work in that scenario? Did you just have two separate hitboxes? One for people far away from you and another for people close?

It's more optical illusion than anything else. Basically after X meter they render layer of ground Y cm above actual ground creating visual of player model slightly sinking into the ground.

It doesn't alter hit boxes of player model in any way, just makes it harder to spot without optics. Just like if player was in prone in the grass.

Not perfect demonstration, but gives you idea about how it works:


It's more optical illusion than anything else. Basically after X meter they render layer of ground Y cm above actual ground creating visual of player model slightly sinking into the ground.

It doesn't alter hit boxes of player model in any way, just makes it harder to spot without optics. Just like if player was in prone in the grass.

Not perfect demonstration, but gives you idea about how it works:

I like that! Hope they implement it, or just go for the Squad route when the game is more optimized and force render grass out all the way regardless of settings.

Edit: I'm wrong about Squad.


I like that! Hope they implement it, or just go for the Squad route when the game is more optimized and force render grass out all the way regardless of settings.
What distance is 'all the way'?
How does Squad handle it? Because I can't imagine that they just render all the grass.


What distance is 'all the way'?
How does Squad handle it? Because I can't imagine that they just render all the grass.

I'm wrong about it rendering 'all the way out'. I think servers can force settings to be locked to require a specific setting (i.e. Shadows turned on). Perhaps PUBG could do the same, but increase rendering distance on grass based upon graphics settings and matchmake based on user settings.


I'm wrong about it rendering 'all the way out'. I think servers can force settings to be locked to require a specific setting (i.e. Shadows turned on). Perhaps PUBG could do the same, but increase rendering distance on grass based upon graphics settings and matchmake based on user settings.

Their goal is to force same baseline of graphics [grass, shadows...] for all users no matter level of personal settings in the BG, eventually.
How it's BS if you are proned in the grass, but player e.g. 100m out sees you being proned on flat coverless surface? Game already has garbage tier amount of hard cover when outside of forests or buildings [e.g. Gatka fields] so using prone to hide for at least some soft cover needs to be viable.

How grass rendering is done it isn't viable before like last 2-3 circles.


Also, grass is already set the same for everyone regardless of settings.

Alright but yeah, still not good enough then.
It's because you can't see the bullet travel like you can in say, Battlefield. I don't know if they're going for more realism or if it's a technical limitation right now, but I definitely wish you could see where your bullets were going so you can adjust and learn the arc of the different weapons.

I've noticed the VSS does show you the bullet compared to other guns, so you can see the arc of it.

They should do like Metal Gear Solid and make the last few bullets tracer rounds.

I had a cuhrazy match last night. Was doing squad, my friend headshots a driver and we pin down a group and kill a couple of them. I down one of the guys, and I guess his friend ditched him cause I got the kill confirm after the blue field enclosed there.

So then me and my other friend go to some other apartment buildings, I'm staking out a mini tower trying to catch up the stragglers we left behind, but they never came. So this is where the first bit of fuckery comes up. I say 'Let's go back to the car' and IMMEDIATELY hear the car speeding off into the distance. That was a hilarious bit of comedy.

So then we go into a wheat field, and I see a plane flying in our direction. And I say 'Watch it drop a care package on top of us.' AND THE MAD PLANE DID! RIGHT ON TOP OF US! So we get into a little bushy place to cover the care package, and shit pops off. We see a jeep closing in, and then a Buggy from the opposite side, they start shooting at each other, I'm just taking pop shots while my friend is prone covering me. As I'm taking pot shots, a car pulls up behind us with 3 people. My friend kills one, I take one down with an AKM, leaving the last guy. My friend got downed at this point, so it's me and the last guy. We switch to our secondaries, he had the double shotgun and I had the regular shotgun, and he missed his shots and I hit some of mine, I reload once and finish him off. It was amazing.

We didn't win because I got cocky and fired out of my league at someone in high ground, and we died.


My inability to hit anything past 150 meter is really hurting me late game. Really wish there was a gun range or something I could practice on.


My inability to hit anything past 150 meter is really hurting me late game. Really wish there was a gun range or something I could practice on.

I'm with you here - I feel like I've spent most of my time sneaking around and finding stuff, not a lot of gunplay, which leads to me screwing up once I'm in the last 20 or so.


My inability to hit anything past 150 meter is really hurting me late game. Really wish there was a gun range or something I could practice on.

I think I'm just the opposite. I'm semi-decent at the ranged encounters (I at least win some of them) but I'm getting slaughtered in close quarters. Some of it is just total BS / netcode / server de-sync / whatever, because I'll have what should be an insurmountable element of surprise and unload a clip into the guy only for him to turn around and 1 shot me, but other encounters are just me getting outplayed. For what it's worth I always aim for center mass in a frantic close quarters fight and I often lose to someone that headshots me, particularly with a shotgun. I've started avoiding buildings in the late game in favor of laying low in the hills, rocks, etc. I don't kmow if it's a good strategy but my success rate for encounters with someone entering a building I'm in is just laughable. I seem to do at least a little bit better outdoors.


I think I'm just the opposite. I'm semi-decent at the ranged encounters (I at least win some of them) but I'm getting slaughtered in close quarters. Some of it is just total BS / netcode / server de-sync / whatever, because I'll have what should be an insurmountable element of surprise and unload a clip into the guy only for him to turn around and 1 shot me, but other encounters are just me getting outplayed. For what it's worth I always aim for center mass in a frantic close quarters fight and I often lose to someone that headshots me, particularly with a shotgun. I've started avoiding buildings in the late game in favor of laying low in the hills, rocks, etc. I don't kmow if it's a good strategy but my success rate for encounters with someone entering a building I'm in is just laughable. I seem to do at least a little bit better outdoors.

I'm the exact same as you. I am so much better at mid-range/distance encounters than CQC. With headshots being 250% damage bonus, someone who's a sharp aim in CQC just needs one shotgun blast to the head to end it.


one tip I can give you guys for CQC, is it feels like when shooting in third person most ppl tend to aim lower/move around with crosshairs lower. Try to break that habit. Like you guys said, you're definitely getting hit with headshots. That close you really want to be hitting top of chest and higher.


Since the update I can't talk to my teammates,anyone else having this problem? I've tried muting,unmuting,rebinding the talk key,making chat from teammates only to all..Nothings working...

One of my squadmates might have been having the same issue pre-patch, but I think it sorted itself out a few games later. Not sure what was going on.


Where do the Snipers mostly spawn? Haven't got a single damn one...

Anywhere where weapons spawn. I don't think it would make a lot of sense to make a certain weapon more likely to appear at a certain location. People would just go there en masse.

That said, then: sniper rifles mostly spawn where you find more loot. Dense areas like Pochinki.


I was curious so I just timed it with the latest patch.

With an SSD, it takes me 50 seconds from clicking the game name in Steam to running around the lobby island.
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