It's because you can't see the bullet travel like you can in say, Battlefield. I don't know if they're going for more realism or if it's a technical limitation right now, but I definitely wish you could see where your bullets were going so you can adjust and learn the arc of the different weapons.
I've noticed the VSS does show you the bullet compared to other guns, so you can see the arc of it.
They should do like Metal Gear Solid and make the last few bullets tracer rounds.
I had a cuhrazy match last night. Was doing squad, my friend headshots a driver and we pin down a group and kill a couple of them. I down one of the guys, and I guess his friend ditched him cause I got the kill confirm after the blue field enclosed there.
So then me and my other friend go to some other apartment buildings, I'm staking out a mini tower trying to catch up the stragglers we left behind, but they never came. So this is where the first bit of fuckery comes up. I say 'Let's go back to the car' and IMMEDIATELY hear the car speeding off into the distance. That was a hilarious bit of comedy.
So then we go into a wheat field, and I see a plane flying in our direction. And I say 'Watch it drop a care package on top of us.' AND THE MAD PLANE DID! RIGHT ON TOP OF US! So we get into a little bushy place to cover the care package, and shit pops off. We see a jeep closing in, and then a Buggy from the opposite side, they start shooting at each other, I'm just taking pop shots while my friend is prone covering me. As I'm taking pot shots, a car pulls up behind us with 3 people. My friend kills one, I take one down with an AKM, leaving the last guy. My friend got downed at this point, so it's me and the last guy. We switch to our secondaries, he had the double shotgun and I had the regular shotgun, and he missed his shots and I hit some of mine, I reload once and finish him off. It was amazing.
We didn't win because I got cocky and fired out of my league at someone in high ground, and we died.