Has the zombie mode been added yet? I saw someone two pages back talking about NPCs.
You can play it in custom games
Has the zombie mode been added yet? I saw someone two pages back talking about NPCs.
Has the zombie mode been added yet? I saw someone two pages back talking about NPCs.
Just had one of my best game! Never managed to kill more than 5 people in a game before lol.
Msi afterburner is 1 program to do it with, with that program comes Rivatuner and with that program you actually do the limiting.
Damn I spent like 5 minutes sitting in a bathroom. I open the door and this other dude is just prone watching the window opposite the bathroom door, making for an easy kill. I would have been so pissed and shocked if I was him.
Åesop;242626740 said:When you play SQUAD and the last circle ends up at a house:
Whoa, what settings did you use to get the game looking like that?
Whoa, what settings did you use to get the game looking like that?
Åesop;242626740 said:When you play SQUAD and the last circle ends up at a house:
Top Secret. Great movie.Where is this gif from?
Okay, this has got to be my best moment in the 60h I spent in this game.
So, a question about custom games: Why do they never start?
I've joined probably 25 or 30 custom games, only to have them never actually start. Does someone need to manually launch the game? Or does it wait until all 100 slots are filled? Inevitably 100 people join, but there are people in the 'unassigned' slots.
It's really frustrating and it's soured me on the custom games.
Go play customs to pubg.com
They have automatic hosting and lots of people play there.
Go play customs to pubg.com
They have automatic hosting and lots of people play there.
Ok I just had to make a compilation of some of the weird shit that has happened to me in the last few days during PUBG. Unmuting the mic has led to some great moments
Wow, I love playing random squads. Had a hilarious run! I wish I could find these guys on Steam...
Also, I hate how sometimes the mics just disconnect after a game ends.
Ok I just had to make a compilation of some of the weird shit that has happened to me in the last few days during PUBG. Unmuting the mic has led to some great moments
Of course, no sooner had I started driving a jeep away from the base, some jerk started shooting at me.
oh snap, the game def loads faster now!
I would pay money for a version of the game that goes from my character screen to the plane instead of taking me to "lets be as annoying/loud as possible Island."
I would pay money for a version of the game that goes from my character screen to the plane instead of taking me to "lets be as annoying/loud as possible Island."