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PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS Early Access Thread: This Is Battle Royale

One of the things I noticed in this update and is not explicitly included into the changelog, is that now if you have a controller connected on the PC it will appear the controller button layout for the actions in the game. I was not able to find how to disable it without disconnecting the controller. :/




Fucking cheaters. I've seen a few cases where I strongly suspected players were teaming up in solo but wasn't absolutely certain. The only for certain time was when I saw a buggy drop off someone behind a tree in the end game then drive off a little further away. But last night was the most blatant and ruined what was shaping up to be a good match. The circles were working out in my favor and I was holed up in a tiny 2 level house. One guy had already come in a few minutes prior and walked into my trap on the 2nd floor so that as he came up the stairs I was off to the side just out of view and easily killed him without taking any damage. But now that his crate was sitting at the top of the steps I moved into the more exposed position immediately at the top of the stairs looking down. A few minutes later I hear the door open again downstairs and I could swear I hear 2 distinct sets of footsteps but I dismiss it thinking that can't be right. I still hear what sounds like 2 separate guys downstairs walking around. This is the tiniest 2 story house in the game so it is impossible for 2 players to be down there and not see each other so I still dismiss it. First guy starts to come up the stairs and I kill him taking minimal damage. I instinctively reload and then his buddy rounds the corner and kills me as I'm reloading. Probably would be against the forum rules or something if I said what I hope happens to them. Low life cheating scumbags.
Where are the patch notes?

Early Access – Week 16 - Patch Notes

Client Performance
*Optimized Care Package airplane
*Improved UI performance

Bug fixes

*Fixed an issue where the starting airplane became immobile in sky at the very start of a round
*Fixed inventory display issue on 4:3 resolution
*You can always spectate your teammate's screen in color now
*You can no longer fire weapons in a vehicle from underwater
*Fixed an issue when you could not pick up mags from some areas of the lobby (starting island)
*You no longer have to press the F key to pass through doors destroyed by grenades or Red Zone bombs
*Fixed an issue whereby if you got knocked out while zooming in with a scope, you won't be zooming in when revived
*Fixed an issue when grenades were not available to throw periodically
*Fixed an issue of armed weapon not getting displayed on HUD UI, when switching weapons with number keys while having inventory open


I really don't think playerunknown understands game development and doesn't even have a good grasp of what the studio is doing. He blurts out "it's coming" on twitter then says something completely different on discord
"Dedicated first-person servers will take some time as it requires a lot of work from all teams, [it’s] not as easy as just flipping a switch. "Our game, platform, engineering, and gameplay teams all need to do work to make it happen, and they are all quite busy with optimisation work at the moment!".


So which one is it?

He did the same with the games release date, "It'll be done in 6 months" to "It might take longer". I'd take anything this guy says regarding this game with a pinch of salt, it seems he's more just a poster child than reliable development news.

That's what you're going to complain about? A developer erring on the side of caution when trying to predict the future? I guess you didn't play Ark or you'd probably be in jail for homicide by now.


That's what you're going to complain about? A developer erring on the side of caution when trying to predict the future? I guess you didn't play Ark or you'd probably be in jail for homicide by now.

It's obvious you've missed the point, saying one thing then saying something completely different isn't 'erring on the side of caution' it what politicians love to do and it's called a U-Turn.

If he can't get his information straight better to say nothing at all.



Had a great Duo match. Landed in Severny and took out another duo, then moved to the Firing Range and then just ran up the hill. We had a great circle and after my teammate got an amazing grenade kill through 2 windows, I took out the last few guys on a hill.

Still feels great after 8 wins. Heart racing.

Aso I feel like performance for me went down pretty badly. I have a 1080 Ti and running at 2560x1600 it feels like the FPS was a lot lower overall, with some pretty bad drops down to low 50s.


Does the Vector have any practical use? I swear it needs a much bigger base clip, it's such a bad gun.

I started a game once and immediately found a vector with a scope, silencer.
I mean it basically worked to assault dudes super super early game, but once they threw on body armor/helm it was like w/e


DId some random duos on Asian server. When a guy runs around with a rifle and shotgun you know they are Chinese straight outta H1Z1 lmao
Does the Vector have any practical use? I swear it needs a much bigger base clip, it's such a bad gun.
When it first came out it was broken. There was less recoil and the damage was higher. There was no reason to have any other CQB gun, even without the extended mag it was like a short range laser beam that melted enemies.

They went way too far in nerfing it and made it too unreliable.


Does the Vector have any practical use? I swear it needs a much bigger base clip, it's such a bad gun.

Burst mode has no like kickback or drift. Yeah, it isn't the best gun, but is a better medium-range gun than the uzis (but worse than the UMP, as noted)
Burst mode has no like kickback or drift. Yeah, it isn't the best gun, but is a better medium-range gun than the other semis.
Uh, I would definitely disagree that a Vector is better at midrange than a kitted out UMP, and I consider myself a Vector apologist.
i really suck looking down my scope and getting the target...

what are you guys using for sensitivity?

Same here. I've played tons of PC fps games over the years but the aiming in this one seems more difficult than even ArmA and I can't seem to get the hang of it. I find myself in advantageous positions all the time and straight up lose every time.


I really love this game as a TPS, I hope this doesn't split the community too much with everyone going to play it FPS. It's obviously a massive community right now tho, and I hope most will want to play the default TPS setting.

I personally think that some games need a first person only. It makes the game a little harder for everyone. I like to know that everyone will have the same advantage and you won't be able to peak around corners using third person while completely behind cover.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I really love this game as a TPS, I hope this doesn't split the community too much with everyone going to play it FPS. It's obviously a massive community right now tho, and I hope most will want to play the default TPS setting.

I would be worried normally but with millions of players this game could have a straight up 50% split and it would still find a game instantly.


Neo Member
The vector deals too low damage per shot to be worth it really. The rate of fire and recoil is pretty great, especially kitted out but the standard magsize and the very low damage per shot makes it pretty bad compared to everything. If you find an extended mag it might be a small upgrade over an uzi but not compared to anything else really.


Honestly I play mostly in FPS inside buildings, only time I bother with 3rd is running in open or peeking out windows. Like I can't stand third person inside a building, feels like the camera will swing into something that will obstruct my view. I didn't realize people had any dislike for FPS though or considered it more hardcore or whatever.


I really love this game as a TPS, I hope this doesn't split the community too much with everyone going to play it FPS. It's obviously a massive community right now tho, and I hope most will want to play the default TPS setting.
The amount of people who will play third person will vastly outnumber the people who stick to first person.


FPS mode finally? Looks like I'm finally getting this game. FPS with adjustable FOV is a big deal for me as I like to play with the exact same sensitivity/FOV settings across different games.
Gah, just blew a win because I switched guns right as someone blundered into my path.

It was a great round too. Shooting through a wooden fence to kill someone! A guy who decided to loot a body that was just killed! A UAZ chase to the bridge, complete with a fresh supply drop on the beach surrounded by vehicles and death boxes! Bridge trolls! Running over the driver of the other UAZ who decided to become a bridge troll last second! Finding a Dacia that seemingly had all its tires shot out, then realizing that it spawned sunk into the ground! Half of the remaining players being AFKers killed by the blue! One of those times where you kill a guy but it counts as a blue death! A siege of a small building where people are hopping over fences to get each other and also the guy in the building!

Oh, and I also figured out why my picture quality got so bad: if you mess with the screen scaling, even if you revert it back to 100, then the value in the GameUserSettings.ini file won't be exact: it'll be like 100.758 or whatever, and it'll still count as the screen scaling so stuff will be blurry still. So if you ever messed with the scaler, check to see if the value is correct or not.


Its what i expect too, but its gonna be very interesting to see the gameplay differences between the two modes

They need to do a lot of work in the FOV tweaking/animations department to make first-person really take off. As it stands right now the perspective and position of the camera is very jarring and awful.


When it first came out it was broken. There was less recoil and the damage was higher. There was no reason to have any other CQB gun, even without the extended mag it was like a short range laser beam that melted enemies.

They went way too far in nerfing it and made it too unreliable.

Feels like it's not good at all agaisnt body armor. The firing rate and clip size just doesn't feel right.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Speaking of close quarters guns, goddamn that double barrel shotgun sure kills quick sometimes. I think I'm gonna start picking that up instead of smg for house clearing.

Although full auto AR is still what I feel most comfortable with ultimately.
They need to do a lot of work in the FOV tweaking/animations department to make first-person really take off. As it stands right now the perspective and position of the camera is very jarring and awful.

Yeah, I can't really imagine playing whole matches only in first person. I mostly play in third person and will occassionally go into first person mostly if I'm in a building or something camping out or aiming down the sights obviously.

More options can't hurt I guess, I just don't see much appeal to first person only servers. Like you said, the first person is functional but it's not exactly really polished.


One step forward and two steps back regarding controllers still. Great there's icons specific for controllers and the very small percentage of people who use them, but now those icons trump PC icons if the controller is plugged and in there's still no option to disable it.
The pump action shotgun is probably the best at house clearing right now.

-Doesn't have the recoil of the S12
-Has extra ammo so you can cover a door or corner with suppressing shots and not have to constantly reload like the over-under
-At close quarters it can shred through everything

If your final circle is a close quarters fight it's actually viable.


People use controllers for the PC version of this?
I feel like given this kind of game's precise aim requirement's it'd be a hell of a handicap.


People use controllers for the PC version of this?
I feel like given this kind of game's precise aim requirement's it'd be a hell of a handicap.

I don't know about that but at least, moving with they joystick is better vs WASD. You lose an advantage but gain a different one.
People use controllers for the PC version of this?
I feel like given this kind of game's precise aim requirement's it'd be a hell of a handicap.

Could be just part of the framework for the console version. Get an early idea how the game works and how usable the UI is with a controller.


People use controllers for the PC version of this?
I feel like given this kind of game's precise aim requirement's it'd be a hell of a handicap.

I doubt it, he just pointed out that the icons show when you have a controller connected to your PC. It would seem they've started work on the xbox version and the changes have bled over to the PC version.
Last night I had some god awful performance issues. Textures and geometry not loading for almost 2 minutes after landing, leading me to be disadvantaged or outright killed because I couldn't see shit. Framerate down to 4fps at points (whereas I normally average around 70 to 80).

Was it just me last night? Or a prolonged session fucking things up?


Last night I had some god awful performance issues. Textures and geometry not loading for almost 2 minutes after landing, leading me to be disadvantaged or outright killed because I couldn't see shit. Framerate down to 4fps at points (whereas I normally average around 70 to 80).

Was it just me last night? Or a prolonged session fucking things up?

I've noticed issues with long sessions causing frame rate problems and eventually crashes. Guessing there's a memory leak somewhere.
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