Plane Escape Torment
Some major, major performance upgrades in this weeks patch. Getting 144 fps while in the goddamn plane!
What patch? Is this on the test server?
Some major, major performance upgrades in this weeks patch. Getting 144 fps while in the goddamn plane!
I felt exactly the same way when i started playing. Even though i have a lot of experience playing FPS games. Having a good aim helps, but i feel what is more important in this game is situational awareness. For example when you want to run across the field to loot house make sure you look around using Free Look. I have killed so many people just because they don't check their surroundings and have no idea that i am really close to them, but i see them because i actively check my surroundings. Another important thing is footstep sounds. Make sure you have nothing playing on background or make sure you can hear footsteps clearly. Sometimes you have to be sneaky and listen to footsteps and sometimes have to rush them. I think it comes with experience, the more you play the better your decision making will be. You will also learn how each gun works and that will help you a lot as well. Its more fun learning it while playing with friends than solo.
I like playing aggressively. Getting kills in this game is hella satisfying and i don't like camping. I don't mind dying at all, but the loading times for this game is still ridiculous even with SSD. That's the only reason i hate dying in this game.
Some major, major performance upgrades in this weeks patch. Getting 144 fps while in the goddamn plane!
Plane stays the same for meSome major, major performance upgrades in this weeks patch. Getting 144 fps while in the goddamn plane!
I def. think the two things ppl need to focus on improvement wise when they first drop in is situational awareness and then actual shooting.
When you hear gunfire, even if you're not moving in that direction still take note of it etc. Quick way to work on your shooting is to do those school/hospital/city drops. Learn how to peak corners.
Also worth nothing that kinda like socom, lag/network seems to favor the aggressor in a lot of scenarios (particularly close range). So say you're corner peaking and someone is coming around to you, don't wait for him to reach you, jump out and meet him. Odds are the fight will end in your favor.
Not a big aggressive player myself but it's good to remember that sometimes it *is* the best course of action. Adapt etc.
Heh nice kill!So I played with some friends tonight and we accidentally dropped in separate spots. So when they died, I went on a suicide mission, shooting shotgun shells in the air in towns. Got near apartments and some magic happened. This is why I love this game
Has anyone got chicken dinner with zero kills?Finally feasted on some of that succulent chicken.
My friend won duos with neither of them getting kills. The other people died to the gas.Has anyone got chicken dinner with zero kills?
Has anyone got chicken dinner with zero kills?
My problem with this game is that you can be top 10 and do very well by just doing... Nothing. I have a total of 7 hours played and already made it to number 2 twice simply by avoiding fights and hiding out. I don't think someone with my beginner level should be able to reach number 2 so easily.
I shouldn't have popped smokes and just stayed inside of them, it was easy for the guy to just aim for that area.
Smoke physics appear to be client-side too. What looks like an awesome bit of cover to you may not be any cover at all from the other guy's point of view.
My problem with this game is that you can be top 10 and do very well by just doing... Nothing. I have a total of 7 hours played and already made it to number 2 twice simply by avoiding fights and hiding out. I don't think someone with my beginner level should be able to reach number 2 so easily.
Has anyone got chicken dinner with zero kills?
Has anyone got chicken dinner with zero kills?
Had an amusing solo round where I made the top 15 (yeah yeah) and as I was casing the outside of the circle supposedly all stealthy I hear a metallic chunk right behind me. I spin around to see a crate not 5 feet from me on the ground. My first thought: "oh shit".
What's everyone's plane jumping strats in solo?
I currently have a solid strategy of getting away as far as humanly possible from the plane's flight path and I always seem to have a town or two completely to myself before even having to bother with the circle. After that I locate a bike and just haul ass to duke it out in the hot zones.
I can't state my love for the bike enough. That thing is the king of mobility, flexibility and speed. Got some sweet, sweet SKS kills with the 8X scope today. I just kept spotting dudes in the distance, rode my bike to an elevated position, jumped off and put holes in them from a mile away.
I got this for my birthday from my friends today. Played a few solo games since I'm off work and damn this is hard. I survived both times until the top 40, but the second time I tried to get clever with a buggy, somehow flipped it on the way to the bluezone and died from falling trying to get out of it lol.
Word to the wise: never, ever disembark from any vehicle going faster than 2mph.
First person servers coming in this months patch!!
We will bring 1st person only to EU/NA SOLO & DUO games first, and once we have polished the system, we will expand to other regions.
I know they said FOV but server confirmation?
Very cool.First person servers coming in this months patch!!
OK, keep it real. How prevalent are cheaters in this game?
I really hate the 'Hur hur he killed me he must be cheating hur dur' mentality and I'm perfectly comfortable with the fact that, as an average (at best) player, I will be outplayed 5/10 times, but some really fishy shit has been going on lately.