Started off strong. Landing area had two shotguns, two assault rifles, lvl 2 backpack and helmet, and a buggy out the front. Got a couple of kills and thought it'd be smooth sailing. Jumped out of the buggy apparently going too fast and died on impact.
I can totally dig the appeal of this game and I love the idea, especially the addictive one-more-round quality, but I'm pretty sure it's not for me. The military sim aspect is too early-access-like in control and feel (especially player movement, the the clumsiness trying to jump over objects and lack of vault) without feeling particularly deep or involved enough to excite me. The hit feedback doesn't feel particularly rewarding to me. The setting, weaponry, and equipment choice is a bit sterile for my taste too, given the premise. I just find it hard to get super engaged when everything looks and feels so drab.
Given the success I'm looking forward to the inevitable clones. Something a bit more adventurous in gear and weaponry, less based on strict reality, would be something more akin to my taste. That being said I also suspect this is a lot more enjoyable with a buddy or squad. At the moment I'm riding solo.