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PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS Early Access Thread: This Is Battle Royale


Fuck, got top 3. Probably would've finished first but nope, I was running to the safe zone, had one foot in, one foot out, died.

I would've survived if I didn't take a crack shot at someone :(


Yes, just had chicken dinner with two buddies, what a nervewrecking game of everybody proning in a wheat field.
Hit a guy 9 times at close range with an Uzi blast.

He hits me with what is shown on my client is a single AKM round (not even to the head) and I die instantly.

Hit a guy with no face protection three times in the head directly (while he's looking at me) with a SCAR, he shoots me in the head with an M16 shot while doing so and is still fine.


Hit a guy 9 times at close range with an Uzi blast.

He hits me with what is shown on my client is a single AKM round (not even to the head) and I die instantly.

Hit a guy with no face protection three times in the head directly (while he's looking at me) with a SCAR, he shoots me in the head with an M16 shot while doing so and is still fine.
Have to wonder how much of this is dsync... cause that doesn't sound right at all.
Welp, died fifth last in a random squad match, with rather nice 4 people spree in the last 3 seconds (and died to the barrier).

The connection issues are rather funny too, yesterday I got like 8 free kills from the beginning because the plane drops disconnected folks to the end of the map.

I really should stop playing with randoms though, the constant `allah akbars` and `fuck your moms` can be real grating. In that game above I even got harassed only for using a female character model (???) which was pretty baffling but I can imagine how bad it is for actual female (or other minority/etc. group) players.


Poor server tickrate and people with spotty connections are probably the reason there is so much desync.

It's the same in DayZ and the ARMA series.

Optimizations need to happen on the server-side before it'll get better.


Played this game 9 times and haven't got a kill.

Usually just spend 20 minutes collecting gear, running from place to place, then I'll run into a house, shoot a guy a few times with nothing happening, then get one shotted.

I love the idea of this game; but maybe it's better to watch than actually play..
Played this game 9 times and haven't got a kill.

Usually just spend 20 minutes collecting gear, running from place to place, then I'll run into a house, shoot a guy a few times with nothing happening, then get one shotted.

I love the idea of this game; but maybe it's better to watch than actually play..
That has been my experience but it is still very fascinating to play that it keeps me coming back after I die.


Welp, died fifth last in a random squad match, with rather nice 4 people spree in the last 3 seconds (and died to the barrier).

The connection issues are rather funny too, yesterday I got like 8 free kills from the beginning because the plane drops disconnected folks to the end of the map.

I really should stop playing with randoms though, the constant `allah akbars` and `fuck your moms` can be real grating. In that game above I even got harassed only for using a female character model (???) which was pretty baffling but I can imagine how bad it is for actual female (or other minority/etc. group) players.
Just mute voice chat.


Played a few games yesterday of this after purchasing with a group of friends and, I have to say, it's quite fun. Still suck at finding enemies after they ambush you and I'm getting the impression after a successful ambush of my own that if you have to look for an enemy after they shoot you you're probably already dead.

Also, the uzi is worthless.


getting a lot of issues today with dodgy connections and not being able to open doors! might just be something with my internet though :(
Okay, the next round was way better, and I had two really funny moments where A) I shot a guy in another apartment building in Polyana, and B) I later realized the reason there were so many shots and rustling around nearby was because the crate had landed right next to my building and I hadn't even noticed.

Also, SMGs are actually more useful than I thought. They kick far less than ARs now (especially with a grip), and can be super flexible in either clearing buildings, ambushing around corners, and at medium range they'll miss less than bursts of AR fire.


Played this game 9 times and haven't got a kill.

Usually just spend 20 minutes collecting gear, running from place to place, then I'll run into a house, shoot a guy a few times with nothing happening, then get one shotted.

I love the idea of this game; but maybe it's better to watch than actually play..

Really weapon depended after people get armor on.

Some good go-to guns are any shotty, UMP, Vector (godtier, especially with extended mag), AK and M416. When you suspect close encounter swap to full auto and always when possible go into full ADS for maximum accuracy with automatic weapons.

UZI is also fine, but you need to really land full mag from hug range.

If going to give it another go try find some of those babies, some armor and go ham.
I just had the most bizarre thing where the server tried to figure out what was happening as I rammed a just parked Dacia from the side at full speed with a UAZ to knock it off a hill.

-The game started stuttering and teleporting my UAZ back and forth as it tried to figure out what to do with both cars
-My UAZ flipped and the Dacia either barely moved or didn't move at all
-The driver immediately swapped to the passenger seat and headshot me as I was popped out of the UAZ's passenger door, which was in the air
Take a look at the Custom Game servers some time. It's still janky but trying a pistol and grenades only round was fun.

I saw a first person shotguns only teams one but I chickened out.


Took a leap of faith and purchased. My first Early Access game in a looooong time.

Any good guides for performance optimization? Runs okay on my system but not the best.

Experiment, but game is still somewhat CPU bound.

I have 1080p, resolution scale at 120, textures on High, draw distance on Medium, motion blur Off, rest as low as they go. I get 90FPS (capped to it via RTSS) most of the time, cities are above 60FPS.

I have i5 6600K & 980Ti.


Played this game 9 times and haven't got a kill.

Usually just spend 20 minutes collecting gear, running from place to place, then I'll run into a house, shoot a guy a few times with nothing happening, then get one shotted.

I love the idea of this game; but maybe it's better to watch than actually play..

That has been my experience but it is still very fascinating to play that it keeps me coming back after I die.

Why run around collecting gear when the gear can come to you?


Free kill every time. No one ever turns down a first aid kit. Just make sure your doors are all closed downstairs and take as little loot as possible/drop another decentish item to make it look like no one's been in the house.

Giggle joyously while executing

Cackle maniacally as you go to loot their corpse and see they were already carrying 4 first aid kits.

always check those corners, people


I'm running a 3770k and a 1070, everything on ultra with 120 resolution scale but blur off. I get presumably 60fps constant but I don't notice any dips or anything. Looks muddy because of EA but works well.


Played a few games yesterday of this after purchasing with a group of friends and, I have to say, it's quite fun. Still suck at finding enemies after they ambush you and I'm getting the impression after a successful ambush of my own that if you have to look for an enemy after they shoot you you're probably already dead.

Also, the uzi is worthless.

The uzi and the vector are both nearly unreasonably good at close range. Dont ads. always full auto.
Had a great sequence where I ambushed a guy with my m1911 from a balcony.

I failed to score any hits in my initial. He unloads his M16 full auto, then swaps to his hand gun and runs into the house. I drop from the balcony and catch him in the corner with a heatshot. He ended up having almost a 'full' set of gear. Woo!

And then I ran to one of those weird guard tower buildings, got trapped by the door against the wall and died by falling. Woo!

edit: SMGs and pistols I can manage in cqc. Shotguns I'm awful with.


edit: SMGs and pistols I can manage in cqc. Shotguns I'm awful with.

With shotties all you need is LMB and moving crosshair into general area of target. If you want go all hardcore with shotties grab double barrel and practice firing both barrels into same target at once.


Got in my first car (dune buggy) and I jumped out while it was going full speed. I died from falling. That was fun.

I feel like this is everyone's first experience with cars in this game.

This is the only game where I now slow to a stop before getting out. Other games have trained you to drive 100mph and dive out with 0 problems.


Got in my first car (dune buggy) and I jumped out while it was going full speed. I died from falling. That was fun.

This is from all vehicles and very deliberate. They want you to basically be stopped before leaving a vehicle so you don't use it as a projectile weapon before engaging in a fight.
I have no idea to feel proud or bad that my best long range headshot on a fast moving target happened on an extremely laggy server where they were teleporting around. Because there's a 50/50 chance the game was just giving it to me.

(Also when I died, the death message popped up a split second before the actual shot rang out)


Played a few games yesterday of this after purchasing with a group of friends and, I have to say, it's quite fun. Still suck at finding enemies after they ambush you and I'm getting the impression after a successful ambush of my own that if you have to look for an enemy after they shoot you you're probably already dead.

Also, the uzi is worthless.

UZI is fantastic for clearing houses, full auto of course.

Man 40 hours play time came first in solo once, first in duo once, consistent top 10 for some reason, I think key to doing well is knowing your limits, thinking and positioning.


Nothing like a miraculous shotgun kill to completely 180 a round where the game has loot trolled you, only to have it all fizzle out when you're at 6 left and get stuck freefalling on terrain until the circles kill you.

Salty Hippo

Got top-10 in my first two games, both with 100 people. Haven't encountered a single enemy yet, I just keep cowardly hiding my way into the circle. Still can't tell if there's much lag because both times I had no idea what killed me. lol

UI and equipping shit seems to be kind of a clusterfuck. I need to look up some in game commands too.


Anyone think the footsteps are entirely too loud? I was in an apartment in the middle of the map near the school and I could hear people walking around looting the apartments on the other side of the street. Even crouch walking seems to ring a big "I'M HERE" alarm that lets everyone know exactly where you are. It's almost impossible to catch people unaware unless they're playing with the sound off.


I guess I've been in a bit of a cocoon for the last month or so gaming-wise....today is the first time I've watched a couple of streams of this.

Seems like it's pretty popular at the moment. It looks to me to be a fast paced version of DayZ but without the zombies and jank of the Arma engine.

I might buy it when it comes out of early access....price seems a bit steep at the moment with only 1 map and 1 game mode.


Unconfirmed Member
Anyone think the footsteps are entirely too loud? I was in an apartment in the middle of the map near the school and I could hear people walking around looting the apartments on the other side of the street. Even crouch walking seems to ring a big "I'M HERE" alarm that lets everyone know exactly where you are. It's almost impossible to catch people unaware unless they're playing with the sound off.

If you hold Ctrl you can sneak around. Also, if there's bombardment or a plane flying by, its a good time to make a move.
if you hold ctrl you can be loud slower*

but you can be 3-5 entire dB quieter if you take off your shoes

Is this true? Taking off your shoes really makes you quieter? Oh man if this is true good bye boots.

Bridge camping is the most fun thing to do in this game hands down. Won a few duos from gear dropped from guys we ambushed.
Weird lag spikes today, but I had an amazing duo round where I got 7 kills (that's good for me!!!). I died to the blue when I tried to heal after taking down one guy and the game lagged out on me for like 15 seconds.

Also a hilarious end to a match when I was scouting ahead on a hill to spot the source of gunfire in the fields, and I ended up in the same bush as another guy.

I am now officially a convert on SMGs. I used to think they were just a placeholder until you got an assault rifle or sniper rifle, but they are incredibly useful.
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