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Playing Alone in the Dark: Inferno via PS+ Streaming

I used to own a physical copy but probably traded it in at some point. I've never finished this game but it's always stuck with me and has remained on my radar.

2 things right off the bat.

1. This PS+ streaming is working remarkably well. Like the majority of the US, we have cable internet in our area but my wife is grandfathered into some AT&T bundle so we roll with aDSL, lol. I figured streaming wouldn't work cause my speeds are slow but it's been incredibly stable. No hiccups or anything. I feel like the resolution isn't true HD but it looks good enough. It could also just be the game, it released in 2008.

2. This game is impressive across the board. Not all of the systems work as well as they should but it's an Atari published game developed by Eden Games....who the hell is that? A quick glance at their wiki shows that prior and post-AITD, they only make racing games, lol.

The fire system, physics, and destructible environments are really fun to toy around with; I picked up a computer monitor and used it to break down a door, lol. And if the janky nature of the game causes you to get stuck on a part or maybe you just want to outright skip it and move on, you can do that right from the pause menu. It's a DVD style system, you can skip the next checkpoint or level.

Definitely check this game out if you've never played it or tried it back when it released and don't remember much, it 100% swings for the fences and though it ends up being a foul ball, it's still insanely impressive and worth experiencing. There honestly isn't anything else like it. Really interesting game and something that could be an absolute gem if it were to be properly remastered. Clean up the glitches, adjustment movement, etc. It could easily be an absolute classic.


PS+ streaming adds about 80ms of additional lag, this is an improvement from the 100ms from a few years ago, but still absolutely shit.

80ms additional lag (not even including TV lag) is as if you're playing on a really REALLY shitty TV with game mode off.


Yep, one of the most underrated games. So many cool ideas and systems that haven't been utilised since then. I especially liked physics based puzzles that made sense withing the environment and didn't rely on some random obscure logic.

There will be a point in the game where you gotta destroy some roots if, I remember correctly, in the open world and even they were pretty different to each other and unique in how you have to approach them.

The cool thing is that the game maintains it's quality and mixes things up until the very end.


I've been interested in it but will probably have to settle for getting an og copy. I'm not into streaming, and I've got my PS3 still. Wish it was straight back compat on current gen. I am looking forward to the new game, I hope it turns out well.


This is the one with the Blinking mechanics right? I own the SE of this on Xbox 360 and my god was it an awful mess at launch, have you gotten to the driving section yet?


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Didn't know it was on there, dread to think what the picture quality is like.

Oh, not on the UK store
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This is the one with the Blinking mechanics right? I own the SE of this on Xbox 360 and my god was it an awful mess at launch, have you gotten to the driving section yet?
yea, you press R3 in the beginning of the game to blink and you can blink anytime when you're in first-person mode, lol. The 360 version is different from Inferno though. I think Inferno might have only been available on the PS3. I assume aspects of the fire are unique to Inferno. I should look up the differences between the two. There's also a Wii/PS2 version I always wanted to try out, just to see how they implemented all these "nex-gen" systems in old hardware.

I just got the garage so I'm about to start driving. I'm looking forward to some laugh out loud sections. I have vague memories of pieces of the environment causing the car to do some really funny glitches.
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Al Pachinko, Konami President
I enjoyed it

kanye west GIF


PS+ streaming adds about 80ms of additional lag, this is an improvement from the 100ms from a few years ago, but still absolutely shit.

80ms additional lag (not even including TV lag) is as if you're playing on a really REALLY shitty TV with game mode off.
I've played stuff like Megaman 9-10, Castlevania Lords of Shadow and Motorstorm Apocalypse without noticable lag.
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