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Playing Halo Online...questions & comments


Well, for the first time in a long time I'm not behind a firewall that blocks online games (stupid university), and I have some free time. I've been enjoying Halo LAN getogethers with my friends, so the other day I decided to dust off the PC version so I can enjoy the multiplayer mode(s) without having to worry about getting together 4-5 other people.

The only thing is....it just seems messed up. Even when I have a ping in the 60's, things just seem a little skippy/laggy. I guess I can't expect it to be as smooth as a LAN, but it's a little ridiculous. This is my first online FPS since Q3A, and even that was smoother than this. Is the network code exceptionally bad or is this what everything is like nowadays? Is there anything I can do to fix the problem?

The game also seems a good deal harder than the Xbox version -- there's better players yes, but it just seems like it takes a lot more ammo to kill anyone. You can empty 3/4 of a pistol clip into someone and they still don't go down.....a charged shot with the plasma pistol does harm but doesn't completely knock out shields...etc,etc. Is this because hits aren't registering due to lag or because they decided to alter the balance of the game (since people are better at aiming)? Covenant weapons seem much less useful.

Can anyone recommend some of the better mods and maps? I recall seeing pictures where people had altered the game to make the Pelican a usable vehicle...

Oh, and since I haven't done much PC online in recent years -- what is the de facto server browsing program? It's a bit of a hassle to use the in-game browser. I hear that now Gamespy is too bloated and loaded down with spyware....


It's all on the netcode, man. There's a solid good reason why Halo PC's netcode is the way it is, Randy Pitchford(Gearbox) gave us a really nice rundown on the Gearbox Forums why they had to make it the way it is...

But I can't find the post. :(


But then he'd miss out on the SUPER KICKY FAST ACTION-MODIFICATIONS!...

Y'know, like this:

Click on the images for 1280x1024 versions of 'em. That's New Mombasa, it was released just yesterday.
Sai said:
But then he'd miss out on the SUPER KICKY FAST ACTION-MODIFICATIONS!...

Y'know, like this:

Click on the images for 1280x1024 versions of 'em. That's New Mombasa, it was released just yesterday.
they've got mods for Xbox Halo too :D


Can't play the Xbox version online -- I don't have an Xbox, and my friends don't have broadband. I suspect XBConnect would be even laggier.

Sai -- What's a good fan site to catch all the mod/level information? Is there anything in particular worth checking out?

I don't buy Gearbox's explanation that the network code "has" to work as poorly as it does. I don't get what makes Halo different from any other game. If there is something about the design that is going to force them to have lag with a <100 ping, then there are going to be a long of unhappy Xbots when the sequel comes out and the netplay doesn't match up very well to the LAN play.


border said:
Sai -- What's a good fan site to catch all the mod/level information? Is there anything in particular worth checking out?



And I'll give you a nice rundown of what maps to look out for in just a minute. :D

I don't buy Gearbox's explanation that the network code "has" to work as poorly as it does. I don't get what makes Halo different from any other game. If there is something about the design that is going to force them to have lag with a <100 ping, then there are going to be a long of unhappy Xbots when the sequel comes out and the netplay doesn't match up very well to the LAN play.
Hehe, not many people did buy it. If I do find the thread I'll be sure to give this topic a bump and show it to you.


Alright... I was going to provide you with screenshots to give you a nice preview of the maps along with nice short descriptions, but... It's time consuming, guy! :D So... I'll just list some of my favorites, I hope this'll be helptful:

- Atalanta
- Blood Islands
- Camtrack Arena
- Casualty Gorge
- Claustrophobia
- Cliffhanger
- Control II Clean
- Cover Canyon 2
- Decoy
- Facing Worlds UT
- Faith
- Fissure Fall
- Frost
- Gallows Pole
- Green Valley
- High Low
- Multiplayer Assault on the Control Room B
- New Mombasa Classic
- Nightcamp CE
- Quagmire
- Victory Island
- Wartorn Cove/Wartorn Cove 2


One more question before I go diving into all of this:

I have to install Halo Custom Edition to run all those maps, right?

Can I remove Halo (regular install) and just run the 180MB CE version, or do they share files?


Yes, you need Halo: Custom Edition to run these maps.

I don't believe they share files. CE gets a new folder alongside Halo PC with it's own map files 'n' such, so... Try it out, I'm not sure. :)


I play PC HALO online nearly every day with a 56K modem. My ping is in the low 200's but I never have serious lag and I always manage to kick much ass despite my ping. =)
just to jump in before PC Halo bashers ;)

I havne't had any problem with lag (usually 50-60 ping).
I think it's something with your connection. People only are pretty damn good though,
I think there must be armor upgrades because I have the same problem
(empty a ton of rounds) but I get killed in only like a few shots.

I use gamespy arcade to find games. Not sure about spyware but the interface is pretty clean.


After playing a bit more I have to say that this game seems totally jacked. You have to lead every single shot you take to account for this weird-ass lag....even with pistols and rifles and such. Some people are super deadly with the sniper rifles, so I do wonder if it's only my problem or whether they've really learned to deal with the lag.


They've learned to deal with the lag. It took me about a good week to completely synch with the game's lead... This was Halo PC, by the way. HaloCE, even now, is a whole new challenge. The leading in Custom Edition varies so much for so many different people. If I could have Gearbox fix one thing about CE right now, that would be it. Make the lead more consistent damn it.

There's always a nice, long lead, man. It's not just you, everybody's dealing with it. :(

You can adjust, it just takes some time and patience.. A bit of dedication, I suppose? Unfortunately, and understandably, a lot of people were not willing to. Hence why there are less than 500 people playing Custom Edition, and why in another month or so Halo PC/CE will be pretty much nonexistant in the competitive scene... *sigh*


Yeah, I would like to switch to the CE, but when I use the game's server-browser it looks like nobody else is really playing it. Many of the maps I downloaded aren't even available (except New Mombasa, which is understandably popular)...

Is Gearbox still working on the game at all? Or have they basically said "Fuck it, we're through"?

Just out of curiosity, is playing with XBConnect any better? Or is it still laggy?


They're pretty much through. It's not really their fault though, there's still more for them to do, but it would just be a waste seeing as how HaloCE is so unpopular(they already used a bunch of manhours, without pay just to release HaloCE). Bungie and Microsoft are too preoccupied with HALO 2 and everything else to test and release any of Gearbox's updates on HaloPC(it was the reason Gearbox had to release the Custom Edition, seperating the community), so... That's that.

Saddens me quite a bit. There was a lot of potential there, and the editing community, for a time, was really pumped about user-created... But even the Halo Editing Kit, that was released alongside HaloCE, didn't live up to everybody's expectations. Disappointments left and right...

Oh well, 4 months 'til HALO 2 comes out. I just hope the online experience will really be what Bungie promises.

[EDIT] - Oh, and... I can't tell you how XBConnect is. I played it once a long time back at a friend's house and the experience was no better than HaloPC's. But, I've heard it's gotten a lot better... There's always going to be lag and leading of course(unless you're the server), but I'm sure it'll be a lot more stable than HaloPC's netcode. Heh.

Honestly, I'd like to try it out now, but my PC does not seem to be compatible with XBConnect... Anybody care to run me through this? I'd like to know what's wrong.
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