There's always people who buy both consoles. There would also be people like me who would buy neither if the PS4 wasn't available.Why? What's the difference between one console selling 100 million by 2 consoles selling 50 each?
There's always people who buy both consoles. There would also be people like me who would buy neither if the PS4 wasn't available.Why? What's the difference between one console selling 100 million by 2 consoles selling 50 each?
I believe about 6m, with 3m of that in the U.S. Over time, Microsoft extended their U.S. lead to about 15m. Sony's catch-up was split about evenly, exceeding the 360 by about 7.5m in Japan and 7.5m in the rest of the world.
Why? What's the difference between one console selling 100 million versus 2 consoles selling 50 each?
Why? What's the difference between one console selling 100 million versus 2 consoles selling 50 each?
How many generation Nintendo were the market leader? and what company won the most generations?
Sony was the leader with PS1 and PS2 and most likely this gen too so that 3 gens
Saw one in Saturn Heidelberg today, KZ bundle., 549.
Also, 16 Bones stacked next to it.
Do they really have a single PS4 or do they always fetch the next one from the storage room when they sell one?
For the industry to thrive, one must die. I hope the industry and the gaming audience come to a collective consensus by the end of the year that xbone needs to die so we can move on to gaming nirvana.
Competition =/= sales parity.Truth is you are wrong as fuck. First, we will never have generation big as PS2 generation was. There's PC, mobile and tablets competing for people's free time.
Second, Nintendo and MS are much stronger imo on their own than in PS2 gen, especially MS who goes after same crowd that Sony does. That means more variety for the sales too.
Third, higher dev costs mean that 3rd party exclusives are pretty much dead unless strongly moneyhatted. This means there will be no "go to-console" like PS2 was, probably ever again.
PS2+PC kind of sales wouldn't be enough today to support game industry. Actually, it would be a disaster. For comparison, last gen there was X360+PS3+PC who each had strong sales and good software sales and even that wasn't enough to keep studios or some publishers afloat.
Since PS2 days, dev costs today are about ten times as high. So do you think you can up your game sales ten times larger? Give me a list of over 10 million selling PS3 games for comparison.
Also, single console industry sounds like fucking disaster in the making. Competition is what drives this industry forward, and competition is good for the consumer.
Competition =/= sales parity.
Someone please provide a link to Y2Kev's post.
PS4 and X1 are basically PCs so the cost of porting is basically non-existant.Do you understand that it's a simple numbers game? If the xbone installed base isn't big enough, devs won't be able to recoup the cost to port their games.
I hope this happens. If you agree that the console market is shrinking, you really want one dominant platform that allows developers to maximize their returns. The console market has to become more efficient in order for devs to continue to invest in AAA games. Reducing the number of consoles is an easy way to make this happen. Microsoft should double-down on PC gaming and release a streamlined gaming OS based on DirectX.
Competition =/= sales parity.
Someone please provide a link to Y2Kev's post.
Who said competition = sales parity?Competition =/= sales parity.
Someone please provide a link to Y2Kev's post.
Truth is you are wrong as fuck. First, we will never have generation big as PS2 generation was. There's PC, mobile and tablets competing for people's free time.
Second, Nintendo and MS are much stronger imo on their own than in PS2 gen, especially MS who goes after same crowd that Sony does. That means more variety for the sales too.
Third, higher dev costs mean that 3rd party exclusives are pretty much dead unless strongly moneyhatted. This means there will be no "go to-console" like PS2 was, probably ever again.
PS2+PC kind of sales wouldn't be enough today to support game industry. Actually, it would be a disaster. For comparison, last gen there was X360+PS3+PC who each had strong sales and good software sales and even that wasn't enough to keep studios or some publishers afloat.
Since PS2 days, dev costs today are about ten times as high. So do you think you can up your game sales ten times larger? Give me a list of over 10 million selling PS3 games for comparison.
Also, single console industry sounds like fucking disaster in the making. Competition is what drives this industry forward, and competition is good for the consumer.
I don't think it is true. It might be cheaper than last gen but I don't think it is either free or extreme cheap.PS4 and X1 are basically PCs so the cost of porting is basically non-existant.
Who said competition = sales parity?
Competition brought us X360, competition brought us PSP and DS, competition brought us PS4 etc. Competition brought us PS+, competition brought us great exclusive games and so on. Right now competition is bringing us 449$ Titanfall bundle instead of 499$ no-game bundle, games sales on every platform etc. MS has been shitted on by gamers and competition for months so they have to deliver this E3 via great software. Nintendo is fumbling terribly with Wii U and getting their ass kicked, so expect them to deliver big time if not in this gen then with their next home console if that happens. That's what competition does, and if they deliver then consumers win by getting more options.
If as a consumer you are hoping for a platform to die because you don't happen to like it, then you are a stupid shithead fanboy.
Do you see a rotting product on the store? Maybe Vita and Wii U, although Wii U gets some support from Nintendo.Competition is not losing a screw over a bad product failing. Competition is not blind faith that someone will "bring it" at E3. Competition tells us just because on company drops out of a market doesn't mean no one else can throw their hat in the ring.
Sometimes a company just can't compete anymore, but no one deserves to be here and it isn't anyone's responsibility to prop them up. Your grocery store doesn't keep rotting produce around just so people will have more options.
IF MS drops out that doesn't automatically mean the market shrinks. It could just mean Sony absorbs all those users. Publishers/Developers benefit from reduced porting costs and their user base all being in the same place so they stop losing sales from people who want their game, but not enough to buy different hardware. Gamers benefit by not having to buy 3 multiple systems to gain access to all the games they want to play. That's hundreds of dollars that could go to buying more games instead of more ways to play games.
Do you see a rotting product on the store? Maybe Vita and Wii U, although Wii U gets some support from Nintendo.
But are you saying X1 can't compete anymore? Is it a rotting product? No and no. And after only six months you shouldn't even be making these calls. It took from end of 2006 to mid 2009 (PS3 slim) for PS3 to start shining. That's almost 3 years.
I see what you are going after with your one console dream, but there is too many questions and dangers that overcome the positive sides. Do you have an example where a single product market has been better than multiple competing products?
Once again, Sony had Europe and the rest of the world to fall back on. They also had the 1st party dev team to pump out games that aren't available anywhere else. MS has neither of them this gen.Do you see a rotting product on the store? Maybe Vita and Wii U, although Wii U gets some support from Nintendo.
But are you saying X1 can't compete anymore? Is it a rotting product? No and no. And after only six months you shouldn't even be making these calls. It took from end of 2006 to mid 2009 (PS3 slim) for PS3 to start shining. That's almost 3 years.
PS2I see what you are going after with your one console dream, but there is too many questions and dangers that overcome the positive sides. Do you have an example where a single product market has been better than multiple competing products?
That post isn't asking for sales parity. They are saying competition drives the industry forward which it does.
If want a eg we would could use beta vs VHS or HD DVD vs Blu ray , remember at the end of the day games are just software , for consumers it being like the movie industry would be the best .
A minimum spec then hardware and software manufactures compete from there like PC \ steam box but with much more players and options so consoles gamers still get there box under there TV but they don't have problems on the OS , driver etc etc side .
Still that a bigger dream than 1 consoles plus PC .
Sony didn't have great 1st party studios in the beginning of the last generation. They developed and gained those over years. What actually prevents MS to start developing their own studios and make their 1st party output even better?Once again, Sony had Europe and the rest of the world to fall back on. They also had the 1st party dev team to pump out games that aren't available anywhere else. MS has neither of them this gen.
Xbox and GC were there too, and I would take Gamecube's library any day over PS2's since I owned both back then. Metroid Prime is simply better than anything on PS2. I'm actually talking about a single product market where there absolutely isn't any competition. It sounds so fucking crazy that somebody actually dreams of this. What is the happiest country with a dictator as a ruler btw?
They'll probably have another go-around. And they may fail again to present a viable value proposition, and may perform even more poorly than present. At which point they may cede the home console market. Which is perfectly within the nature of competitive markets. If a market is sufficiently attractive though companies will continue to compete within it.Does anyone really think Nintendo is going to pull out?
Lol.I also doubt Sony will give up on Vita and hand the market over to Nintendo.
Sony didn't have great 1st party studios in the beginning of the last generation. They developed and gained those over years.
Xbox and GC were there too, and I would take Gamecube's library any day over PS2's since I owned both back then. Metroid Prime is simply better than anything on PS2. I'm actually talking about a single product market where there absolutely isn't any competition. It sounds so fucking crazy that somebody actually dreams of this. What is the happiest country with a dictator as a ruler btw?
Single console market in my mind leads to: stagnation, since you don't have to bring new hardware so often. Example GC-Wii for twelve years. Your preference is what defines if this is good or bad thing. Lack of innovation, since why push for anything new. Terrible prices, since there's no competition to force your hand. Bad ratio for price-hardware. Etc. Only positive side I can think of is that any game would work on this wonder-console.
I don't think Sony's online system would be what it is without Xbox Live. I don't think think PS+ would exist without competition. I don't think Xbox division would exist without Sony. PSP wouldn't exist without Nintendo. Playstation division wouldn't exist without Nintendo. Etc.
They'll probably have another go-around. And they may fail again to present a viable value proposition, and may perform even more poorly than present. At which point they may cede the home console market. Which is perfectly within the nature of competitive markets. If a market is sufficiently attractive though people will continue to compete within it.
That's obviously not the position the Xbox One is in though.
If they haven't given up on Vita yet, then they're deluded. And it's not really their choice ultimately as retailers aren't going to be ordering a product in substantive quantities when they can only sell a unit every couple of months.Also why laugh about Vita, Sony is still making them even though Nintendo beat them during the PSP days and are beating them even more with Vita. They may not make another but it's not because of how well Nintendo has done but rather the shift in the market with the popularity of mobile and tablets.
Using mediums like HD DVD versus bluray doesn't work here. Consumers are not willing to support that type of market where you have two different formats to watch movies on. This dates back to the betamax versus VHS days. Gaming on the other hand does support it and dates back to the Nintendo/Sega days.
PS4 and X1 are basically PCs so the cost of porting is basically non-existant.
Hoping for a single console future is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. What if that console was 599$ PS3 instead of 399$ X360? Or DRM-X1 instead of PS4? But oh well, if we are hoping for single console future, then I'll hope it's Sony that disappears soon enough. They are out of money so they can't be trusted to be around providing games in the seeable future. Yeah, this makes as much sense as your post.
AAA industry is already fucked, nothing will save it anymore. Even the thought that AAA needs to be saved by different actions should tell you how fucked it is. Create a sustainable business model instead you numbnuts.
Lack of innovation, since why push for anything new. Terrible prices, since there's no competition to force your hand. Bad ratio for price-hardware
I also doubt Sony will give up on Vita and hand the market over to Nintendo.
I'm not talking about sales parity. These things go in cycles, and the latest cycle has just begun.That's not necessarily true. I don't know nearly enough to make a sound judgement of what would happen in a market with only one main firm being the supplier, but I highly doubt they'ld be able to set any price, "since there's no competition".
If that firm was to set their price too high, there would be little-to-no sales. Sure, I guess you're talking about a situation in which there exists only one firm through which games are provided, but that's just not reality. In reality, even without a second major firm, there's always companies making new products. There's smartphone gaming, PC gaming, handheld gaming, even boxes like Ouya.
If hypothetical single-major-firm was to set a high price, demand would drop as consumers move over to those substitutes. Or, if this was not the case, and major-firm was making a massive profit by setting an unrealistically high price, new firms would have an incentive to appear and also trade.
So bringing it back to your argument. Yes, "competition" is good, but no, I do not believe companies always need an equal competitor in terms of market share. If Microsoft was to drop out of the market tomorrow, leaving only Sony, no, they likely wouldn't bring us a lack of innovation and the death of gaming. Microsoft would be replaced by others, even moreso if Sony was to drop the ball.
Single console market in my mind leads to: stagnation, since you don't have to bring new hardware so often. Example GC-Wii for twelve years. Your preference is what defines if this is good or bad thing. Lack of innovation, since why push for anything new. Terrible prices, since there's no competition to force your hand. Bad ratio for price-hardware. Etc. Only positive side I can think of is that any game would work on this wonder-console.
I don't think Sony's online system would be what it is without Xbox Live. I don't think think PS+ would exist without competition. I don't think Xbox division would exist without Sony. PSP wouldn't exist without Nintendo. Playstation division wouldn't exist without Nintendo. Etc.
I also doubt Sony will give up on Vita and hand the market over to Nintendo.
Stagnation from a single console market as a result of an Xbox One failure is just not going to happen.
If the Xbox One were to actually die an early death (Saturn style), the PS4 would still have to compete with PC, mobile and handheld as well as any potential future offerings from Nintendo coming (which probably will be "mid gen"). They are not going to be able to raise prices, slouch behind on first party or whatever. Sony as a corporation is hurting like hell, SCE are not going to coast even if the Xbox One disappears.
And I doubt they'd unlearn what they learned with the PS3/PS4 turnaround.
I'm picturing this as much more analogous to the Saturn/PS1 situation than anything else. And the PS1/N64-generation kicked ass.
Competition is good for innovation, sure, but the console market is being attacked on all fronts and Sony and Nintendo would do fine as the only major players, and gamers would be better off.
Who said competition = sales parity?
Competition brought us X360, competition brought us PSP and DS, competition brought us PS4 etc. Competition brought us PS+, competition brought us great exclusive games and so on. Right now competition is bringing us 449$ Titanfall bundle instead of 499$ no-game bundle, games sales on every platform etc. MS has been shitted on by gamers and competition for months so they have to deliver this E3 via great software. Nintendo is fumbling terribly with Wii U and getting their ass kicked, so expect them to deliver big time if not in this gen then with their next home console if that happens. That's what competition does, and if they deliver then consumers win by getting more options.
If as a consumer you are hoping for a platform to die because you don't happen to like it, then you are a stupid shithead fanboy.
Yeah all us Xbox gamers would be better off with MS pulling out and making our purchases obsolete.
Yeah all us Xbox gamers would be better off with MS pulling out and making our purchases obsolete.
I also doubt Sony will give up on Vita and hand the market over to Nintendo.
Imagine what would happen if PS4 gets some legit AAA games. That number could go up.
Microsoft is far from finished. Ask Nintendo if they'd take Xbox One sales over the same period for the Wii U.
Microsoft's course of action is working. If DRM wasn't a talking point Microsoft might equal Sony's sales. I expect new IP from Microsoft throughout most of next year.
Speaking of sales.... PS4 has no games!
Imagine what would happen if PS4 gets some legit AAA games. That number could go up.HOLLA AT 20.5 MILLION UNITS IN YOUR MOUTH. Digest deez units... ALL 20.5 million of them.
Microsoft is far from finished. Ask Nintendo if they'd take Xbox One sales over the same period for the Wii U.
Microsoft's course of action is working. If DRM wasn't a talking point Microsoft might equal Sony's sales. I expect new IP from Microsoft throughout most of next year.
Speaking of sales.... PS4 has no games!
Imagine what would happen if PS4 gets some legit AAA games. That number could go up.HOLLA AT 20.5 MILLION UNITS IN YOUR MOUTH. Digest deez units... ALL 20.5 million of them.
Yeah, Sony's really been putting some real effort behind the Vita. Never doubt the champion!
Please tell you're not serious w/ the "noah gammzes" part, because I figure being Huey and all, you'd have more sense than that.Microsoft is far from finished. Ask Nintendo if they'd take Xbox One sales over the same period for the Wii U.
Microsoft's course of action is working. If DRM wasn't a talking point Microsoft might equal Sony's sales. I expect new IP from Microsoft throughout most of next year.
Speaking of sales.... PS4 has no games!
Imagine what would happen if PS4 gets some legit AAA games. That number could go up.HOLLA AT 20.5 MILLION UNITS IN YOUR MOUTH. Digest deez units... ALL 20.5 million of them.
The problem is, in a way they've done that already w/ the TitanFall bundles, and it still wasn't enough. Price isn't the main factor. Image (both as a brand and from the debacles last year) are. I think people will be surprised at how many casuals know about the DRM fiasco; it's probably a lot.The DRM isn't the only thing that hurt Microsoft. I'd argue the #1 reason for the differentiation is price. When Microsoft can offer a product that is at or lower cost than the PS4 in which the public sees comparable value for the price than the numbers will begin to improve. Until then it's going to be the $599 all over again, except this time it's Microsoft that is hurting.
Why are people using extremes in their argument. The Ps4 won't be the only console on the market even if it has the same market share as the PS2. As long as there's OPTIONS to buy another console, no one should be complaining or begging for consumers to buy a console that has less value than the other console. It's up to companies to improve their value proposal.
Also, why are people still trying to spin the transition to the PS3 as a "arrogant" and "anti-consumer" thing? Is it really bad that a market leader took a $200 hit on every console to include the cheapest Blu ray on the market, built in wifi when the competitor offered a $100 solution, PS1 and PS2 backwards compatibility, and a bunch of other advantages over the competition?
I feel like people only mention the quotes during the early PS3 days, rather than the overall value of the console. Although, price was definitely too high if people only wanted to just play PS3 games. I couldn't even consider to buy it at the time when I lived with my mom, so I can see how a lot of kids couldn't buy the PS3 at the time.