There was only 1 Xbone game released in January?
March is the real shocker. One of the busiest months of the year and only 2 games.
There was only 1 Xbone game released in January?
March is the real shocker. One of the busiest months of the year and only 2 games.
Anytime someone posts "How is the PS4 selling with no games?!"
Post this fucking chart.
Those casual gamers who bought a Wii last gen have moved on to free to play phone and iPad games, they're most likely not going to be split among Sony and ms, core Nintendo fans are always going to go with Nintendo, the core market has grown but that's the market the xbone is losing in nearly every region due to higher price and weaker hardware, the latter of which cannot be remedied.Actually, what you're forgetting is that last gen was split between three consoles, whereas this gen, with WiiU underperforming, is essentially split between two consoles. Even if Sony dominates all regions, the Xbox brand can still manage a very healthy total sales figure, that might even surpass the 80 million set by the 360. The market and demand are larger than they have ever been, and both consoles are beating their predecessors.
So where does the need to 'recover' even come from? Seems like an unfounded fear.
I can see this getting use a lot and should make some people shut up .
Not caring about certain games is one thing saying PS4 don't have any is trash .
Do people really buy a console that has the most games even knowing they won't play half of them? Or it's only useful for fanboy wars?
This is a big win for Sony. Great console, great games and I still wan't to buy one.
Do people really buy a console that has the most games even knowing they won't play half of them? Or it's only useful for fanboy wars?
This is a big win for Sony. Great console, great games and I still wan't to buy one.
that list actually leaves out a couple of games on the PS4.
Im pretty sure pure chess, that trivia game and backgammon blitz were available not too long ago on the store. Dont know what the hell king swapper is, but there is a title called king oddball out as well.
Not sure what the list disproves, I doubt the marketing and development budget of those indie titles match up to games like Titanfall.
Not sure what the list disproves, I doubt the marketing and development budget of those indie titles match up to games like Titanfall.
With 2013 lauch games this list would be perfect and will still show the point
Not sure what the list disproves, I doubt the marketing and development budget of those indie titles match up to games like Titanfall.
Nah they have been slow on it but eventually it will get the indie titles.Wait... So is nothing coming out on the XBO's marketplace every week?
I agree. It doesn't matter what the quality of the game is and the amount of content they have, Titanfall's marketing budget dwarfs all of those games combined. Titanfall cancels out all of those games so there's really no games left on the PS4 side of things.
I agree. It doesn't matter what the quality of the game is and the amount of content they have, Titanfall's marketing budget dwarfs all of those games combined. Titanfall cancels out all of those games so there's really no games left on the PS4 side of things.
Not sure what the list disproves, I doubt the marketing and development budget of those indie titles match up to games like Titanfall.
I agree with that. But I see these lists as something more useful to a fanboy war than to the actual quality of the console. You can have a shit ton of games on it but if they're all crap, what's the point? (not saying those games are crap)We may not play all of them, but there is a lot to choose from so there is something for everyone.
I would say the exact same thing. I don't pick sides.It's useful for having more games to choose from whenever you are about to buy a new game for your system.
I wonder how many people would try to object to this in the contrary position, if X1 had more games than the PS4.
Nah i sure FFVIX budget got Titanfall's marketing budget cover by it's self lol .
Hm, interesting chart but I don't think it paints a true representation of how things actually are. I mean, you could use this if you had some kind of agenda or you could be sensible and unbiased. In which case, I personally prefer the following:
Not sure what the list disproves, I doubt the marketing and development budget of those indie titles match up to games like Titanfall.
Any word on Watch Dogs resolutions?
That could stir up a lot of shit prior to release and lead to an even larger gap in May / June between the two consoles
Bound by Flame is PS4 exclusive?
Hm, interesting chart but I don't think it paints a true representation of how things actually are. I mean, you could use this if you had some kind of agenda or you could be sensible and unbiased. In which case, I personally prefer the following:
Wait... So is nothing coming out on the XBO's marketplace every week?
Not sure what the list disproves, I doubt the marketing and development budget of those indie titles match up to games like Titanfall.
In one month, a million seller. In 12 months, a 12 million seller.So basically the argument is "Have you SEEN (an ad for) Titanfall?"
Not sure what the list disproves, I doubt the marketing and development budget of those indie titles match up to games like Titanfall.
So basically the argument is "Have you SEEN (an ad for) Titanfall?"
The penmanship!Hm, interesting chart but I don't think it paints a true representation of how things actually are. I mean, you could use this if you had some kind of agenda or you could be sensible and unbiased. In which case, I personally prefer the following:
Nah they have been slow on it but eventually it will get the indie titles.
In one month, a million seller. In 12 months, a 12 million seller.
All you need is Titanfall.
Xbox One is no hype, all games.
PS4? All hype, no games.
Yeah... But only about three of those titles are exclusive to the XB1.
the ps4 has quality and quantity.
I was doing some premature damage control there, it was in jest. Not sure if that resolution bit was enough to give it away. :/PS4 games have all of those things, not only the least important one which is higher resolution in some multiplatform games, but also the quantity and quality.
Diverse game libraries are like that.
You got that right!