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Playstation Meeting 2013 Thread: Go Fourth


I'm underwhelmed now..was hyped initially, saw the connectivity ideas, games were OK, no PS4 showing kinda let me down. I'll wait for MS's showing maybe in E3 or later to decide which console will be my primary next gen console I'll buy at launch


Really fantastic conference, but not perfect. Going to wait to see Microsoft's unveil of the Nextbox, and then of course wait until E3 to hear about all of the good and the bad that gets passed over in these types of events.

It's still up in the air, but it looks more and more like I'm going to get a PS4.


I remember saying Sony wasn't going to "blow there load" at this event and how everyone thought The Last Guardian and FFvs13 would show up.....lol

Over all I guess the features from the first 10 mins were the highlight.
While the features they showed were impressive, I was personally left disappointed with the games they showed. Games in genres that don't interest me, games I would just get the PC version of, and tech demos from the developers that might have sold me on a console at launch.

Hopefully at E3 when Sony reveals more of the launch line-up there will be games I would be interested in. Otherwise I will probably wait a couple years like the PS3 for games I want to release.


Very MEH on the whole thing. Knack looks like a game for children, Killzone looked boring as hell, not enough footage of the racing game...and that was about it for the first party games.

Things like having someone play my game doesn't sound cool, the sharing of footage is really cool though.

They needed some footage of some amazing playing first party game but that didn't happen.
It was a nice conference. Nothing convinced me I should drop $400+ for the console yet but they still have E3 and some time yet. I liked the philosophy and some of the indie games they showed!

As always, we'll see!
This is simultaneously the most amazing and underwhelming press conference I have ever seen. I don't know how they managed to accomplish that combination but they did.

I would say Hardware / OS is pretty much best-case-scenario.

Software portion proved they held this event early to beat MS to the punch. Too many "logo on screen" moments.


8GB DDR5.....fuck me
Infamous Second Son (best open world game gets follow up - more superheroes to fight)
Dat DS 4 - thank you based Sony designers.


SE "Please be excited for E3 line"
lack of KAZ, which proves how absolutely absent Sony is from social media
Lack of Console Hardware - was 50 / 50 anyway, but we know whats under the good so I'm ok


Hardware: 10/10
Software 6/10

I am VERY excited for E3. Very. And about the next Final Fantasy title, do you think the guy was refering to Versus or the next proper game, such as XV ?

The online shit is what has me excited. Play as you download and live broadcasts sound amazing.


Hardware: 10/10
Software 6/10

I am VERY excited for E3. Very. And about the next Final Fantasy title, do you think the guy was refering to Versus or the next proper game, such as XV ?
Obv Android music themed minigame priced at 49,99€, special offer just for you.


The social/sharing features were amazing.
Gaikai cloud streaming of PS4 games plus potential PS1,2 and 3 BC.
8GB of GDDR5 RAM wow!
All games looked great.
Bungie with exclusive content.

Great show overall, and still E3 to come. Not perfect but much better than I expected.


That was fantastic, purely from the hardware standpoint. Killzone and Watch Dogs looked fantastic, but aside from those, it looked like a lot of smoke and mirrors.

But the hardware, oh god, the hardware.

8GB GDDR5? Are you fucking kidding me? Amazing.
Instant-on, resume and instantly playable demos? Yes please.
Play my games as soon as they start downloading? WTF is this sorcery?!
Additional chip to do any downloading, installing and updating? Holy fuck, yes.

My biggest complaint has always been that the PS3 takes forever to "do" anything. Booting up, entering the store, downloading, installing, updating, long game intros, loading, loading, loading. Such a huge timesink.

The PS4 seems designed specifically to eliminate all of that. It's basically my dream console, powerful, quick and rewarding.


System does seem great. Everything about it. Games were really meh. I hope Sony have some better things in terms of games for E3. No EA was a real suprise for me.


Really impressed with Sony. Their focus on making the presentation about the developers and gamer's was perfect. It sounds like the experience for both groups will be wonderful. I'm happy with the graphics shown and looking forward to seeing what developers come out with. I love that they got Jonathon Blow and the guy from Mm into the conference, too. All in all, one of the strongest game-related conferences I've seen.


The console seems FANTASTIC.

they haven't showed too many games but they are saving them for E3, also because they probably need some time, it's february.

Great event, no crappy casual games.

So it's Holyday 2013 worldwide?


I was hoping for more games.But its ok .Would have liked GT. Anyway to me at least some games are showing that next-gen leap in graphics but the physics and animation aspects still seem to be lacking but maybe they will improve as we get closer to launch.I cannot wait for deep down.


Jesus christ.

You people.

Durango won't have shit to show either. Just be happy the PS4 is technically going to be a monster of a console.

The thing isn't coming out for 9-10 months ... plenty of time to whack your noodle around.


Am I the only one hoping for blizzard to announce Starcraft Ghost as their ps4 title?

Nevertheless, an okay-ish announcement event. Disappointed that there were alot more promises than actual games showing.


I'm pissed.

Where was the console? I don't know how it looks like.

Where was the price? How is the online service - paid- - will it be different than before?

I like the streaming ideas, but all the social stuff is getting annoying. Fuck off, I just want nice games! Enough Facebook and recommending me stuff.

No interesting games. Yargh.
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