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Playstation Meeting 2013 Thread: Go Fourth

I like what they're offering in the new console. I liked 3 games out of all that they showed, and only 1 is exclusive. Meh. E3 it is then.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Overall, I was left cold by that presentation.


People complaining.

It's FEBRUARY.....February...

We have the name, the release window, TONS of console features, some INCREDIBLE looking exclusives, and clearly this is aimed solely at GAMERS AND NOT YOUR DAMN GRANDMA!!!



As in "Heathcliff"
I have a question regard with no username situation?

What if i'm not interested to share my real name in public so can I opt to use my username?


Hmm... The conference did have stuff I liked, like that video sharing stuff and specator stuff, but I can't help but feel like we were shown a LOT of CGI, the kind of graphics the PS4 might not reach for a while. Still though, I thought that was pretty good for a reveal conference, even if honestly I feel like the conference could have been better paced.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Not very impressed and I watched from beginning to end. I guess it's just early and we'll probably see a lot better at E3. Nothing here except scary old man head and maybe Watch Dogs really stood out as next gen to me. Killzone: Shadowfall, while looking superb, still looked like a current gen title.


Man Im blown away with the hardware.

8GB of GDDR5? Are you kidding me? Man i so want to find those threads from e3 were I was told 4GB of gddr5 is in dream land. hahahahaha

Cannot wait for e3. Man MS better step it up. The leaked hardware needs to be about double to keep up with the ps4 at this point.

Man i really wants a BF4 for launch and would love to see what next gen madden will look like.

Sony really hit a home run with this. Hardware is just amazing...loving it!!!


PS4 seems fucking awesome. The UI & all the OS features seems simple & fast and the hardware seems to be a beast as well, based on everything shown.

Sony has come a long ass way.

This was their best conference in years, they learned from their early PS3 days.


What a strange conference that was! They spent so much time describing features that would have been so much better understood with a video showing said feature off.. They took forever to show a game and it was an odd one to present first. Everybody wanted to see what the console was capable of and my guess is that they weren't really paying attention to that title.

The features are impressive. Almost all rumors came true in a good way.

Blizzard onboard (exclusively?) - nice, Destiny exclusive content - nice: Activison seems to like the PS4.

Where was EA? Why didn't they show the console?
When you show the interface of your console in some footage, why don't you present it properly, but talk almost an hour about it without showing it? Feature list seems steady, but not ready. And I get that you won't spill all your games in one conference, but they should have had more gameplay - from new IP's that is.


I'm sure it's been mentioned- Deep Down = Dragon's Dogma?

Unless stated otherwise, if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck...

Kind of a lack luster conference. No BC is a low blow. I will look at the controller later. No console to show. Wii Music. Some multiplatform games like Watchdogs. Killzone and Watchdogs being the most impressive. Tech demos. Diablo 3 (I am so sorry PS4 owners).

Just meh. Will wait for E3. Conference overhyped.


I said elsewhere, my feelings

It's obvious that they are holding back important things, like the system design itself, so that they have some big things to unveil at E3, another important media event. And in that I feel like they might have spread out some of the hype a little thin, and might have not done themselves too many favors in that regard.

And it seems to me the same is true of their first party offerings, they chose to highlight a few key properties and move on... and I think this is also for E3.

So, judging purely on what we've seen, I'd say it was a 7/10 show. Some really neat details - 8GB DDR5 is the biggest megaton, I mean what the fuck (but I guess that means $400+, which means why bother?) - but they also squandered a little of it with announcements that went nowhere (Media Molecule's Wii Music deux debacle/SquareEnix/etc).

The SHARE button unveil was everything I hoped it would be and more ... a true paradigm shift and innovation that isn't also a gimmick for once. This alone can really sell me.

Capcom's game looked fucking INSANE, but I'll believe it when I see it being played live. That shit was outrageous.

All in all, though, a clear theme to me seemed that the trend of 'no more exclusives' will continue, because third parties would have made note if there was an exclusive game there.

Biggest whiff of course was not showing the system design, which everyone highly anticipated, so there's no doubt there's some disappointed souls tonight. But if you put that aside as the fairly irrelevant data point that is, it's a decent showing. Not what they needed to do to steal the industry back, but decent.


I don't get it... what the heck was "underwhelming" about the presentation? It was amazing from start to finish. And the games showcased looked fantastic with a clear step up from current-gen.

People seem to be forgetting that the demos shown today were running on GTX 680s last E3. That is amazing by itself!

Some people never are satisfied, they just want message board fuel.
No matter what the presentation was like, you would have had many of the same responses.
E3 will be amazing


No price, no actual hardware reveal, and no real date. I have a hard time believing this thing will actually come out this year.


Outside of Watch Dogs and the 8 GB Ram announcement, this was a giant waste of time. Nothing but hype hype hype, same shit, different era.



Blew me away. As an xbox only guy for the last 11 years I think I'm ready to go Sony. That capcom game, fucking hell. DEM PS4 SPECS. Controller looks brilliant. What more do ya need.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
So tech guys..with what they announced, what is looking like a likely price? >$400?
I would say Hardware / OS is pretty much best-case-scenario.

Software portion proved they held this event early to beat MS to the punch. Too many "logo on screen" moments.


8GB DDR5.....fuck me
Infamous Second Son (best open world game gets follow up - more superheroes to fight)
Dat DS 4 - thank you based Sony designers.


SE "Please be excited for E3 line"
lack of KAZ, which proves how absolutely absent Sony is from social media
Lack of Console Hardware - was 50 / 50 anyway, but we know whats under the good so I'm ok

Yes, the hardware was what we dream of spec wise. I just hope it don't cost a mint to buy at launch. I don't want to relive the "This is Living" premium Sony era but it certainly smells like it.

Also, did anyone notice they focused alot on talking about DOWNLOADING games but never made mention of discs of any sort? They never announced a super big Blu-ray medium when rattling off the specs. I'm smelling a download only console here.


I'm happy about the social features, controller, and Gaikai implementation, as well as streaming to Vita but the games were a major let-down.

Shadow Fall looked great but it's one more Killzone. DriveClub is not for me, I'll wait for Gran Turismo. One more InFamous. In fact there weren't many new IP's from Sony and the 3rd party stuff were more impressive, like Deep Down and Watch Dogs.

In fact, Watch Dogs and Destiny are the most interesting next-gen games to me and those are probably also coming out for Xbox 720. Though I'm still pretty sure I'm going PS4 exclusively next-gen.
Here is review of the conference. It was a great reveal but it clearly shows that this conference was made to one up Microsoft's pending announcement. A lot of Games were put together as if they would be more ready for E3.

The Graphics and potential looks amazing. Finally an easy hardware to develop for and 8 GB of DDR5 is insane. The first of what I saw on a PS4 is all potential but I think the potential will be fullfilled better for PS4 than it was for PS3 because of the much easier architecture.

Sony is holding back the console, the price, Polyphony Digital, Naughty Dog, E3 and many other games for E3. This was just the announcement. the Real show will be at E3 because Sony will have a conference there as well and I think that will be the real showcase of the power.

All we got was the potential and tidbits here, the real dinner will be E3
Haha, people crying already.

They did an absolutely amazing job. They also saved a lot for E3, like the console design and likely the price, release date and a shit ton of games.

That hardware announcement was crazy... 8GB of GDDR5? That was a shock. The price might suffer though.

Killzone looked better than anything I've ever seen... ever. It looked absolutely incredible.


That was great IMO. Loving the look of Knack, Killzone: Shadow Fall, Watch Dogs and inFamous: Second Son. Controller looks pretty good, and system spec sounds impressive.

Only disappointments were not seeing the hardware, and Media Molecule not doing a traditional game.


Disappointed. They had so many eyes fixated on them and didn't seem to show nearly enough.

Watch_Dogs still looks great, but disappointed in the PS4-ness of it. Hopefully a launch title at least.
inFamous: Second Son will be great I'm sure, but I'd bet Sucker Punch could've come up with something new.

No idea what the touch pad could even be used for besides web browser navigation and scrolling.

Why did Squeenix even show up? Or Blizzard?


My network connection dropped a few times, so I maybe I missed it. I heard no mention of the PS4 having a bluray drive or users being able to purchase a physical copy of a game. Should I assume the PS4 is going all digital?


I thought the streaming stuff and social stuff all sound spretty cool I'm really looking forward to just playing around with the hardware :)

As for software..... well it was fine, but i can't say I was blown away.

The moment blizzard came on it was obviously going to be diablo 3 as it was said to becoming to consoles ages ago.

Killzone looked pretty...but was pretty much the same ol' game.

FF was not new at all, i mean really was anyone impressed bya video they had seen months ago :p

Watch Dogs looks like a really cool game, but we know thats coming to every console known to man, and whilst it looked impressive it wasn't really new or unexpected.

Destiny/Bungie exclusive dlc is really cool, and the extra scenes where good to have i think its the strongest thing, and they did well to end on it.

overall i give it 7.9/10 looking forward to seeing more @ e3.

Yes Boss!

Really damn boring. More games the same. Where is The Last Guardian.

The only cool takeaway is that at least they seem to be blending the two generations together. I honestly don't think Joe Six-Pack will see an appreciable difference (or really care) about the graphical bump.

As usual, it is the little games that never make it to these things that will make or break the system.

Next gen looks to be more of the same and more boring. Hopefully MS flips the tables and offers something new.
So here's my personal feeling so far.

- PS4 controller looks amazing to me, it looks like the grips look comfortable. Also that share button is amazing something I've always wanted
- Knack looks okay but not awesome, it kinda reminds me of old platformers
- Streaming service sounds amazing and that streaming games is something I've always wanted
- Killzone's graphics of the city was mesmerizing bt I'm not that hyped of shooters
- Infamous Second Son looks fun, though the only thing I can say for now is that I love the main character's design and his chain whip
- Witness I've never been attracted to puzzles but love the cartoon graphics
- That old man looked WAY to real I barely have the words to say about that, especially Phanta Reih
- Final Fantasy hype begins for me.... now
- Blizzard's pairing with Sony is shocking to me, but intriguing
- Lastly, I know what I'm getting Watch Dogs for ;)

Overall - 8/10
I know what the PS4 is capable of now, but I don't know what it looks like. Still it's pretty good to still have stuff to look forward to at E3.


That was fuckin awesome, definitely exceeded expectations. The hardware is fuckin beast. And lol at the nubs whining about games, you think they are going to show everything at the first reveal of the PS4? A lot of people didn't even think they would show any games albeit one or two first party short cg demos.

Looks like Sony is exactly where they want to be with this one.
Mixed feelings. No footage of The Last Guardian really disappointed me. I was sure this time that it was going to make its comeback at the event, yet still no mention of it. Not enough straight-up gameplay footage of Sony's inhouse software either I felt. But the console itself seems to be doing everything right this time. It seems like a very forward thinking piece of hardware with a lot of terrific features.

It was pretty good overall; could've been better. inFamous Second Son needed to show some gameplay footage big time.


Wow, that was terribly underwhelming.

So much hype, so little delivery.

What was with all the rhetoric and vapid philosophising?

And why was virtually everything they showed heavily scripted with limited (if any) player control? And when it was actual gameplay (looking at you Watch Dogs) the screen tearing was so distracting that I couldn't focus on what the player was actually meant to achieve. (I also didn't like the cop killing in that particular game, especially so close to the whole Dorner incident.)
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