Playstation Meeting trailer: See the Future. Feb. 20th [Will Be Livestreamed]

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Neo Member
What's up with Kaz's comment about letting MS go first?

you know, not everything people tell you it's the truth. sometimes, most of the shit that comes out of these CEO's and PR people doesn't need to be discussed in long ass threads because they really don't mean anything.
Oh, this would only be at least 2 freaking months earlier than I would have anticipated Sony announcing information, if this is PlayStation Orbis Related. I mean, this is like a huge eye opener if they come out and announce their system in February!!!!



Nothing's eating me, other than flinging a not-so-subtle "I told you so" at certain people. Not everything I tweet is directed at GAF.

I never assumed it was as much as I didn't understand the attitude or sentiment of the Tweet. It's unclear what is being referred to.

It was confusing.

Dr Dogg

I expect full on demo similar to Vita reveal when they demoed Uncharted. I reckon that game will be Guerilla Games new IP.

We'll probally get more ducks and CGI trailers. Saying that Harrison is at MS now so the little yellow buggers might have gone as well.


Junior Member
Crazy Ken should unveil it. Wonder if they are going to show all the games as well or save it for E3.
I'm an absolute sucker for hype. I had no intention of getting a PS4 at launch, yet I find myself getting caught up in the hype the moment there is a hint of an announcement. I'm a marketer's dream! lol


Thank, God. Fuck E3. Die in a fire! HAHAHAHAHA.*

I can't wait.

*To clarify. I want more direct events from console makers. Waiting for yearly trade shows seems so antiquated these days.
its annoying to have to wait.

i like how nintendo directs are announced less than 24 hours before they happen.
then i dont have to die from anticipation.


Few months ago I really thought MS would be the first to unveil, and I wouldn't have been surprised if the PS4 was to be released in 2014. Funny how things goes.
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