Playstation Meeting trailer: See the Future. Feb. 20th [Will Be Livestreamed]

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fuckin awesome! rofl

somebody take this and do some more work please! just needs 1 or 2 more heads for movement to make it legendary. theres some good pics in this thread actually wish i knew how.(amazing as is tho)

Yeah, I'd do it myself but its 1am and I'm falling asleep as we speak.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Those triangles looks like the BD players SONY had at CES.


I disagree. You can see a device with a flat top and ridges going alon the front ps2 style.

Maybe it is a ps2.

Oh there's a photobucket app. Nifty.



Poof!* PlayStation 4 appears.

So, this is the new PS4 guys. Let's check out the games.

Batman: Arkham City Ultimate Armoured Edition;
Ninja Gaiden Sigma III Z;
Uncharted Super HD Collection;
Mass Effect 3: Complete;
Just Dance 5;
God of war Super HD Collection;
Gran Turismo 5+;
Tomb Raider;
Final Fantasy Origins (FFI 'til FFVI in original graphics)

Oh, and it's not backwards compatible. Savegames and trophy's? Psh. Vita Crossplay? In your dreams.

Don't want to be a buzzkill, but Wii U and Vita made me lose faith in consolereleases.


The last playstation meeting was in 2011, right? As that was also when the Vita (then known as NGP) was officially revealed for the first time.

In that case, than I am definitely thinking that this has to be a PS4 announcement on Feb 20.

I am HYPE.


Poof!* PlayStation 4 appears.

So, this is the new PS4 guys. Let's check out the games.

Batman: Arkham City Ultimate Armoured Edition;
Ninja Gaiden Sigma III Z;
Uncharted Super HD Collection;
Mass Effect 3: Complete;
Just Dance 5;
God of war Super HD Collection;
Gran Turismo 5+;
Tomb Raider;
Final Fantasy Origins (FFI 'til FFVI in original graphics)

Oh, and it's not backwards compatible. Savegames and trophy's? Psh. Vita Crossplay? In your dreams.

Don't want to be a buzzkill, but Wii U and Vita made me lose faith in consolereleases.

Were you the one that was dreaming?


Microsoft should have an event at the same time on the same day that would be great..

:D we'll see who gets my money this gen from those two.


Can anyone remember how Sony revealed the Vita? I remember they showed the system and some live gameplay. Right?


They did a teaser then BOOM the image of the new system came into view...then they gave a nice view of it from all angles

We had a few montages as well of upcoming games

AND we had several developers getting on stage to show their support and show some game footage running on the system


Felium Defensor
Hideo Kojima suddenly appears.

"And here's the fist trailer for Zone of The Enders 3, exclusively for the PS4".
Footage rolls, crowd go ape-shit crazy. Footage ends; Kojima just drops the new DS4 and strolls the fuck out with that big ass grin he has at times. Crowd now goes berserk; ripping clothes off, pulling hair, biting and punching each other like a pack of wild animals. Sony gets sued afterwards for many deaths at this event and goes out of business. The end.


Junior Member
omgshit! Only 20 days! And it starts at 11pm where I am. Couldn't be more perfect!

Bring it Sony, I am SO hyped!
this better be good. I'd like to see how they plan on showing us "new" stuff when we still have a year and change of "now" stuff yet to come out.

seems like an odd predicament.

oh well: give me graphics that make my eyes bleed Guerrilla.
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