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PlayStation Network Thread | September 2015


Is there any chance we see Tales of Innocence in the west? I really would like another Tales game on Vita.

Since PS4 owners wouldn't buy a port of it, no.

What happened to Metropolis Defenders by the way? Its english trophies leaked a while ago.

That's probably an Aksys game, unless Gungho is going to publish it for Acquire in the west or something.


Since when did the Vita delete Trophy data to make room for new games' trophy data?
Da fuck is this Sonty o_O

edit -- wait, you mean what it shows? i believe it only shows 100 games. i think i remember hearing that. it's not 'deleting' the data though, you still have those other trophies.


More info? There is absolutely no way this is happening other than some rare glitch -- trophy data size is negligible. If it was widespread we'd have heard about it by now.

Can you triple check? Because not to say I don't believe you, but w/o more info/proof/etc...

Well I ran one game for the first time I think it was Xeodrifter and it told me it needed to clear up space for trophies by deleting P4's trophy data, which I agreed to since I hadn't gotten far in that game yet.

Later on I tried another Vita game it asked me to delete an old app's trophy data.


Well I ran one game for the first time I think it was Xeodrifter and it told me it needed to clear up space for trophies by deleting P4's trophy data, which I agreed to since I hadn't gotten far in that game yet.

Later on I tried another Vita game it asked me to delete an old app's trophy data.

Read my edit -- i was focusing on the 'delete' part and for some reason wasn't processing that we were talking about what it shows. I blame lack of coffee in the morning.

As long as you sync trophies on a semi-regular basis, if you start to play one of those games it'll refresh it to the top of the list and sync your old trophies. You should be able to test this by starting up P4 and seeing your old trophies again (after syncing).

It probably only shows 100 for speed reasons. The ps3 could be a slog going through trophy data. Still doesn't make total sense, but i'm sure they had their reasons to only show 100.


Finished up DR: AE at 25 hours. Have to rank it beneath the first two games due to some poorly-written (and exhausting) dialogue and its underwhelming first half, but overall it's a solid game with some great moments. Curious to see how DR3 will be handled.

Now to start MGSV.


Don't think it has been posted; Marvelous announced Corpse Party: Blood Drive - Heavenly Host edition.

Can preorder at:

I dont know how but im gonna get this. Ive been sick all week so all i have played is resident evil revelations 2 on my vita. I personally think its a really fun game to play on this system. Runs pretty well.the port is pretty good except maybe for the compressed sound and the graphics downgrade ( which unless you play on the Vita tv is not so bad) so yeah I'm really happy with this game.

Edit: where the hell is my Axiom Verge fix for my Vita?
I dont know how but im gonna get this. Ive been sick all week so all i have played is resident evil revelations 2 on my vita. I personally think its a really fun game to play on this system. Runs pretty well.the port is pretty good except maybe for the compressed sound and the graphics downgrade ( which unless you play on the Vita tv is not so bad) so yeah I'm really happy with this game.

Edit: where the hell is my Axiom Verge fix for my Vita?

I'm waiting for Salt and Sanctuary myself ;__;


Edit: where the hell is my Axiom Verge fix for my Vita?





I'm playing DR AE and my Vita keeps giving me 'low battery' message at the top left, but when I press PS button to go to the XMB it appears my Vita has over 50% charge left.
What's causing this creepy message? I haven't had my Vita lock up on me yet but it's scaring me....
I'm playing DR AE and my Vita keeps giving me 'low battery' message at the top left, but when I press PS button to go to the XMB it appears my Vita has over 50% charge left.
What's causing this creepy message? I haven't had my Vita lock up on me yet but it's scaring me....

Been a while since you shut the Vita off? Might be a corruption in the running software and it just needs a fresh boot - I've had it happen with wifi like that (keeps telling me to connect, when I'm already connected).


Been a while since you shut the Vita off? Might be a corruption in the running software and it just needs a fresh boot - I've had it happen with wifi like that (keeps telling me to connect, when I'm already connected).

Oh so turn it off then turn it on again?
Last time I let the battery just die out unintentionally cuz I wasn't playing on my Vita a lot ^^;


I'm playing DR AE and my Vita keeps giving me 'low battery' message at the top left, but when I press PS button to go to the XMB it appears my Vita has over 50% charge left.
What's causing this creepy message? I haven't had my Vita lock up on me yet but it's scaring me....

This issue is very annoying X(.

I've had this issue myself for a number of days already and while it is mostly resolved (when playing PS1/PSP games), its still an issue with Vita software :(.

What happens is that the Vita's connection to the battery gets weaker over time (1000 models specifically), so this issue pops up. There are a few ways to fix this issue, but not all of them are solid fixes (meaning it will pop up again in the future).
-Drain your battery through playing games/watching videos, then leave the Vita be for 12-36 hours. Then charge it fully for 8 hours and see if the issue goes away (leave your Vita still for an minute and play a game for 30+ Minutes to see if it works). If not, do the following step below.
-Re-Build your Database; should fix the issue for first-time appearances but it will not fix it every time (in fact, it can make the issue worse, force-shutting down games if it hits 'Red' despite having a full/partial charge)
-Open Up your Vita; use a small screwdriver to open the six screws holding the Vita together. Then, you open it up and dis-connect the battery. Re-Connect the battery and close it back up. Should fix the issue for the long term (4-8 months)
-Send it in to Sony; they get your Vita, fix the battery problem, and send it back to you (make sure game/MC's are out of the system when you send it to Sony). People said it takes 2-3 weeks for Sony to fix the issue and send your Vita back to you.

Hope one of these helps your problem. Its an annoying one, but at least the battery issue isn't force-shutting down any of your games (I think?).


FYI my model is one of the original OLED models released in the initial release year

Then my steps above apply even more in that case; the original OLED Vita (1000) has this issue a lot sadly :(.

I got this problem not even six months after I got my Vita (June 2013, Vita 1000 Model), so that should say everything :(.


My OLED is still a beast, thankfully.

Nearly have my plat for the drpg I'm playing [slightly edging out Op Abyss i think for best on vita].

I think I want to play a 'hunting' game next... i own Soul Sacrifice Delta, Freedom Wars, and Ragnarok Odyssey Ace... I've put some time into all of them ages ago, but never finished any... does anyone have any interest in doing one of them coop [with plats as the goal]? I don't care which, really. PM if interested, we can see if time zones work out.


My OLED is still a beast, thankfully.

Nearly have my plat for the drpg I'm playing [slightly edging out Op Abyss i think for best on vita].

I think I want to play a 'hunting' game next... i own Soul Sacrifice Delta, Freedom Wars, and Ragnarok Odyssey Ace... I've put some time into all of them ages ago, but never finished any... does anyone have any interest in doing one of them coop [with plats as the goal]? I don't care which, really. PM if interested, we can see if time zones work out.

I'd play Freedom Wars with you, if you're up for it.
Yup my OLED too is a tank. Had this thing since launch, and I can't say I feel like its battery life has decreased much if at all. No issues whatsoever to speak of either.


PSN straight killing it with the downloads speeds recently. I'm getting anywhere from 75-250
/sec on a 70-100
/sec network.


My OLED is still a beast, thankfully.

Nearly have my plat for the drpg I'm playing [slightly edging out Op Abyss i think for best on vita].

I think I want to play a 'hunting' game next... i own Soul Sacrifice Delta, Freedom Wars, and Ragnarok Odyssey Ace... I've put some time into all of them ages ago, but never finished any... does anyone have any interest in doing one of them coop [with plats as the goal]? I don't care which, really. PM if interested, we can see if time zones work out.

I tried playing Freedom Wars and after a few hours I kinda gave up. It just seems too tedious to have fun with.


I tried playing Freedom Wars and after a few hours I kinda gave up. It just seems too tedious to have fun with.

Have you tried playing online? Not so tedious when you have actual intelligent people playing with you instead of the dumb AI.


Have you tried playing online? Not so tedious when you have actual intelligent people playing with you instead of the dumb AI.

I think I didn't even get to that portion. I lost interest when you could start building your own base-thingy for weapons and stuff.


I only played Freedom Wars in SP, and really enjoyed it.

I used a machine gun and chainsword all the way through. My default action was to sever everything that could be severed, particularly shield and artillery pods and abduction pods, as I couldn't rely on the AI to do it consistently. If there weren't any mechs in a mission, I'd experiment with the bigger melee weapons for killing humans. If you have a weapon that can sever, there is no reason not to as it seals enemy abilities and attacks and leaves them vulnerable, allows you to inflict even more damage. Sometimes I'd be so busy cutting a mechs claws, shoulder hardpoints and face off that it would be dead from the sheer damage inflicted in the process!

Learning to use the thorn abilities to grapple enemies, pull them down, to get into position to sever, and set up healing points was really good fun, and completely different from other hunting games.

Giving the AI orders is easy and really make a difference too- in rescue missions as soon as a citizen is dropped, you can tell the whole team to focus on escorting them back to the evac point while you find the next one, which saves you doing the boring slow walk as you carry them back. Having the orders on the Vita touch controls worked nicely too, it was a good use for them- nothing critical, and unlikely to get in the way of entering urgent commands.

What it needed was at least double the number of enemy mechs, as the biped/quadroped/spider/wolf variants all became largely the same after a while.

If anyone is just starting it and finding moving around the city very slow, fast travel opens up a bit later.


w00t battery message no longer showing up after I shut down and turned my black beast on :3

BTW how is Disgaea 1 PSP? Oddly enough Disgaea 1 is prob. the only Disgaea game I'd bother putting 100 hours in :/


So what are your predictions for TGS? I'm feeling like it will be quite underwhelming for Vita. I think GR 2 will be PSV/4 but besides that nothing else.
So what are your predictions for TGS? I'm feeling like it will be quite underwhelming for Vita. I think GR 2 will be PSV/4 but besides that nothing else.

  • Vita-3000
  • GR2 PSV/PS4
  • Bloodborne DLC
  • Danganronpa 3
Only two of those are realistic but I'm still hopeful.


So what are your predictions for TGS? I'm feeling like it will be quite underwhelming for Vita. I think GR 2 will be PSV/4 but besides that nothing else.

-More Vita Colors announced
-A number of Vita/PS4 titles announced for JP
-A number of Square Enix Vita/PS4 Games shown off (Frozen World Demo for KH3, FFXV new location demo, new in-game trailer for World of FF, Star Ocean trailer, Nier Gameplay trailer, ect)
-FFXII HD Announced for PS Vita and PS4 for JP
-Gravity Rush 2 announced; rumors point to it coming to both PS Vita and PS4


So what are your predictions for TGS? I'm feeling like it will be quite underwhelming for Vita. I think GR 2 will be PSV/4 but besides that nothing else.

I can see Vita getting more multiplatform-titles like Dynasty Warriors 9 or something similar. Don't think there will be that many new Vita announcements but hopefully we'll get more details or footage of already announced titles like Saga 2015.


Two questions.

1) How do I go about asking for a ps1 classic to be put on the store? I would like this.

2)What do I do about my vita? I get major freezing/low fps when I play PS1 classics. I waited for an update but it didn't seem to fix it. I have some of the Crash/Spyro games on my NA vita and i'd like to keep them on there so I want to avoid losing them. Thanks.


Two questions.

1) How do I go about asking for a ps1 classic to be put on the store? I would like this.

2)What do I do about my vita? I get major freezing/low fps when I play PS1 classics. I waited for an update but it didn't seem to fix it. I have some of the Crash/Spyro games on my NA vita and i'd like to keep them on there so I want to avoid losing them. Thanks.

To answer number one, you could pester the PlayStation Twitter with requests for current PS1 Classics to land on the store. Same thing with the PS Blog and other social media. They have no specific place where you can ask if you want a game on PSN; its completely up to Sony and it tends to happen at random times (Ex: Capcom went on a PS1 Classic spree from fall 2014 (Strider 1 + 2, Mega Man X4 and X5) too spring 2015 (Tone Bone and Mega Man 8).

Answering your second point, I don't know know what you could do. You could deleate the PS1 classics on your Vita and put them on your Vita again through Content Manager on your PC (assuming you backed them up already; if you didn't its smart to do so in case anything happens to your Vita). You could also re-set the database, as that helps sometimes.


Rebuilding database doesn't delete anything game related does it?
At worst it would delete temp. files/unneeded files?
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