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PlayStation Network Thread | September 2015


The Amiga Brotherhood
IIRC there was nothing or almost nothing for vita at last year TGS(at least at sony conference), so i expect nothing.
As usual I'd like to have a VitaGAF party(Vita voice chat) one hour before the conference so feel free if you are interested in joining me.

(I always try this at conferences, but this far it has been a one man show ;)

Edit: IMHO this years TGS schedule looks good even before anything new is announced so I'm feeling optimistic (but feel free to mock me when we know better)
IIRC there was nothing or almost nothing for vita at last year TGS(at least at sony conference), so i expect nothing.

All I remember is Ukiyo no Roushi + Luminous Arc Infinity + this sizzle reel.

Then some games that appeared to be PS4 exclusives but were actually coming to Vita too, but you never would've been able to tell it from the footage (like Senran Kagura & Ys).

Like I said in my previous post though, Vita isn't really getting the kind of games that warrant promotion at TGS. It's getting all the small to mid stuff that gets announced throughout the year (i.e. Bamco licenced stuff; NIS/Gust/Compile Heart games, etc.)

I expect at best this year another sizzle reel of stuff along with maybe some PlayStation ecosystem announcements in the vein of Dragon Quest Builders.
It'll just have to slightly beat Clannad. It has a large fan following, right?
Clannad is way more popular in the West and benefited from a "whale" audience that pushed the average pledge sky high. Muv Luv isn't a Key work with a popular anime, it's not something known outside of visual novel circles.
Clannad is way more popular in the West and benefited from a "whale" audience that pushed the average pledge sky high. Muv Luv isn't a Key work with a popular anime, it's not something known outside of visual novel circles.
I thought it did have an anime or two. But anyway, considering there are multiple titles the average pledge should be higher.
I thought it did have an anime or two. But anyway, considering there are multiple titles the average pledge should be higher.

There's an anime adaptation of a spinoff, but it was poorly received for the most part and nowhere nearly as well known as Clannad's. You can get all the Muv Luv games with a $50 pledge, so the real question is whether it inspires people to give 1k or 7k for higher tier rewards like Clannad did.

E the Shaggy

Junior Member
What's the best place right now to pick up one of those PS4 Last of Us Digital Codes?

It's my buddy's birthday and I figured I would pick this up for him.
Soul Sacrifice Delta is still the only hunting game I've enjoyed (disclaimer: I've played Monster Hunter Freedom Unite; Monster Hunter Tri; God Eater Burst & Freedom Wars), so I definitely wouldn't mind more of that.

Though if it's PS4 exclusive, they might as well retool the game and make it a single player adventure with a focus on bosses. I don't really see the hunting genre ever taking off on consoles (track record so far is pretty poor).


Just finished DR:AE. Overall I'd rate it 8/10. Great graphics and I enjoyed the gameplay. Plot was okay but it was weak compared to first two games.

For me the ranking would be DR 1>DR 2>DR:AE. From the looks we may see DR 3 tomorrow, so fingers crossed.


Soul Sacrifice on home console would be awesome, though I'll be happy too if they do sequel just for Vita. I just wish they'll expand the franchise, like people before me I think it's the best "hunting" game I've played, could probably spend lot more time in MonHun but I've had most fun with SSD.

Hopefully SCEJA Conference doesn't disappoint, so many things I want to see there but one stands over all.. Bloodborne Expansion.
Please no.

At least be a multiplat please

I think this year is gonna be the year whether we find out if Vita has a future within SCEJA (first/second party development at least). Gravity Rush 2 platforms revealed, and maybe a bit of hope for a new Freedom Wars/Soul Sacrifice.

I'm more interested in seeing what their outsourcing team has been working on. Feels like a long time since Soul Sacrifice Detla/Destiny of Spirits/Freedom Wars and I can't think of what else they've done in the meantime.


I think this year is gonna be the year whether we find out if Vita has a future within SCEJA (first/second party development at least). Gravity Rush 2 platforms revealed, and maybe a bit of hope for a new Freedom Wars/Soul Sacrifice.

I'm more interested in seeing what their outsourcing team has been working on. Feels like a long time since Soul Sacrifice Detla/Destiny of Spirits/Freedom Wars and I can't think of what else they've done in the meantime.
I might buy a PlayStation 4 if gravity rush comes only for that platform ( I might buy it in the future anyways) I prefer to play the game with the PlayStation Vita. It is meant to be there . I'll pray to samael so we can have this mwahahaha


Regarding future SCEJ software on Vita, I feel that either will happen.

-Future 'big' JP Sony games made by Studio Japan will be cross-console with cross-saving and cross-play features. Gravity Rush 2, Freedom Wars (Expansion) and Soul Sacrifice 2 all coming to Vita and PS4 with those features in mind. Unknown if the Vita version will come over to NA/EU, but point still stands.

-Future Studio Japan games are PS4 only; Gravity Rush 2 and Soul Sacrifice 2 announced at this years TGS Conference with the only platform announced being PS4. Gravity Rush and Soul Sacrifice Delta become free for the TGS event (worldwide) and there DLC is permanently free to 'make up' for both games not coming to Vita. Similar to Tearaway Unfolded, both games can use the PS Vita as a controller to have some of the original features the Vita games had

I would like for the former to happen, but I will honestly feel indifferent if the latter is the case :l. Sony will be Sony, so its very hard to care anymore about there support for the Vita (they left 'big' game development on the console 2014/Early 2015).


Gravity Rush and Soul Sacrifice Delta become free for the TGS event (worldwide) and there DLC is permanently free to 'make up' for both games not coming to Vita.
All of SSD's content DLC have always been free.

Seriously people, just buy Soul Sacrifice Delta already.


I'd rather see FW2, not because I think it's a better game but because I know what I would like them to change.
They need to change a lot of things. Like story & gameplay.

Soul Sacrifice Delta is still the only hunting game I've enjoyed (disclaimer: I've played Monster Hunter Freedom Unite; Monster Hunter Tri; God Eater Burst & Freedom Wars), so I definitely wouldn't mind more of that.

Though if it's PS4 exclusive, they might as well retool the game and make it a single player adventure with a focus on bosses. I don't really see the hunting genre ever taking off on consoles (track record so far is pretty poor).

We haven't had a true console hunting game a long time really. I mean you could probably PSO2 but I wouldn't know since it never got localized.

Regarding future SCEJ software on Vita, I feel that either will happen.

-Future 'big' JP Sony games made by Studio Japan will be cross-console with cross-saving and cross-play features. Gravity Rush 2, Freedom Wars (Expansion) and Soul Sacrifice 2 all coming to Vita and PS4 with those features in mind. Unknown if the Vita version will come over to NA/EU, but point still stands.

-Future Studio Japan games are PS4 only; Gravity Rush 2 and Soul Sacrifice 2 announced at this years TGS Conference with the only platform announced being PS4. Gravity Rush and Soul Sacrifice Delta become free for the TGS event (worldwide) and there DLC is permanently free to 'make up' for both games not coming to Vita. Similar to Tearaway Unfolded, both games can use the PS Vita as a controller to have some of the original features the Vita games had

I would like for the former to happen, but I will honestly feel indifferent if the latter is the case :l. Sony will be Sony, so its very hard to care anymore about there support for the Vita (they left 'big' game development on the console 2014/Early 2015).

I really wished that SCEJ would increase vita game carts. I think 3DS is up to 8 while were still stuck on 3.3 gb


You should have warned me about FW's gameplay before I bought it. :(

Hm? I thought I did because me and baekshi couldn't play anymore because of the post game stuff. PVP was a laggy mess. And the reward for getting your sentence down to 0 was straight up pitiful. Melee weapons suck and most guns expect barbara.

OST was GOAT tho.


Hm? I thought I did because me and baekshi couldn't play anymore because of the post game stuff. PVP was a laggy mess. And the reward for getting your sentence down to 0 was straight up pitiful. Melee weapons suck and most guns expect barbara.

OST was GOAT tho.
Yes, this was my problem with the game too.

I'm just glad I only wasted $5 thanks to the PSN sale.
Fucking Gundam Vs. Title on Vita.

Holy shit. I can now say that the Vita experience is now (almost*) complete.

I mean, it lacked Kingdom Hearts (BbS sequel), but given that we're getting Tokyo Xanadu, that genre is filled.

*Sega, where's my SenVal 4/remakes?


The Amiga Brotherhood
Unlike what i was expecting it was a good tgs for vita, but GR2 ps4 exclusive ruined my enjoyment.

Sony TGS conference summary: Everyone love(=make games for) Vita ... except Sony.
Unlike what i was expecting it was a good tgs for vita, but GR2 ps4 exclusive ruined my enjoyment.

Sony TGS conference summary: Everyone love(=make games for) Vita ... except Sony.

I agree, they really meant it when they said they've pretty much stopped production on all Vita games. This means that we'll never see sequels to some of the great original titles they've released on the Vita at this rate.


I am buzzing at all the annoucements!

Gravity Rush 2 looks great! When I saw the trailer and graphics my resentment washed away.


Good lord, what an great SCEJA Conference.
I rate it 11/10, I cannot hold all these announcements, I am very happy man.


Well last year was showing but this TGS made terribly obvious that even in Japan Sony gave up on PS Vita.

I didn't expect anything new but they didn't even bring GR 2 to Vita. Now people will say of course they want to shift the userbase to PS4 but come on, there are already tons of giant games for PS4 and all first party games are being made for PS4, you can't even make "1" game for Vita?

And I think cause of their stance 3rd parties are also starting to shift their audience. I didn't expect DR 3 on PS4 for example.

Oh well, at least if we get localizations, 2016 may be the biggest year for Vita.

Project Setsuna, 13 Sentinels, Dragon Quest Builders, SAGA, Danganronpa 3 and Toukiden 2, not to mention there are tons of other games being made.


Neo Member
The fact that SaGa 2015 for Vita still exists is enough for me. (Though a more substantial trailer would have been appreciated!) Plus, there are still heaps of third party games coming to the Vita. For me at least, there are far more games coming than I have the time to play. So while it was disappointing that GD2 doesn't seem to be getting a Vita version, there was still plenty to keep me happy. What I dislike were the port-begging-ish comments along the lines of GR belonging on the PS4, as if the Vita couldn't even have one unique game in peace. :(


Download list, or just go to the game page in the store and hit download.
Don't think there's a thing such as a comprehensive list of them, though,

I haven't set up my PS4 yet but I think I was a PS+ member was the first month or two when it came out, and I've added the games that were on plus back then.

The download list on the PSN website only shows me titles I actually purchased or demos I've downloaded. I'll look it up when I set up my PS4
Did they introduce a new option for it to automatically add all the games on offer to your purchase list? I remember reading something like that.. I think


I haven't set up my PS4 yet but I think I was a PS+ member was the first month or two when it came out, and I've added the games that were on plus back then.

The download list on the PSN website only shows me titles I actually purchased or demos I've downloaded. I'll look it up when I set up my PS4

PS4 firmware 3.0 will have a dedicated tab for all your PS+ content.


PS4 firmware 3.0 will have a dedicated tab for all your PS+ content.


About PS+ and PSN in general - Did they change anything about the way accounts work? I'm from Israel but I have a US account
If I buy a PS+ code for example, I need to buy one for the US, right?
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