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PlayStation Network Thread (Vita/PS4/PS3) | March 2015


I intend on beating La Mulana without consulting a walkthrough, ever.

Just watch me.

You can tell how that's a great plan considering I didn't figure out how to save the game until after dying and losing all my progress.
I intend on beating La Mulana without consulting a walkthrough, ever.

Just watch me

If you are honest and you beat it without a walkthrough, I will PM you a $20 PSN code. If you lie about it, your PSN code will be cursed and you will wind up spending it on a terrible game at Let's Fish caliber.


it would be a beautiful sight to behold if square enix decided to disable remote play on final fantasy type-0 hd


I intend on beating La Mulana without consulting a walkthrough, ever.

Just watch me.

You can tell how that's a great plan considering I didn't figure out how to save the game until after dying and losing all my progress.

You can't possibly be streaming that in full somewhere? I'd really like to watch. :D


Heh, I just picked up La Mulana and only happened to save the game by accident. There's difficult, and then there's just not telling you how to save the game :/.

Still, twenty minutes in and I'm loving it. And like antibolo I plan to go through it without a walkthrough. God knows I'll probably resort to one at some point.


How many times per minute are you consulting a walkthrough? Did they improve it?

I've read that the game now is less obscure on the hints and tips, but I'm playing the game with a guide.

I intend on beating La Mulana without consulting a walkthrough, ever.

Just watch me.

You can tell how that's a great plan considering I didn't figure out how to save the game until after dying and losing all my progress.

Good luck with that, my friend. This is a game that works against you if you're adamant against looking through guides and walkthroughs.

Heh, I just picked up La Mulana and only happened to save the game by accident. There's difficult, and then there's just not telling you how to save the game :/.

Still, twenty minutes in and I'm loving it. And like antibolo I plan to go through it without a walkthrough. God knows I'll probably resort to one at some point.

Good luck with that, you'll need it.
Beat Counterspy, and it was a slog. Not providing a manual or instructions of any kind was pure laziness on the developers' part - the game doesn't actually explain a lot of things properly at all.

To learn that you can't shoot an armored camera, you have to waste a bullet on one first. Then there's the Specialist soldiers that need three headshots to kill - which you only realize after the first bullet doesn't work and there's an angry soldier in your face!

Random level generation results in a ton of rooms that are either trivial or unfair - it is rare that you get a whole level that feels just right. Worse, there is no way to restart a level - probably intentional, but this just means you have to sit through glacial loading times to get a new level served up.

There were a lot of good moments where you can use your weapons in awesome ways or outsmart the enemy and run circles around them, but it's dragged down by this seat-of-the-pants game design that needs to go.
Well, two people spoke up and I suspect there's a few more who haven't had the chance or were simply too shy/overlooked my question.

So here we go.

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a North American PSN code for the game OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This is a giveaway for the thread url: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1001447.
- No need to thank me. Please don't post thank you messages in thread or in PM.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker--if you have both fewer than five posts in this thread--you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 24 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood (PSN) -- MB-AF25536AB8D7182D - Taken by pariah164. 9 entrants total.
Imagine if skateboarding games, rhythm games, and side-scrolling runners had a threesome... it'd be something like this. (This is a North American PSN code and should only be entered for if you have a North American account and don't have PlayStation Plus)



Impressed again with remote play. Spent about an hour with The Order on the PSV. Yeah, some graphical glitches, and the timing was off on some timed events. Otherwise, good times.


I just remember the most forgotten Vita game that more people should've bought: Malicious Rebirth. Even I forgot I had the game until I looked the list of PSTV-compatible games. I'm going to try the game again on it and see if it's any better.
I just remember the most forgotten Vita game that more people should've bought: Malicious Rebirth. Even I forgot I had the game until I looked the list of PSTV-compatible games. I'm going to try the game again on it and see if it's any better.

It has some framerate issues but it was an enjoyable romp for me. Its a bit short though. I really should go back to it after this month. Real life is eating all of my free time.
Malicious Rebirth is a great game. It's a shame no one talks about. :(

I bought it in last year's Vita sale but never really got the hang of it before I backed it up to make room. I was sort of getting through the levels by accident, and they got hard in a hurry.

The way these things go is that I usually replay the early levels a lot to figure out how you're supposed to do it... But this game doesn't let you replay levels.


I bought it in last year's Vita sale but never really got the hang of it before I backed it up to make room. I was sort of getting through the levels by accident, and they got hard in a hurry.

The way these things go is that I usually replay the early levels a lot to figure out how you're supposed to do it... But this game doesn't let you replay levels.

I'm positive there's a mode called "free mode/time attack" which allows you to replay levels as many times as you want. Though I don't remember if it's unlocked after you beat the game since it's been a while since I last played this game.

Also yeah, picking the stages in the "wrong" order could make this game really difficult. Since after each boss you kill, the other bosses become stronger. The best way to beat this game is to kill the boss that gives you the spear first and then take on the hardest boss first. If you decide to take out the hardest bosses last, it'll make you want to pull your hair out.

I heard it had major framerate problems, which made me stay away from it. The original PS3 game wasn't great in that aspect either.
I don't remember it having major framerate problems. The only problem I remember it having was camera problems, since you'd always be dashing and then the camera might end up getting stuck facing a wall which was a pain but you were able to reset it manually.
I intend on beating La Mulana without consulting a walkthrough, ever.

Just watch me.

You can tell how that's a great plan considering I didn't figure out how to save the game until after dying and losing all my progress.

Way back I played a couple hours on Steam, at least, before I figured out how to save too. nbd

I've never looked at a walkthrough and never will either (I hope)... but I was like "wow" when I saw shizuka post that he'd beat two bosses already. I've made only slightly more progress than I did on Steam, which isn't much. Helldivers has really distracted me too.


Way back I played a couple hours on Steam, at least, before I figured out how to save too. nbd

I've never looked at a walkthrough and never will either (I hope)... but I was like "wow" when I saw shizuka post that he'd beat two bosses already. I've made only slightly more progress than I did on Steam, which isn't much. Helldivers has really distracted me too.

I'm following a guide though, I don't know if you'd be okay with that. I want to play the game, but I don't want the game working against me, that's why I'm using a guide and enjoying the game big time.
I'm following a guide though, I don't know if you'd be okay with that. I want to play the game, but I don't want the game working against me, that's why I'm using a guide and enjoying the game big time.

I don't hold it against you. It would probably be smooth sailing and still fun. The mystery and obtuseness is a big reason I like it, so even if I never beat it, it's ok.


I don't hold it against you. It would probably be smooth sailing and still fun. The mystery and obtuseness is a big reason I like it, so even if I never beat it, it's ok.

To me, playing LaMulana without a guide was the same as trying to play Dark Souls without looking up what the stats did and how weapon upgrades worked. I enjoy challenge and obtuseness, but there is a limit to where I would get more enjoyment out of using a guide to tell me what the game actually wants me to do, in the hopes that when similar situations happen in the future I can handle them on my own.

Kind of similar experience with the P4G margaret's social link. Sure I could eventually figure out how to fuse those specific things myself, but there was not even the slightest part of me that wanted to. Perfectly content to use a guide for that.

I just remember the most forgotten Vita game that more people should've bought: Malicious Rebirth. Even I forgot I had the game until I looked the list of PSTV-compatible games. I'm going to try the game again on it and see if it's any better.

Malicious Rebirth is just a Vita port of the PS3 game right? I probably would've given it a try if they hadn't given me Malicious on PS3 through PS+. Even if I would prefer it on Vita, it goes against me buying games I already have in another form (unless I really love it or want to support the developer).


Malicious Rebirth is just a Vita port of the PS3 game right? I probably would've given it a try if they hadn't given me Malicious on PS3 through PS+. Even if I would prefer it on Vita, it goes against me buying games I already have in another form (unless I really love it or want to support the developer).
It has additional content more bosses,powers, and costumes(alter your stats)


Malicious Rebirth is a great game. It's a shame no one talks about. :(
Malicious rebirth has some frame rate issues but has double the content of the ps3 game and for some reason in the second chapter of the game frame issues are not so frequent .people complain a lot about this game and as well as the god of war collection I don't see a game breaker deal with the issues the game has I think is a great game with beautiful design and amazing music. I love this game despite its problems. But I don't see frame rate issues as a real problem, at least for me. If you somewhat enjoy the first malicious you have to have rebirth.
So is the version of Shovel Knight coming to PS platforms going to include the new Plague Knight content or is it the vanilla version?


Any updates on when Yatagarasu comes out for Vita? The game's damn fresh and I'd love another fighter on the go for my Vita.


Beat Counterspy, and it was a slog. Not providing a manual or instructions of any kind was pure laziness on the developers' part - the game doesn't actually explain a lot of things properly at all.

To learn that you can't shoot an armored camera, you have to waste a bullet on one first. Then there's the Specialist soldiers that need three headshots to kill - which you only realize after the first bullet doesn't work and there's an angry soldier in your face!

Random level generation results in a ton of rooms that are either trivial or unfair - it is rare that you get a whole level that feels just right. Worse, there is no way to restart a level - probably intentional, but this just means you have to sit through glacial loading times to get a new level served up.

There were a lot of good moments where you can use your weapons in awesome ways or outsmart the enemy and run circles around them, but it's dragged down by this seat-of-the-pants game design that needs to go.

I can't disagree more. I played this game for about 4 hours last night, and thought it was surprisingly amazing (and i hate stealth games). i loved how fluid it felt, i loved the art, i loved the gameplay, i loved how taking cover from a 2d stealth game put you in a solid shooter perspective.

i don't really agree with your criticisms either. What game needs to provide a manual to tell you the heavily armored camera can't be shot? Or that the heavily armored grunts are harder to take down? worst case, as you say, you waste a single bullet on a camera to learn said lesson. then you know. how is that different from any other game... you learn how far you can double jump in every platformer ever made by eventually dying trying to reach something too far away. Or pretty much every shooter ever where you see heavily armored characters that require more shots or specific types of shots?

I don't view any of that as laziness. not even close. I don't even know what you'd want... a prompt explaining that the heavily armored camera can't be destroyed by a bullet? why bother, when a bullet teaches that lesson without an immersion breaker? (though honestly? I saw the camera looked really armored, so shot the first one with a silenced gun just to see what would happen... no harm, no foul).

In my many missions, i didn't find any 'unfair' rooms. sure, some were hard, but that's the point. in most cases, it's your choice to engage. by the time the truly hard rooms come up, you should have unlocked skills like stealth running that really make it easier. and even if you do die, all you do is raise defcon by 1... which you can then lower in many ways (from officer through spending 750 at the start of every level). better yet, dead enemies stay dead so you should be able to get through even a super hard room with only raising defcon by 1. there's no reason to engage every enemy anyway - you only need to get to the end of each level, if something is too hard to get w/o dying, skip it. the random level generation is straight up impressive in my opinion. the alternative would destroy replayability in a mission design meant to get your to play over and over again.

anyway, I'm really impressed by the game. usually hate stealth, but can't wait to get back to this one. i never felt 'in the dark' at all, except while hiding in the shadows.
Really looking forward to Flame Over. Shame its being released the same day as Hotline Miami 2 and may lose some attention. This deserves all the sales it can get.
Hopefully will get to try the PS4 version at Rezzed next week to see how it compares to the Vita version - which I will be purchasing day one.

Let's Play Part one


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Malicious Rebirth is a great game. It's a shame no one talks about. :(

Thats because Id imagine 90% of the people who play it have no idea what the fuck they are doing and get totally curbstomped by the game which they never play again soon after :D

This was the stage that most likely a bunch of people could not pass. Since just pressing all the buttons till something worked would get your ass kicked by this particular boss.

Other vids from the same category done by the dev team


... Nice defense of Counterspy...
Very well said! The main mental stumbling block I had to overcome was the sense that I needed to eliminate every enemy. As you noted, leaving enemies alone is a perfectly solid strategy. Once you accept that, and suppress the OCD impulse to be perfectly stealthy in every room when the random room design won't permit it, you can sit back and enjoy the game for what it is.
hey, can i use my iphone earbuds as a mic for the vita?

every time i plug it in i can hear the guys from the party but they can't hear me.


Any updates on when Yatagarasu comes out for Vita? The game's damn fresh and I'd love another fighter on the go for my Vita.

I still can't play Fighters on the Vita. Tried again with the PSP-port of Guilty Gear, but the D-Pad just feels so inaccurate and my thumb begins to hurt after half an hour tops. Which is a shame, because I'd really like to play them with that OLED and my internet connection works better on Vita than on my PS3 most of the time. If I could only hook up my arcade stick I'd be all over it. :O


I just remember the most forgotten Vita game that more people should've bought: Malicious Rebirth. Even I forgot I had the game until I looked the list of PSTV-compatible games. I'm going to try the game again on it and see if it's any better.
Nope, that's Knytt Underground. Which apparently has also dropped in price, like the other Ripstone games now it's 5,99€


March is nuts.

I know at least a couple of you write for sites, would you suggest tumblr or wordpress? I'm still waffling between the two. I definitely want to start doing some written reviews but the sharability of tumblr vs the control of wordpress is confounding.

Best Buy is clearing out preowned Vita stuff, as always it's instore only best I can tell. Via wario64

She's a energetic type of girl, eat a lot and wield a rocket hammer. I can't see how it's not cool.

The rocket hammer is certainly a plus. I think I'll buy her and the other girl, just need to decide which of these two Sonico figs I want more


March is nuts.

I know at least a couple of you write for sites, would you suggest tumblr or wordpress? I'm still waffling between the two. I definitely want to start doing some written reviews but the sharability of tumblr vs the control of wordpress is confounding.

With the starting VitaGAF podcast I always thought of the possibility to bundle a few of our impressions together to get a little opinion-database site going alongside it. Personally I did short written reviews (~750 words each) for every game I finished last year - and short bits on titles I dropped too - for a small german forum. It was a bit much, but I could see myself writing similar texts for Vita games only this year if there is any interest in doing something like that.
March is nuts.

I know at least a couple of you write for sites, would you suggest tumblr or wordpress? I'm still waffling between the two. I definitely want to start doing some written reviews but the sharability of tumblr vs the control of wordpress is confounding.

The site I write for uses blogger as their platform, is that an option? I really like using it because of the flexibility I have with that platform. Tumblr is the best though for sharability.

Also if you want to be a more traditional site I would go with WordPress if not Tumblr :)
March is nuts.

I know at least a couple of you write for sites, would you suggest tumblr or wordpress? I'm still waffling between the two. I definitely want to start doing some written reviews but the sharability of tumblr vs the control of wordpress is confounding.

Definitely Wordpress, there's a plugin for everything and you could even mirror it on a tumblr if you wanted.


Finished the Portal-esque Stealth inc DLC. Playing it right after Escape Plan underlines EP's problems even more. The Teleporter Chambers lasted almost as, has better ideas and more compelling puzzles than the entire Escape Plan.

I'm tempted to get The Lost Clones too. I have 2€ on my account anyway so I can't buy anything else until I get another PSN card.

The Droppings

Someone quote for new page please.

If someone gets Scram Kitty, please tell us how are the port and the game.

Alter Echo...I remember I wanted that game beck in the PS2 days but never managed to get a copy. I don't know if it's actually any good though
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