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PlayStation Network Thread (Vita/PS4/PS3) | March 2015

Finished the Portal-esque Stealth inc DLC. Playing it right after Escape Plan underlines EP's problems even more. The Teleporter Chambers lasted almost as, has better ideas and more compelling puzzles than the entire Escape Plan.

I'm tempted to get The Lost Clones too. I have 2€ on my account anyway so I can't buy anything else until I get another PSN card.
Please don't compare the excellent Stealth Inc. to the crap that is Escape Plan. I didn't know about the DLC. I should check it out. The sequel on Vita is #1 on my most anticipated list.

If someone gets Scram Kitty, please tell us how are the port and the game.

Yeah I am getting it and will post impressions. Flame On and Hotline Miami 2 too.
Hm, how's that work? MY main concern with Wordpress is how are people going to "follow" it?

Pretty sure it's the Jetpack plugin, allow you to set social media to post to with each Wordpress post. TVL autoposts to a tumblr account, but it can be done with Twitter and Facebook as well IIRC (we do those manually for other reasons).

As for how would people follow a Wordpress site - they'd visit it. Else they'd simply need to subscribe to one of your social media accounts associated with the site and they'd see whenever you posted something new.


I still can't play Fighters on the Vita. Tried again with the PSP-port of Guilty Gear, but the D-Pad just feels so inaccurate and my thumb begins to hurt after half an hour tops. Which is a shame, because I'd really like to play them with that OLED and my internet connection works better on Vita than on my PS3 most of the time. If I could only hook up my arcade stick I'd be all over it. :O

I'm a stick person too but that D-Pad is too good. I normally can't play without a stick so I've been learning pad as well. I find it easier to dash/charge on pad and the inputs are pretty accurate. It's just that you can't really play rushdown, input heavy chara since you have less access to buttons and the d-pad doesn't have the same fluidity.

If I'm ever forced to play pad or handheld I grip normally with my left and rest the body on my lap so that my right hand fingers can use the face buttons like a stick.

It's not ideal but it's something.


Vita's dpad might be the best dpad ever. Among the pads/handhelds I've used, it is no contest.

Please don't compare the excellent Stealth Inc. to the crap that is Escape Plan. I didn't know about the DLC. I should check it out. The sequel on Vita is #1 on my most anticipated list.

Yeah I am getting it and will post impressions. Flame On and Hotline Miami 2 too.
If you're from europe, Stealth inc dlcs are on sale(60% off) right now, which is great, most of the devs don't even bother to ever put DLC on sale.

I've played five minutes of that game and never again. I didn't know what I was doing and never got anywhere.
The first impression is always crappy.
I was turned down by that too and I fell in love with it only after giving it a second shot. The game is weirdly divided into three chapters, 1&2 are a 1hour long prologue and 3 is the actual game that lasts you a dozen or more hours.

Though the beginning of the game is actually the only part of the game where you have a bit of help, so if you dropped the game for that reason you'll hardly like the rest of the game.


Nope, that's Knytt Underground. Which apparently has also dropped in price, like the other Ripstone games now it's 5,99€

I liked that game a lot, definitely underrated. It has the most obscure trophies ever, too. You can easily beat the game without getting any of them.


I liked that game a lot, definitely underrated. It has the most obscure trophies ever, too. You can easily beat the game without getting any of them.
Just like The Swapper's, though those were just well hidden, while some of the trophy spots in KU were also hard to reach, they needed precision perfect platforming.
I've played five minutes of that game and never again. I didn't know what I was doing and never got anywhere.

Knytt Underground is the kind of game where you will spend many, many hours not knowing what you're doing or where you're going. Once you reach the main game (chapter 3), the map is massive and you can keep going for a very long time and never backtrack at all.

The thing is that it doesn't matter at all if you get lost - no matter where you go, there will be something to do. It's like La-Mulana except the goals are much simpler (except for the secrets, anyway).
Ok folks! I have a PSTV and I'm about to hook it up. Anything I need to know? Can I just drop my memory card in? I thought I read that the bubbles get re-arranged or something?

Also, is it better to swap one card between the Vita and PSTV, or get a second card and have one for each? I have a 32 now, but a 64 is coming in the mail. Tying to decide if I should sell the 32 or keep it in the PSTV...


Ok folks! I have a PSTV and I'm about to hook it up. Anything I need to know? Can I just drop my memory card in? I thought I read that the bubbles get re-arranged or something?

Also, is it better to swap one card between the Vita and PSTV, or get a second card and have one for each? I have a 32 now, but a 64 is coming in the mail. Tying to decide if I should sell the 32 or keep it in the PSTV...
Yes to the first two questions.
As for memory cards it's really personal preference as to have a dedicated one or swap. I personally just swap and deal with it but i'm probably going to my spare 8gb one in it soon
Thanks. So does everything go back to the way I had it when I put it back back in the Vita?

I guess I'll just have to play around with it.

Velcro Fly

Best Buy has all used Vita games for $7.99 each. They all seem to be store pickup only so you pretty much have to get lucky to get anything. Looks like they are clearing out their remaining used game stock. Kinda sad =/


Ok folks! I have a PSTV and I'm about to hook it up. Anything I need to know? Can I just drop my memory card in? I thought I read that the bubbles get re-arranged or something?

Also, is it better to swap one card between the Vita and PSTV, or get a second card and have one for each? I have a 32 now, but a 64 is coming in the mail. Tying to decide if I should sell the 32 or keep it in the PSTV...

For me, swapping game carts is annoying enough, I just leave a 16GB in the PSTV and a 32GB in the Vita, haven't had much issue. I'm just more restrictive about what I put on the PSTV (and usually paly retail games lately), and I use Content Manager to have (somewhat) quick access to anything without needing a full download again
Nothing for me this week. Still playing through Noire and just picked up Persona Q from where I was. My next release is Type-0, I guess Episode 2 of Tales from the Borderlands too since I bought the season pass. About time, been waiting for the latter for what feels like forever.


I'm a stick person too but that D-Pad is too good. I normally can't play without a stick so I've been learning pad as well. I find it easier to dash/charge on pad and the inputs are pretty accurate. It's just that you can't really play rushdown, input heavy chara since you have less access to buttons and the d-pad doesn't have the same fluidity.

If I'm ever forced to play pad or handheld I grip normally with my left and rest the body on my lap so that my right hand fingers can use the face buttons like a stick.

It's not ideal but it's something.

Yeah that's the way I tried too.

I can play halfway decently with a PS2 and PS3 pad, but something about the Vita D-Pad makes it more uncomfortable for me. It's kinda bizarre, I can't even really say what it is and I usually like that D-Pad for every other game.

Well, maybe I just need to try again. If any of the upcoming fighting games are cross-buy, really cheap or manage to totally captivate me, I'll get a vita version for sure.


Vita's dpad might be the best dpad ever. Among the pads/handhelds I've used, it is no contest.

I was actually having this conversation with some friends the other day. Vita's dpad is definitely the best I've ever used. I hope if Sony decides to put out another handheld they include the Vita's d-pad and face buttons.


I was actually having this conversation with some friends the other day. Vita's dpad is definitely the best I've ever used. I hope if Sony decides to put out another handheld they include the Vita's d-pad and face buttons.

I think the buttons are great but I find that the shoulder buttons, like the PSP's, are the Vita's real flaw.

I prefer something like the n3DS or some other kind of shoulder button instead of the one the Vita currently has. It's just not as comfortable and you have to press it a certain way or else L/R doesn't register. I'm also worried for my analogs. I'm afraid they'll get too loose and worsen over time.

Another flaw quite a few games has is lack of gyro aiming and usage in general.

Freedom Wars would have controlled much better had it allowed for gyro controls for fine aiming. Game still has a ton of flaws, but that's one big thing.


Ok folks! I have a PSTV and I'm about to hook it up. Anything I need to know? Can I just drop my memory card in? I thought I read that the bubbles get re-arranged or something?

Also, is it better to swap one card between the Vita and PSTV, or get a second card and have one for each? I have a 32 now, but a 64 is coming in the mail. Tying to decide if I should sell the 32 or keep it in the PSTV...

I personally just use the same memory card, though I rarely use my Vita these days since almost every new game supports the PSTV.
March is nuts.

I know at least a couple of you write for sites, would you suggest tumblr or wordpress? I'm still waffling between the two. I definitely want to start doing some written reviews but the sharability of tumblr vs the control of wordpress is confounding.

I typically lurk rather than post, but wanted to add a +1 to Wordpress. (It's what we use at psnstores.) Lots of customization, plugins, etc. available for any sort of site you want small or large. Takes a bit more 'setting up' but I think it's worth it in the end.

Twitter/Facebook/etc. can be used to promote your content to followers.



Welp, I thought they had to unless there was some massive use of the Camera or Move. Another shitty thing that might set a precedent, bah...let's hope no one follows suit, I don't have a PS4 yet but remote play looks like a great feature for me, especially if the next update delivers 60 fps and button mapping.

I was actually having this conversation with some friends the other day. Vita's dpad is definitely the best I've ever used. I hope if Sony decides to put out another handheld they include the Vita's d-pad and face buttons.

Yeah, I was disappointed when I tried the PS4's dpad. It was just a quick try but it didn't feel nearly as good as Vita's dpas.


Yeah that's the way I tried too.

I can play halfway decently with a PS2 and PS3 pad, but something about the Vita D-Pad makes it more uncomfortable for me. It's kinda bizarre, I can't even really say what it is and I usually like that D-Pad for every other game.

Well, maybe I just need to try again. If any of the upcoming fighting games are cross-buy, really cheap or manage to totally captivate me, I'll get a vita version for sure.

It's not just you, the vita dpad is imprecise for me too for fighters, can't really do half circle motions consistently. Well i could if i press them hard enough but i don't want to damage the dpad. I much prefer any of the dualshock dpads.


I think the buttons are great but I find that the shoulder buttons, like the PSP's, are the Vita's real flaw.

I prefer something like the n3DS or some other kind of shoulder button instead of the one the Vita currently has. It's just not as comfortable and you have to press it a certain way or else L/R doesn't register. I'm also worried for my analogs. I'm afraid they'll get too loose and worsen over time.
As someone who has owned 3 DSes (and a GBA) with broken shoulder buttons, I definitely prefer the Vita's shoulder buttons to whatever crap Nintendo uses for theirs. I'm so paranoid about Nintendo handhelds now that I stay away from all games that requires heavy use of the L/R buttons. No button on any other system/controller has broken for me before, so I don't think I'm doing anything wrong.


Does anyone know where I could pre-order the limited edition of Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines English Version Release please? I see that Play Asia have a coming soon page for the regular one, but I don't know if they'll do the LE. Thanks in advance. :)
Does anyone know where I could pre-order the limited edition of Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines English Version Release please? I see that Play Asia have a coming soon page for the regular one, but I don't know if they'll do the LE. Thanks in advance. :)

Are they doing a Limited Edition? I wouldn't imagine they would for anything except the Japanese release.
Since no-one has been able to answer this for me anywhere today:

Can anyone with an EU account and a digital copy of Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow tell me if it's now Vita compatible?

It never used to be compatible (Dark Mirror was; Logan's Shadow wasn't) but now the UK webstore is showing that it is compatible:


Given the horrible track record for this kinda stuff in the past though, I don't wanna buy it and find it doesn't work.



Are they doing a Limited Edition? I wouldn't imagine they would for anything except the Japanese release.

It's a clone of the Japanese LE:


MYR179 (<$50) on March 30th



Does anyone know where I could pre-order the limited edition of Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines English Version Release please? I see that Play Asia have a coming soon page for the regular one, but I don't know if they'll do the LE. Thanks in advance. :)

I can help you with that if you want?
I'll preorder in Singapore and ship it to you when the time comes

EDIT just drop me a PM or something

I just want to say that I really enjoyed the order 1886 and that noone can take that away from me :D
you are not alone. :) I think it reminds me alot of UC1 very rough game but great potential


That thing where you mean to wrap up some old games then instead you play a new game for the entire week. Sorry backlog

I typically lurk rather than post, but wanted to add a +1 to Wordpress. (It's what we use at psnstores.) Lots of customization, plugins, etc. available for any sort of site you want small or large. Takes a bit more 'setting up' but I think it's worth it in the end.

Twitter/Facebook/etc. can be used to promote your content to followers.

Hm, thanks to you (and everyone else). Think I'll do Wordpress and something that lets me autoshare posts to twitter/facebook/whatever

I can help you with that if you want?
I'll preorder in Singapore and ship it to you when the time comes

EDIT just drop me a PM or something

Wait, what's the cost of this? Is the LE really only like $50 + ship? Kind of tempted because it's such a pain to get...even though I won't play it soon


That thing where you mean to wrap up some old games then instead you play a new game for the entire week. Sorry backlog

Hm, thanks to you (and everyone else). Think I'll do Wordpress and something that lets me autoshare posts to twitter/facebook/whatever

Wait, what's the cost of this? Is the LE really only like $50 + ship? Kind of tempted because it's such a pain to get...even though I won't play it soon

I have no idea what the local prices in SGD will end up becoming
but I'm happy to help VitaGAF get a copy of it if you guys really want it.

shipping just a Vita game to US is usually around US$5+ so it's pretty okay especially if you are looking for physical releases of the NA digital-only games


I have no idea what the local prices in SGD will end up becoming
but I'm happy to help VitaGAF get a copy of it if you guys really want it.

shipping just a Vita game to US is usually around US$5+ so it's pretty okay especially if you are looking for physical releases of the NA digital-only games

Hey wil, do you know what's the local price of Moero Chronicle Asia ver? I'm trying to see if PA is gouging me again.


Just got Smash Bros Wii U, now I have one too many games to play at the same time. It certainly doesn't help that I'm getting Hotline Miami 2 at launch and my brother will gift me a copy of Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters.
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