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PlayStation Network Thread (Vita/PS4/PS3) | March 2015

Man God

Non-Canon Member
One advantage MS will always have over Sony is that their download speeds are always amazing. That and Sony has been putting in lousy network cards in all of their Playstation products since the PSP.

The PS2 network adapter...was actually pretty decent! Everything since has been somewhere between awful and not very good.
One advantage MS will always have over Sony is that their download speeds are always amazing. That and Sony has been putting in lousy network cards in all of their Playstation products since the PSP.

The PS2 network adapter...was actually pretty decent! Everything since has been somewhere between awful and not very good.

The issue is that they cap downloads at 4MB/s and their servers are only good for that speed; they need to upgrade their service to a few times its current capacity if they want to cap it at 4 as you have to adjust for high traffic.

I have been downloading Bloodborne for 20 hours by now. This is ridiculous.

30GB I believe.

Even if you maxed out the PSN's downspeed (~4096KB/s), you're still going to have to wait around 2h and 10 minutes, so 20 hours isn't a far stretch as it means you're downloading at 400KB/s or so.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Pfft, I'm lucky if I can get up to 2MB/s with Sony downloads, and I'm wired. I've had MS downloads get ten times that no problem.


How come your PS3 didn't fry?

My PS3 phat probably would've, but the super slim I've been using for the past year is pretty resilient. Regularly have it on for a week at a time to download games and it has been totally fine. Now, I wish I didn't have to do that, but what can you do.

E: I also once had my launch model Wii on for about a month because it wasn't connected to the TV (needed the component slot on the TV for something else) and I never noticed. That ones also fine somehow.



Game of the Month voting has started! You may vote for one Vita/PS4/PS3 game that was released in March 2015. Games such as Toukiden Kiwami that will not be released in the US until next Tuesday will not be eligible for this vote. You can either PM me on GAF (which I prefer) or tweet/DM me on Twitter (@whoiszero). Please format the PM as shown below, or your PM may be ignored:
Subject: PSN GotM - <insert game title here>
Body: (optional - brief comment on why should people play this game or why this game deserves to be GotM)


My download speeds are always quite zippy. PS3/4 on wired, vita wireless. Have a decent router, average US internet plan. Nothing ever close to 30 hours for anything...

Have you turned your router off, waited 30 seconds, and then back on? I've heard some routers have buffering/etc issues if left on to long, and most people leave them on forever. i know if my internet speeds ever act up, that's the first thing I try and it pretty much always helps (I can't remember it not helping, at least). Also, turning on/off your internet connection for a slow device can also help sometimes. I certainly wouldn't blame Sony for a 30 hour dl...that is almost certainly on your side somewhere, not theirs.

Besides my vow to never pay to play online I would never in a million years give Sony money when their track record of keeping their servers up is abysmal.

I've been paying for ps+ since the first month, used to play online games a ridiculous amount (battlefield, uncharted 2, tlou, counterstrike, etc) and never really had an issue with downtime.


Also, on the topic of leaving your consoles on, suspend/resume on PS4 has changed my life. And the best part, you can keep a game suspended while watching netflix! Haven't tried any other apps, but it is pretty awesome being able to keep the game suspended while my GF watches her shows.

My download speeds are always quite zippy. PS3/4 on wired, vita wireless. Have a decent router, average US internet plan. Nothing ever close to 30 hours for anything...

My bad speeds personally have nothing to do with PSN. When I'm at my parent's house my downloads are quite quick. I am just stuck connecting to PSN through a 4G unlimited data WiMax connection (thanks once again med school internet for blocking PSN/XBL). I never believed people could have such truly bad internet, until I was forced to have it myself hah.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm waiting for 10-15 digitally. 12.99 is what I expect for Freedom Wars. I hear it really falls apart near the end.


really wish there was a demo

IMO it's worth the $15 unless you've never enjoyed a hunting or third person shooter game in your entire life. Some of the hunting bits (crafting mostly) aren't as good as stock hunting games, but goddamn I normally can't stand the actual gameplay of hunting games but this feels great. Guns, grappling hooks, climbing onto big monsters to cut their limbs off. Good stuff.

Great character creator and lore too. Does the oppresive atmosphere vibe very well. Story isn't super great unfortunately, doesn't meet the expectations you'll have from the lore. Postgame isn't so great but IMO it's well worth the $15 even if you just say fuck it and stop after the "final" boss like it's a JRPG or something.

I can see why obsessive hunting fans don't like it so much, but as a fan of gameplay over grind and crafting, I liked it.


I'm waiting for 10-15 digitally. 12.99 is what I expect for Freedom Wars. I hear it really falls apart near the end.

The grinding for late-game upgrades improved a bit when they patched in a way to purchase retributions, but the weapon crafting is still more RNG dependant than it should. Story missions are doable with non-perfect equipment though.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Monster Hunter gets better as it goes along whereas everyone I know who really likes FW tells me it plateaus near the end of the story mode and isn't worth playing afterwards.


The grinding for late-game upgrades improved a bit when they patched in a way to purchase retributions, but the weapon crafting is still more RNG dependant than it should. Story missions are doable with non-perfect equipment though.

Non perfect? Feh, I never used a single gun I crafted before the "final" boss. Postgame starts requiring better gear, but you still don't quite need perfect. I was pretty content to forget it was a hunting game myself, much like Soul Sac.


Don't even talk about April games. It will be weeks or months before I'm done with Marchs'. April should be delayed until a later date.


Me. Totally me.

Glad I'm not the only one.

Me three?

But Oreshika is filling the void. And I think I'm getting Bloodborne today if it's not sold out at Target. I have credit there, though I have a hard time spending credit (reverse of most people -- most people burn through credit, I treat it like last ditch reserves and hoard it).

I lost around $200 in the past week due to various stupid and not-so-stupid things (75 was a recurring bill I forgot to cancel), so I'm particularly cash strapped... makes it hard to justify any purchases.


Are you not getting the limited edition?
I have the standard edition on preorder at Gamestop. If I'm not home, they will put it back on the shelf within 24/48 hours and I'll get charged a restock fee. If I order the limited edition, it'll get dropped off at my house, and I still won't be home, leaving it vulnerable on my doorstep.

Either way, I appear to be royally fucked when it comes to a physical copy. ;_;


I'm waiting for 10-15 digitally. 12.99 is what I expect for Freedom Wars. I hear it really falls apart near the end.

It really does. The game has some questionable design decisions and lack of content, but honestly, for $15 you'll get your money's worth before the game goes to shit.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I've heard that the story in monster hunter falls apart near the end ;)

Monster Hunter doesn't really have a story worth paying attention to, especially not before 4. The game however gets stronger and stronger as it goes along. Better rewards, tougher fights. The way they power up monsters in high and G rank especially is genius. Not just more HP and more damage out but faster, smarter, less predictable, multiple extra attacks.


Monster Hunter gets better as it goes along whereas everyone I know who really likes FW tells me it plateaus near the end of the story mode and isn't worth playing afterwards.

Yea, depends what you're looking for. Right now I don't have the time for a game that may take 20 hours of being "bad" for it to get really good after, I'd much rather play a game that is good at the start and I can just stop playing later when it gets worse. But I can see why people very into hunting games wouldn't be feeling freedom wars.

To make sure I'm clear, I played a lot of MonHun, and I quite like it now. But I hated the first 20 hours. Same with Souls games actually. But now both of those two are some of my most played games. But I can totally understand why someone wouldn't want to/doesn't have the time to get to the good part and would rather play a game that starts strong.


I have the standard edition on preorder at Gamestop. If I'm not home, they will put it back on the shelf within 24/48 hours and I'll get charged a restock fee. If I order the limited edition, it'll get dropped off at my house, and I still won't be home, leaving it vulnerable on my doorstep.

Either way, I appear to be royally fucked when it comes to a physical copy. ;_;

If you live in the states, you can have the LE shipped to me (or someone else here, i'm sure) and i'll reship it to you when you know you'll be home. I have trade cred on a couple other sites if you need references.

i didn't even know there was a LE... i have the standard edition bought and paid for on amazon. I'm going to resist looking at the LE.

EDIT -- okay, that didn't last long. just searched on Amazon and don't see an LE. So i guess they don't carry it, which makes me safe.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Yea, depends what you're looking for. Right now I don't have the time for a game that may take 20 hours of being "bad" for it to get really good after, I'd much rather play a game that is good at the start and I can just stop playing later when it gets worse. But I can see why people very into hunting games wouldn't be feeling freedom wars.

To make sure I'm clear, I played a lot of MonHun, and I quite like it now. But I hated the first 20 hours. Same with Souls games actually. But now both of those two are some of my most played games. But I can totally understand why someone wouldn't want to/doesn't have the time to get to the good part and would rather play a game that starts strong.

It took me until the end of 2013 to actually like MH even though I've tried getting into it since literally the first game. I never put in more than 5 hours of the previous ones before getting bored and I tried Monster Hunter, MH Dos, MHFU, MH Tri. Wii U version had that small font and silly tutorials but one day I was hunting with a buddy right before Christmas and it suddenly clicked. I basically spent all of 2014 rushing through the game and accomplished all of my goals right before 4U came out.


Me three?

But Oreshika is filling the void. And I think I'm getting Bloodborne today if it's not sold out at Target. I have credit there, though I have a hard time spending credit (reverse of most people -- most people burn through credit, I treat it like last ditch reserves and hoard it).

I lost around $200 in the past week due to various stupid and not-so-stupid things (75 was a recurring bill I forgot to cancel), so I'm particularly cash strapped... makes it hard to justify any purchases.

Sorry to hear that, I hope everything goes back to normal soon, at least until Operation Abyss is out.

I have the standard edition on preorder at Gamestop. If I'm not home, they will put it back on the shelf within 24/48 hours and I'll get charged a restock fee. If I order the limited edition, it'll get dropped off at my house, and I still won't be home, leaving it vulnerable on my doorstep.

Either way, I appear to be royally fucked when it comes to a physical copy. ;_;

Can't you order the limited edition and get it sent to a friend? That way, your friend can keep it safe while you're away.
With the 10% off code this weekend, thinking of getting one of the following:

Soldner X-2
Damascus Gear
Wipeout 2048 DLC
Wild Arms XF

Basically Damascus Gear is the unknown quantity here, but also the one that appeals to me the most conceptually. I've heard complaints, but as long as it's not so broken that you can't S-rank missions, I think I'm up for it.
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