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PlayStation Network Thread (Vita/PS4/PS3) | March 2015


After a couple weeks of thinking it over, I'm still on the fence about importing a Vita (I want the red so bad though!)

If I got this, I know the download codes would only work on JP PSN, but would the games already on the card still work here, or would it wipe them once I added a US PSN account?

I'd still need to get a US charging cable too, right? Also, are the screen protectors with that bundle decent? (sorry for so many questions!)

When you change accounts, you have to wipe your memory card or insert a blank new one. You won't be able to play digital JP games when you're using your US account. Charging cable will use the same pattern, no need to get a new one. I figure the one in the bundle is more than decent, no need to get another one either.


So pissed that Jet Car Stunts won't let you use dpad.
This game requires perfect precision in movements, sometimes if you move just a bit to the left/right you're fucked, and with analog stick(especially the Vita one) is so easy to fuck it up. Ffs, we have the best dpad ever, use it!

Another couple of minor but still annoying things
- lack of multiple camera views: the standard one is definitely too close, I've lost count of how many times I crashed because of this.

- quick restarting from checkpoint before getting at the first checkpoint will still count as a retry(and you have limited retries). It's annoying since, if you want to go back at 0 retry, you'll have to restart through the pause menu even though you're doing the same exact thing.

Other than that, the game is pretty good at its core, at least in the Platforming and Time Trial levels. Not a fan of the Collector levels.


Neo Member
When you change accounts, you have to wipe your memory card or insert a blank new one. You won't be able to play digital JP games when you're using your US account. Charging cable will use the same pattern, no need to get a new one. I figure the one in the bundle is more than decent, no need to get another one either.

Thanks! Now to pick which game(s) to get first.


Thanks! Now to pick which game(s) to get first.



Anime games have a bright future on PS4. Senran Kagura EV is so beautiful. Amazing how far that sub-30FPS 3DS game has gone. Oh japan please return to consoles. My hands and eyes will thank you.
This new system update for both PS4/Vita is something else. Remapping buttons, better remote play...it's really turning into a very user friendly machine, for any type of user.

Button mapping though...hoo boy....finally we can have a workaround for those devs who don't properly bring RP to their games...*cough* Turtle Rock with Evolve *cough*. MOst games have some sort of setting, or detection that it is on RP...but not Evolve..

I love the game, but who's bright idea was it to leave the shoulder buttons exactly as they are for the stock RP scheme?! Aiming & firing using the touch panel is not ideal. Gladly, these woes are a thing of the past..

I'm not at the top of any page, but I don't care. Buy Soldner X. It's a great shmup. best one available on the Vita as well. JUST DO IT.


Did you import the game?

Yes, and unsurprisingly I seem to be the only one on my friends list to do so. Loving it so far, though I can't read Japanese. Gameplay is fantastic though, and it fixes most of my problems with Versus. I have the Vita version too (I ordered both limited editions for figures) but haven't opened it (and probably won't).


Do I have you on PSN? ...I have no idea who like half of my friends list is especially the gaffers. I have a "real name" of Sir TapTap on PSN if anyone else uses their handle as their real name. Or just look for the Histoire icon

Oh, BTW, Estival plays perfectly on Remoteplay as well, centering the camera is the only virtual control (touch top right corner).

You know, in addition to the accessibility stuff they should probably have a quick swap LR1/LR2 check box for remoteplay, that's by far the most frequent control problem.

Edit: yoooo Freedom Wars, $15, Amazon. Cheapest it's been (matching Best Buy's clearance a while ago)

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Getting near the end of Danganronpa 2.

It's both much worse and much better than the first game. The overall story is garbage but the actual cases are much better thought out than the first one, with less obvious murderers and more interesting murders. The music is also tons better and most of the new minigames and changes to previous minigames work, except for the reviled (Improved) Hangman's Gambit.


Hangman's Gambit has to be a deliberate troll. There is absolutely no way they thought people would enjoy that. "Improved" is just cruel.


Getting near the end of Danganronpa 2.

It's both much worse and much better than the first game. The overall story is garbage but the actual cases are much better thought out than the first one, with less obvious murderers and more interesting murders. The music is also tons better and most of the new minigames and changes to previous minigames work, except for the reviled (Improved) Hangman's Gambit.

Nothing will ever top the first game.


Why isn't this a Prince of Persia game? I don't like the entire AC franchise. Are there really AC superfans that will buy anything with this IP?

Judging by the fact that this is developed by Climax, and that there was a scrapped, Climax developed, 2D POP game in development...I think it was.


Ahh that was incredibly satisfying for some reason. Just got the platinum trophy for Borderlands 2 on PS4 concurrent with the trophy for beating the last story mission (because of being able to auto-pop certain trophies from the PS3/Vita version). Highly doubt there will ever be another game where I can get the platinum trophy the same time I beat the game, but it was kind of cool to have happen.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
For fucks sake....

why is PSN so fucking slow?

what am I paying for?

Besides my vow to never pay to play online I would never in a million years give Sony money when their track record of keeping their servers up is abysmal.

Nintendo, who barely understands the internet, keeps their stuff up more frequently. Every week with PSN though either the store or the actual game servers shit the bed.
Ahh that was incredibly satisfying for some reason. Just got the platinum trophy for Borderlands 2 on PS4 concurrent with the trophy for beating the last story mission (because of being able to auto-pop certain trophies from the PS3/Vita version). Highly doubt there will ever be another game where I can get the platinum trophy the same time I beat the game, but it was kind of cool to have happen.

I didn't get any trophies from my previous save after the cross save.

The PS4 version runs smoother but it is still janky. I thought a lot of the jank was due to it being Vita. I hate the vehicle controls so much. Didn't have much time to play it because it requires a 8.5gb patch. Ugh.


I didn't get any trophies from my previous save after the cross save.

The PS4 version runs smoother but it is still janky. I thought a lot of the jank was due to it being Vita. I hate the vehicle controls so much. Didn't have much time to play it because it requires a 8.5gb patch. Ugh.

The trophies are not supposed to transfer but you can get a lot of them to transfer with some gymnastics. For example, a trophy that requires you to get 100 kills with Axton's turret, if you got it on PS3 then transferred your Axton and got 1 kill on PS4, it would pop the trophy since it would register as 101 kills. Similarly, if you level a character from 50 to 51, all the levelling trophies pop. This works for pretty much every difficult or time consuming trophy in BL2 except for completing the main story.

I haven't noticed any jank at all when playing on PS4, and I played a ton on PC so I know what the game can run like. This version is definitely a million times better than the PS3 or Vita version, but the game in general isn't perfect. Vehicle controls never bothered me, but they certainly aren't good.

Besides my vow to never pay to play online I would never in a million years give Sony money when their track record of keeping their servers up is abysmal.

Nintendo, who barely understands the internet, keeps their stuff up more frequently. Every week with PSN though either the store or the actual game servers shit the bed.

To be fair, Nintendo's online never goes down, but the online implementation in general is total barebones garbage, without most modern features of an online system. I would almost rather pay for Nintendo's online service if it meant they finally got on track with what it means to be online in 2015. Nintendo still cannot figure out voice chat (try it in Smash Bros for Wii U, it's pretty funny), though at least they finally got some games online well enough to play unlike Brawl was.


isn't the latest Tetris... awful?

I've heard okay things about the Ubisoft one, fantastic things about Puyo puyo. I'd love to have puyo if I could get the PS4 version for a decent price. Don't really want to spend $40+ for tetris/Kirby's avalanche Puyo Puyo. I'll probably end up collecting it because it's one of few (the only?) PS4 physical only games though
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