Give us knack or we attack!Let the infuriating monthly PS+ posts begin.
I refuse to engage this time after last month's pathetic reaction by a surprisingly large part of the community.
Give us knack or we attack!Let the infuriating monthly PS+ posts begin.
I refuse to engage this time after last month's pathetic reaction by a surprisingly large part of the community.
Let the infuriating monthly PS+ posts begin.
I refuse to engage this time after last month's pathetic reaction by a surprisingly large part of the community.
There's always a significant amount of posts in these threads that takes any criticism of the PS+ offering as nothing more than ignorant bashing of indie games as inferior to 'real' games. Despite many people offering sound arguments based on monetary value, perceived quality (either personally or through Metacritic/reviews), comparison to past months on PS+ etc. My arguments relating to the broader appeal of AAA games are sound (though not infallible), as is shown by the unit sales and general popularity of most AAA games versus most indies, while many others' arguments boil down to nothing more than a pithy 'Indies are games too, morons' put down.
So posts critical of the selection are 'pathetic' reactions, people who don't like what you don't like have 'awful taste'. That's your contribution so far. Sure are enlightening, grounded opinions, bro.
Spelunky never clicked with me, but i'm happy with getting Dust. Arkham Asylum seems like a really old game to be on PSPlus tho. All in all, not that bad month, better than September for me.
The worst part of it is, when there is a free full AAA PS4 game the complaints will change to "THAT WAS ALREADY ON SALE!!!/I ALREADY BOUGHT THAT AT LAUNCH!"Let the infuriating monthly PS+ posts begin.
I refuse to engage this time after last month's pathetic reaction by a surprisingly large part of the community.
And if we're talking about the "golden period" of PS+, allow me to point out February 2012:
The Simpsons Arcade Game – 2/7
Final Fantasy V (PSOne Classic) – 2/7
Hungry Giraffe (minis) – 2/7
Gold Medalist (minis) – 2/7
Sega Genesis Bundle – 2/21
Altered Beast – 2/21
Comix Zone – 2/21
Golden Axe – 2/21
Sonic 1 – 2/21
Sonic 2 – 2/21
Streets of Rage 2 – 2/21
Battle Fantasia – 2/14
Fatal Inertia – 2/14
Hamsterball – 2/14
Inferno Pool – 2/7
Mahjong Tales: Ancient Wisdom – 2/14
Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle Cars – 2/14
I mean, holy shit, what a fucking month.
1) Monetary arguments are not sound, and we've known since 1776 that value is not determined by cost/budget. It's what all of Economics (other than marxist offshoots) is based on.
2) Perceived quality is a evidently the wrong argument being used in these threads, since the year's best rated original PS4 game, Velocity 2X, was the game most harped on last month -- and this month we have two more fantastically rated games in Dust and Spelunky.
3) Comparison to past months on PS+ rest on on the opinion of the games themselves and is not logical reasoning in and of itself.
Yes, the tastes are awful according to my opinion, since taste is obviously subjective, and the reasoning is pathetic because it's based on budget or other reasons that don't pass logical muster. Read back on last month's PS+ thread and tell me you can justify the majority of the opinions being given on Velocity 2X. I'm not taking anything back in the argument itself.
However, you are right that I should tone down the confrontational aspect of calling people's tastes awful, though, and I apologize for that. It's an unnecessary diversion. But I reiterate that the main line of argument here is that the reasoning and logic being presented by a vast number of people is not sound.
Someone described Pix The Cat this way. Now I'm hypedWhat?! You have my attention
Pix the Cat, man. Pix-the-fucking-Cat.
Is this supposed to be an amazing month? Several old Genesis games (that you already own if you've bought any of the many Genesis collections over the years), an arcade classic that hasn't aged well, the worst version of a great Final Fantasy game, and some shovelware.
I still don't understand why Sony won't include PSP games in the bucket!
I'm going to give Spelunky a chance but so far this year on the "Glorious Indie Games" I liked Don't Starve, Stick it to the Man, and Guacamelee. Every other game that I tried I ended up hating well besides Trine that wasn't too bad. I'll give any game a try but I generally don't like Indie games mostly for the fact I spent $400 on my PS4 and so far I'm getting games for free that my iPhone or PS2 could have run.The worst part of it is, when there is a free full AAA PS4 game the complaints will change to "THAT WAS ALREADY ON SALE!!!/I ALREADY BOUGHT THAT AT LAUNCH!"
Anyone who complains about 'stupid indie games' about Spelunky this month doesn't deserve video games.
And if we're talking about the "golden period" of PS+, allow me to point out February 2012:
I mean, holy shit, what a fucking month.
B-B-But we're paying so we deserve titles that came out one year ago. And triple A. And new ones. Every month. Or I'll whine about it! And keep subbing every month anyway...Why? Why should there be a limit on how long ago a game came out that should be on PS+? It should be a MIX, as it currently is. Plenty of people have not played games from five years ago, six years ago.
Jesus christ, gamers love to put arbitrarily limitations on shit.
Congratulations! I didn't like Spelunky, though I gave it multiple trys. Don't know why it didn't click with me though.My games of last generation:
1.) Dark Souls
2.) Mario Galaxy
3.) Spelunky
For what it's worth, I initially hated Spelunky and deleted it after a few hours. I kept hearing things about it (BRex's solo eggplant run), gave it another shot, and ended up sinking hundreds of hours into it. Still have the #2 highest score on PSN ($2.16 million). If only it were real money then it might be an accomplishment...
The reaction to PS+ these days is so different to what it was even just a year ago. Then it was all 'Thank you based Sony! I can't believe I'm getting all these games for free! Is this for real?' etc. Now it's very, very mixed, with many people feeling like they're not getting value. PS+ is one of the things that really built up goodwill for Sony before the launch of the PS4. I wonder if Sony is aware of the change in perception. I wonder if, at this stage, they care.
Kind of pisses me off seeing all the indie crusaders in here upset that people don't like the games they like. If someone doesn't like the games on offer, or thinks that they are poor value compared to what PS+ offered in the past, they are entitled to that opinion.
Remember, indies tend to be niche games in niche genres - that's what's great about them, without them these genres would die. But that means that by definition they will appeal to far less people. Your big budget AAA games can be bland as fuck, but it's by design - they must appeal to tons of people, and they tend to. So it's not surprising that more people will be happy with the non-niche games than the niche ones. For example: We got Velocity last month and Spelunky this month. Both are pretty niche and I strongly dislike both, from a couple of hours with them. I'd take almost any AAA title over either because I'd probably get at least some enjoyment out of it. But people who like those two games love them to pieces because they're right down their alley. That's great. But PS+ used to have a broader appeal.
Then there's the monetary argument. I originally signed up for PS+ because I felt guaranteed of getting 1-3 blockbuster games from 1 or 2 years ago for so little money. I was getting so many games that I had wanted to buy (but couldn't afford) that I actually stopped buying games. Many others did the same. It has been a long time since I saw a game like that on the service, really. A long time since I thought 'WOW! This is saving me so much money on games I'd otherwise have bought!'
People aren't comparing PS+ to how far their money would go in a normal shop, they're comparing it
a) To what PS+ was a year ago, and how much more monetary value those games had when they were put on the service
b) To steam, on which most of these indie games are dirt cheap.
It's still great value, but it was utterly ridiculous value before and it's hard not to be a little disappointed that those days appear to be over for the moment.
I'd be complaining because I hate GTA.Sony could give out GTA V next month and you'd still have people complaining that they've already played it.
so lately I've been reluctant to buy new games, and frankly plus has kind of made me realize I really should stop. Unless it's something like gta 5 or The Last of us, I should probably just wait cause it'll end up on plus, especially for vita. Almost everything on vita right now that's on plus I already own.
This isn't a jab at the service, I think it's great, but is it good for developers of these games? I assume Sony is paying them but I wonder if it beats out retail sales.
Okay, I just bought a PS4 yesterday, and downloaded a bunch of demos and Flower. I skipped getting a PS3 (and Vita), but I remember hearing good things about Playstation Plus. But now with PS4, is it really worth it any longer? 50 euros a year doesn't sound like much, and getting 10% off when downloading some games seems nice, but when I looked at the list of free games currently available for PS+ users, it didn't look very good. And losing access to those games when subscription runs out is a bit off-putting.
My gaming habits are quite erratic, when I'm busy with other stuff I may spend a month or two without touching any of my consoles. Maybe PS+ is just not for me.
Okay, I just bought a PS4 yesterday, and downloaded a bunch of demos and Flower. I skipped getting a PS3 (and Vita), but I remember hearing good things about Playstation Plus. But now with PS4, is it really worth it any longer? 50 euros a year doesn't sound like much, and getting 10% off when downloading some games seems nice, but when I looked at the list of free games currently available for PS+ users, it didn't look very good. And losing access to those games when subscription runs out is a bit off-putting.
My gaming habits are quite erratic, when I'm busy with other stuff I may spend a month or two without touching any of my consoles. Maybe PS+ is just not for me.
If you want to play online, you're going to need it.
You could try buying it for 1 month on November 4th, that should let you collect October, November and December's games.
I think most people will still buy the stuff they are really interested in (day one, unless it's on PS+ already then). For the rest, people have always been reluctant to pay full price or any money at all, so maybe PS+ is more and more cutting into the sells of used copies, price drops etc.
Then there's always money to be made from DLC, which works best with a huge userbase (who got in for "free" nonetheless).
I played a couple of free-to-play games online today, and I think they may be enough to fill my online gaming needs (and then I can play Mario Kart if I need more.)
The console came with 2 weeks amount of free PS+ subscription, I was thinking what might be the best time to activate it...
When does PS+ US usually go live?
When does PS+ US usually go live?
When Grace Chen feels like it.
Check back on Wednesday it should all be up.
Between 10:30am to 1:30pm Pacific, usually around 11:30am Pacific.
Tomorrow.European PS+ update when? PS Plus:
8th October: Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3)
8th / 10th October: DRIVECLUB PlayStation Plus Edition (PS4)
8th October: Dust: An Elysian Tail (PS4)
8th October: Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara (PS3)
8th October: Pix the Cat (PS Vita/PS4 Cross Buy)
8th October: Rainbow Moon (PS Vita/PS3 Cross Buy)
8th October: Spelunky (PS4/PS3/PS Vita Cross Buy)