This has always been my point in these threads. People are screaming for AAA games but when asked, the majority either have a bias against indies (going so far as claiming they “aren’t real games”or a warped idea of some perceived value that AAA games are worth more and therefor they want them instead of indies.
I just want good games. If Sony is willing to offer TLoU, Tomb Raider DE, Shadow of Mordor, or Metro Redux, then BRING IT ON! Who would say no to top tier AAA.
We aren’t going to get that. When people say they want more AAA, they aren’t asking for the best AAA games, because that’s unrealistic right now; they are asking for Knack, Killzone, and Injustice.
I’d take top tier indie over mediocre AAA any day and it surprises me that anyone would want the opposite.
I think it has more to do with release, unfortunately. The top tier AAA games you mentioned are all within the past 7-8 months, likely too soon to be given out for "free". The awesome thing about Playstation Plus for PS3 was there was nearly four years worth of titles out before it started. Starting out right away at the start of a console's life cycle means we get the small games until the bigger games have faded a little. We will probably get the games you mentioned, just maybe not till late this year or early next year, if at all in some cases.
The launch games are a likelihood because they have the most time behind them. But you never know, we might get a huge game out of nowhere!