Oddworld would be fucking amazing.
Meh, I'd rather take Knack than OlliOlli 2...

Meh, I'd rather take Knack than OlliOlli 2...
"Indie" has become an even more useless term than JRPG ever was. It effectively tells you nothing about the game other than its independence from publisher support. It doesn't tell you what genre, what art style, what budget or what scope the game is.
Surprise release of Driveclub PS+
My guess is Knack (PS4) and Dark Souls 2 (PS3)
I feel like I've heard that it's going to be Dishonored every month.
I played bits of it on my daughters Wii U, and I loved what I played. The last Lego game I owned was the Star Wars Original Trilogy on PS3. Would really like it if PS+ got Lego Marvel.They normally shove the Lego games on the Vita when there's nothing else so one of the PS4 ones would be quite neat. Played the demo and enjoyed it, especially because I've not played a console Lego game since Indiana Jones, unless you include Rock Band.
Meh, I'd rather take Knack than OlliOlli 2...
Meh, I'd rather take Knack than OlliOlli 2...
Oh man. Can't wait for Hatoful Boyfriend on all platforms!
Please not Knack. I watched somebody streaming it and felt sorry for them.
Where did Oddworld come from? That'd be exciting.
It's about ethics in online multiplayer subscriptions.
Load times are not negligible, but the game is still great.Is it any good on PS3? I own it on PC but haven't played it, heh.
I bought Knack with my PS4 and still feel dumb for it.
Is that a dead pixel?
Is that a dead pixel?
Is that a dead pixel?
Wasn't Oddworld already a PS+ game? I think in July.
They may never have noticed that. You're a monster for pointing it out.
Meh, I'd rather take Knack than OlliOlli 2...
Wasn't Oddworld already a PS+ game? I think in July.
Is that a dead pixel?
Is that a dead pixel?
This is what we've been reduced to.Is that a dead pixel?
com'on guys Knack isn't so bad.
Is that a dead pixel?
I'm actually getting kinda angry about this now.
Just finished watching Raw so now it's bac to this thread.
So motherfucking *** is back. Hellz yeah. Today is a good day regardless of the Plus announcement.
Relax m8 the announcements will come today
com'on guys Knack isn't so bad.
The thirst in this thread is insane. Maybe go play WiiU?
Oh fuck I'm so hype right now I didn't think. Sorry. I'll edit to save others the same fate.Thanks for the spoiler, I'm watching Raw tonight
Thanks for the spoiler, I'm watching Raw tonight