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PlayStation Portable to support MP3 playback

I hope this is true and that Sony doesn't put in any unnecessary restrictions. If that's the case, my interest in buying a PSP at $150-200 just went up considerably.

Hopefully many PSP games will offer the option of custom soundtracks. That would be very nice.


Sho Nuff said:
Ah, ok -- so the Pro sticks are basically there for the purpose of video.

I shoot DSLR + Betacam or DVCam, so I've never used the prosumer stuff. I wonder how many minutes of progressive video you can cram on 512mb of stick? (Wonders)

Probably 10-12 minutes of it. Sony did recently introduce the DSC-M1 which is MPEG4 (but no reviews on that yet) and so far the ones that have used MPEG4 have movies that are subpar from their MPEG and Quicktime recording cousins. The closest you'll get to hi-res progressive is the high end Panasonic D-SNAP SV-AV100 which records in MPEG2. It records at 704X480/30fps but you should only use a Panasonic SD card for fast trasfer speeds like the MSPD's.

My personal hope for the PSP since 1GB MSPD's are out is playing video off the card. I hope the camera accessory can record movies too. :)


Tag of Excellence
Kaching I can't tell if you're being serious or is this some sort of sick internet humor that I'm not hip too. You are dragging a misunderstanding out to some unheard level of obsessiveness. I am not being 'challenged' and I do infact have 'the presence to stand up for having done so when challenged' except of course when the challenges are imaginary.

I don't know how how much better I can explain it: I am not attacking you, stop taking it personally.

Thanks for the advice though, once I start speaking to the ether, posting at GAF will be the least of my worries.


Catchpenny said:
Hopefully many PSP games will offer the option of custom soundtracks. That would be very nice.
Why haven't I thought of this before? What a fantastic idea, it would certainly be an incredibly easy thing to do but I don't know how much of a drain would be to stream music off a memory stick.

On another topic, I'm almost positive Sony will have an official PSP memory stick at launch to purchase at launch for minimal cost. While we can observe the prices now and make assumptions I think Sony will be providing a better solution.


And even i am moderately surprised
"That Memory Stick or smaller (32 MB and 64 MB are available) are out now ;)."

i hope they at least pack one in of that size so you can at least save something / try some stuff out / put a handful of MP3s on there....

without purchasing a much bigger card though, it's going to be limited.


Marconelly said:
Almost noone in the electronics industry is using CF anymore. It's pretty much all SD and MS now, at least in the really compact devices.

nah, tons of digi cams use CF. CF is really the best storage device for mid sized electronic devices since its so cheap. if you're talking miniscule cellphones, pdas etc, they might use SDs to get a size advantage. but not all devices need to be that small.


Sony isn't getting the picture. PRICE and battery life are the big problems for them...not features. Is anyone going to bring their PSP to the gym so they have music to listen to while working out? How about jogging? You can already get good, cheap MP3 players for far less than the cost of a PSP...or possibly even the cost of the media required to store the MP3s on for the PSP.

Convergence devices have all pretty much failed at this point. Why not just focus on getting the game part of the PSP right, and then dropping the cost?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
-jinx- said:
Convergence devices have all pretty much failed at this point. Why not just focus on getting the game part of the PSP right, and then dropping the cost?

Would you consider the high ends PDA's that are capable of music, video as well as running applications supporting bluetooth and wi-fi capabilities failures?

How about the "new" wave of smartphones?

I think the jury is still out on whether this new generation of convergence devices has failed yet.


Is there a huge difference in price between the 256MB and 512MB memory stick duos? Fry's seems to have a 256MB memory stick duo for $40 in this week's ad...maybe it's a typo?


mp3 playback is nice to have although many phones have now got this. At least PSP now does it. It was retarded they were doing atrac. Might as well not put in the feature in that case.


Kiriku said:
"A few days ago, Sony revealed that it was reconsidering its stance on MP3 support in its music playback devices, which had formerly only supported the ATRAC3 system - leading to significant criticism from consumers, since competing devices such as Apple's iPod support the more popular MP3 format."

Good to see they're listening to consumers.

Wait a minute, the iPod is a competiting device with a PSP? I didn't realize the iPod could play video games... I must pick one up immediately.


Almost noone in the electronics industry is using CF anymore. It's pretty much all SD and MS now, at least in the really compact devices

Actually, Sony themselves have just started using CF. Their latest high end digicam, the 828, has two slots - MS pro and CF type II. They recognised the need to support that format to make that camera more attractive to previous digicam owners likely to have CF cards (especially microdrives)


wow! this thing is awesome. what can't i do with it?!?! i hope they make it into a cell phone too. that would be off teh hook dog!


Mashing said:
Wait a minute, the iPod is a competiting device with a PSP? I didn't realize the iPod could play video games... I must pick one up immediately.

According to Sony its more than a videogame machine.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
You are dragging a misunderstanding out to some unheard level of obsessiveness.
Yes, completely out of proportion with the rest of the jabbering we do all day long on this forum about much more consequential topics...*rolleyes* I certainly could just ignore you and not respond to any of the posts you addressed to me, since that apparently qualifies as obsessive in your book, but I was under the impression that disputes were generally best settled through dialogue.

Maybe instead of repeated edits to your posts (that have now completely changed the history of why this got to where it is), you should just spend a little more time thinking about what you want to say in the first place.

I accept that you didn't mean anything personal at this point. Now, by all means, let's return to the much more pressing issue of bickering about Memory Sticks.

While we can observe the prices now and make assumptions I think Sony will be providing a better solution.
True. Much as it may surprise some, Sony and their Memstick partners have aggressively reduced MS prices over time. Last price reduction was a few months ago and basically cut the prices of most existing memsticks in half. A previous price reduction did something similar and seems to follow in 6-9 month intervals. We might very well see another one before the PSP arrives in the US.


kaching said:
Don't go thinking it's going to get off that easily. The argument will now just shift to Memory Sticks being too expensive and not being able to hold someone's entire music collection anyway.

I meant as in DS. :lol


DarienA said:
Would you consider the high ends PDA's that are capable of music, video as well as running applications supporting bluetooth and wi-fi capabilities failures?

How about the "new" wave of smartphones?

I think the jury is still out on whether this new generation of convergence devices has failed yet.
Who is buying these devices?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
-jinx- said:
Convergence devices have all pretty much failed at this point. Why not just focus on getting the game part of the PSP right, and then dropping the cost?
All of the things that the PSP supports are very complimentary and necessary to support the "game part" anyway. This isn't a matter of unlike, disassociated things being forced to converge. To build a handheld gaming unit that could support most modern gaming conventions, you'd need it to have good movie and music playback abilities. Allowing the unit to capitalize on those features independent of gameplay shouldn't make for a lot of extra overhead.
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