First and only game I have played so far has been Batman. Took me 2,5 hours to beat it.
What can I say...I WAS fucking Batman for that time. Will play it again for sure for the collectibles and riddles.
At first the "unsharpness" annoyed me, but after moving the headset a lot I found a good position. Picture reminds me of my 720p beamer I use for my PS3.
This was my first VR experience ever and the immersion is unbelievable, these 2 and a half hours are one of the best gaming moments of my life, which started with Pitfall on an Atari, continued to a C64/Amiga, PS1 (Resident Evil intro and Gran Turismo replays) and PC era (Unreal with a Voodoo gfx card and my first multiplayer experiences with an old modem.
Was really blown away by Batman and all the small details in that short period of time, if they decide to do a full Batman (detective) game with this tech, it will be mindblowing, I am sure.
Now I have to try all other games and demos. Hopefully Batman wasn´t the best experience.
Had fears that VR would only be a gimmick like Move and 3D, but this is the future of gaming, I am sure of it.