Let's begin with PlayStation Move before jumping into games. PSMove is A BIG MUST. More important than Aim controller if you ask me. If you are looking for a definitive VR experience, you will need it. I would say there's maybe 80% games that uses Move with some being mandatory/optional. But even for the optional ones, you are going to want the Move experience. Arizona Sunshine, Raw Data, Mortal Blitz, Dick Wilde, Doom VFR, Skyrim, Batman, Star Trek Bridge Crew, Dino Frontier, Job Simulator and I can go on forever. You will be very limited by the amount of great games you can play for now picking up a PSMove.
As for games, since you don't have a PSMove now, you can start with COD Jackal Assault, if you have Battlefront try that too. Statik is a fantastic puzzle game, try the demo. RE7 and Farpoint are easily the best games on PSVR but not really a great idea to start with them, you will have a terrible motion sickness if you aren't used to it. Just try to start with static shooter stuff like Mortal Blitz, Dick Wilde, VR Invaders, VR World, Job Simulator, Superhot VR, Rush of Blood and every free stuff, although all of the games stated will require a PSMove, or better with PSMove.