Dude what. I thought Super Hot VR came out today... ??
Dude what. I thought Super Hot VR came out today... ??
This Friday. At least in NA.
This Friday. At least in NA.
Obduction added in PSVR section
Enhanced play with 2 PS Move controllers
Good on them for including Move, now i'm interested.
Oh DAMN, that's coming out in August?! I'm hyped.
Man, Matt, you're really on top of this keeping up with VR games stuff. Singapore represent, I guess.
Funny because it's almost 3am right now. Getting used to staying up late for VR news.
Whoops, my mistake. I spent over 10 years living in Singapore, meant that visits to KL were inevitable at some point.
Separation coming to PSVR, no idea what this is. Walking Sim?
Sweet, where? I'll swing by and try it out if that would help.You'll be able to use analog or Dual Shock. I'm actually previewing the game this week at an event using Move controllers. Works quite well.
I played Archangel for about 2-3 hours last night and really enjoyed it. (Not finished it yet)
The price tag seems a little expensive for an on-rails shooter but it's actually fairly involved. There's little in the way of strategy, but juggling your shields, weapons and melee attacks keeps you busy. More so than Rush Of Blood for example. The motion controls work well, production values are good and the whole thing's been very well choreographed to deliver a cinematic VR experience.
As a concept it's leagues ahead of the light gun days of old that I was paying way more than this price for 20+ years ago.
I'm not saying it's for everyone. People expecting Titanfall VR will be disappointed. But I have no regrets about making the purchase.
Separation coming to PSVR, no idea what this is. Walking Sim?
I can't hold all of these games! Archangel today, Superhot VRtomorrowFriday , Dino Frontier soon and now Obduction. WTF
Just story, unless a challenge mode unlocks after completion.Any challenge mode? Or just story.
Any thoughts on special Delivery? Was looking forward to the game prior release but then had a little off time with VR. Is it any good? Is the patch already live?
Just in case anybody is still wondering, saw people tweeting the dev.
Superhot is unreal. Really, really good. But this mechanic is a disaster -- I've literally hit a brick wall and can't progress:
If anyone gets to this bit and passes it I'd really appreciate the tips. One of the devs kindly responded to me but I've tried his suggestion and still can't progress.
Superhot is unreal. Really, really good. But this mechanic is a disaster -- I've literally hit a brick wall and can't progress:
If anyone gets to this bit and passes it I'd really appreciate the tips. One of the devs kindly responded to me but I've tried his suggestion and still can't progress.
*high five*Wayward Sky is on sale in NA and I don't know why I slept on this game. It's like looking down into a little diarama while a little action figure runs around and solves puzzles. The graphics are simple and cartoon but look great. Recommend.
You have to hold the button on both hands at the same time for a couple seconds to trigger it. It's a two handed attack.Superhot is unreal. Really, really good. But this mechanic is a disaster -- I've literally hit a brick wall and can't progress:
If anyone gets to this bit and passes it I'd really appreciate the tips. One of the devs kindly responded to me but I've tried his suggestion and still can't progress.
Played Superhot VR for an hour and it was so worth the wait, the game is awesome.
You really need to stand to play, sitting down is ok ish but grabbing things low down can be an issue for the camera tracking, standing works much better and feels more natural for the game anyway, as the character is standing.
Holding your hands / weapons still in front of you doesn't show any sign of judder like some games do, so Move accuracy seems good overall. Picking up weapons and shooting works great, throwing weapons can be a little tricky but take your time with a smooth motion and it works better than expected.
It just feels so good to play though. Shooting a guy, grabbing his gun out of the air, spinning around and shooting the guys sneaking in from the side, makes you feel like your in the Matrix, so damn satisfying.
This is a must have PSVR game, highly recommended.
As I mentioned before I played the game on the Vive. There were some levels where you need to duck behind cover, sometimes I'd literally be sneaking around lying on the floor. Curious if that all made it into the PSVR version..
wow!! arcangel is incredible. i wasn't sure what to expect., rail shooter sounds boring. but it's super high quality, the new best looking psvr game graphically, controls really well (with Moves you can punch each hand separately, grab, shoot lazers, missiles, and you have two shields), the sense of scale is fantastic, there is a story and supportive characters chatting with you ala star fox, and most of all it's really fun. can't wait to show friends this
That is disappointing.Yeah, it is quite good. My only complaint is the sound. It is Awful! I'm in a giant mech shooting off an automatic gauss cannon and massive missiles... and I can barely hear them.
Move tracking has been incredibly disappointing for me. Turned Superhot off after 10 minutes due to frustration.
That and dancing on the spot to move time along because there's no locomotion...
How did you play it. I just ordered it off the store only to realize it's not available until the 21st?
Move tracking has been incredibly disappointing for me. Turned Superhot off after 10 minutes due to frustration.
That and dancing on the spot to move time along because there's no locomotion...
Move tracking has been incredibly disappointing for me. Turned Superhot off after 10 minutes due to frustration.
That and dancing on the spot to move time along because there's no locomotion...
How is the tracking?
This should always be the #1 thing to check on these ports.
Oh my, I didn't think of that considering the use of the Move controllers which probably makes a game I was thrilled to see come to PSVR a gigantic pass for me as I simply cannot stand the lack of full traditional movement in these games.
I bought superhot VR a couple of days ago. The game was supposed to be available today, the timer is also gone but there is no download button...
Try going to the store from PS4 or web Download List or restart your PS4.
As I mentioned before I played the game on the Vive. There were some levels where you need to duck behind cover, sometimes I'd literally be sneaking around lying on the floor. Curious if that all made it into the PSVR version..