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PnP RPGs OT || Come play the REAL RPGs


Storm Giants achieved! And far faster than I would've guessed. 140 thousands in five hours.

If this pace keeps up several more goals should be easily achievable.
Do you guys know of online communities where I can play PnP RPGs online i.e. via a chat, or maybe forum postings? I played a bit of Warhammer and Cthulhu 10 years ago, but there was always a problem finding people around you to play as well.
Do you guys know of online communities where I can play PnP RPGs online i.e. via a chat, or maybe forum postings? I played a bit of Warhammer and Cthulhu 10 years ago, but there was always a problem finding people around you to play as well.

Is a bit more popular now. What you looking to play? I know it isn't too hard to get a game of 3rd ed. WhFRP on the Fantasy Flight forums. People often use things like MapTools or Fantasy Grounds, which are a good way to replace a board.
Do you guys know of online communities where I can play PnP RPGs online i.e. via a chat, or maybe forum postings? I played a bit of Warhammer and Cthulhu 10 years ago, but there was always a problem finding people around you to play as well.
In response to your specific question in the Quest for the Holy Relics thread...
((Forgive me for being out-of-character, but this topic is great, I always wanted to play PnP RPGs, never considered doing it in this format. Can anyone recommend me any websites for playing in this way? Also, would I be good with just the 4Ed. Rulebook?
EDIT: Found PnP OT, ignore this post, don't want to clog your game))
You can probably find a Play-by-Post 4th Edition game on either The Tangled Web (watch out though, I once got a malicious software warning trying to view one of my character sheets there) or Myth-weavers' forums (which is also a good place to create a character sheet.)

It'd be cool to see more than one PbP RPG going on in the NeoGAF community forum though.


Starting in September my group is going to be playing Rise of the Runelords. I know we'll have an Orc Barbarian from my roommate, and at least one Alchemist from the GMs buddy. This'll be the first campaign I've played in over a year so I'm really excited.

I myself will be playing a Bladebound Kensei Magus, but I haven't figured out which race to pick, Elf seems obvious, but I like trying out exotic races, any ideas guys?

I know a bladebound kensei isn't easy in the low levels, but the AP runs until max level, so I'll eventually get to the levels where I'll be a monster.

(BTW, I'd be up for a PbP around here if anyone else is interested. Even willing to try out new systems)


Reaper Bones Kickstarter is over 2million and growing in it's last 40+ hours.

The bonus minis keep on coming!



I am almost growing insane! I know I shouldnt spend so much on Kickstarter anymore but that is so tempting! Problem is that we havent played much RPGs lately since everyone usually have stuff to do, everyone rather be the player than the DM and the time consumption to prepare and host a RPG session is pretty much. But I damn so much want those figures.

Edit: I did it, I went for it. Vampire level plus a set of Fire giants. I am weak!
Also backed Numenera.
I am almost growing insane! I know I shouldnt spend so much on Kickstarter anymore but that is so tempting! Problem is that we havent played much RPGs lately since everyone usually have stuff to do, everyone rather be the player than the DM and the time consumption to prepare and host a RPG session is pretty much. But I damn so much want those figures.

Edit: I did it, I went for it. Vampire level plus a set of Fire giants. I am weak!
Also backed Numenera.

Fuck me I'm about to break!!!

Talk me down someone!


You should buy in. Just think how thankful me and the other 12000 people you will help get cool Necromancer minis will be.

I think I am going to try and get my friends to make the jump from 4E to Pathfinder with the next campaign I start. With an RPG already under their belt teaching shouldn't be that hard.


Cool Smoke Luke
I am almost growing insane! I know I shouldnt spend so much on Kickstarter anymore but that is so tempting! Problem is that we havent played much RPGs lately since everyone usually have stuff to do, everyone rather be the player than the DM and the time consumption to prepare and host a RPG session is pretty much. But I damn so much want those figures.

Edit: I did it, I went for it. Vampire level plus a set of Fire giants. I am weak!
Also backed Numenera.

don't forget you can decline the metal sophie kickstarter model(their mascot) and use the 25 dollars towards the vampire options at no extra cost..aka you can swap out sophie for NethyrMaul
17 hours left. Big day tomorrow, as they've promised amazing end goals and we should rocket past 4 million!

Best Kickstarter ever and I happy to have been part of it. So much fun to be had on the Supporters comment board!


Cool Smoke Luke
ya its well *twitch* working all my *twitch* nerves.

I pledged 200 but using the calculator I'm closer to 300
2 storage boxes for 50bucks is damn cheap
and 48 paints for 72 is godly..I pay about 4bucks for one here.
so that plus the vampire pledge is 222..and I really want some of those options like the pathfinder red dragon and the giants look so darn good!

its gonna take me 10years to paint all these!
I really wanted to go crazy on options, but I stopped at $125 since there have been so many awesome KS lately. Numenera and Relic Knights have my dollars. Trading in my Sophie too so that will be $50 in options.

I have painted one mini in my life, and now I'm watching painting vids like they are crack, and cannot wait!

Reaper has expanded their industry like mad. They should do this every Summer.


don't forget you can decline the metal sophie kickstarter model(their mascot) and use the 25 dollars towards the vampire options at no extra cost..aka you can swap out sophie for NethyrMaul

Oh? I can? Cool! Didnt want it anyway. I guess that is stuff to be taken care of once the Kickstart is over? Guess I will go for Fire Giants, Deathsleet and Demons then.

I am just gonna leave mine unpainted I think. One, I suck at painting. Two, I think it would give players a little more room for imagination what colors people are wearing
and I could use the same dragon for most dragon types without anyone being the wiser


Cool Smoke Luke
found the most amazing painting of the Pathfinder Red Dragon 10dollar option
Love this sculpt so much..(think this is the metal version painted..same model tho)


Cool Smoke Luke
welp obviously if you play rpgs they'll be great for that,
fantasy boardgames you can find a use for them as subs for other pieces.
I plan on painting them all and honestly for me thats gonna be worth the price just to do that..

as well Reaper has a skirmish tabletop wargame called Warlord. they allow proxy of units with any other reaper figure.. from what people have been saying you should be able to make at least 4 different factions(using proxy units) for the game with the vampire set.
I've always been curious but never played a real tabletop skirmish wargame so this will facilitate that as well.


Cool Smoke Luke
just hit 3.32Mill goal and unlocked

46mins to get another 100k will unlock CTHULHU!
God damn this is like crack

As well they've moved into #3 position for all time Kickstarters just beating out Doublefine..pretty amazing


bitch I'm taking calls.
Anyone know where to find out why they removed Half-Orcs in 4th edition?

D&D newcomer here, was reading a 3.5 edition players handbook that was gifted to me and thinking about Half-Orc stories until I saw online that they were taken out in 4th edition.

Mike M

Nick N
Anyone know where to find out why they removed Half-Orcs in 4th edition?

D&D newcomer here, was reading a 3.5 edition players handbook that was gifted to me and thinking about Half-Orc stories until I saw online that they were taken out in 4th edition.

Thought they were just in one of the subsequent handbooks released...


bitch I'm taking calls.
Thought they were just in one of the subsequent handbooks released...
You're right, my bad I didn't delve far enough. I was really confused for a minute and wondered why they weren't there.

Sorry about that.

Glad to see they are still around. I'm trying to put together a cool story for a half-orc fighter at the moment.


The "DnD Next" Fighter's Combat Superiority / Fighting Style mechanic is really cool. Probably my favorite thing about the game right now. Has a lot of potential and makes the Fighter interesting for once.

The game doesn't seem bad at all. Could end up being limited relative to 3e depending on the final product (almost impossible to speculate on the modularity at this time), but I see a mechanically-sound base here which seems easily enough to add to. I wonder how it will be adapted to Eberron.

Still really crazy the game is not coming until awhile into 2014. I thought they were working on the game for years at this point.
Had a chance to check out Dungeon World (based on Apocalypse World) at the game shoppe the other night. I really liked the feel of it. Sort of DnD Basic feel, with some coop indie story game, on top. Super simple, with a lot of old school flavor.

I'd love this as a one-show machine, especially for those that are new to gaming, or just want to dip a foot into fantasy PnP gaming.

Gotta say, the more I look into Numenera and 13th Age, the more I can forget about DnD 5th edition playtesting. I still have hope, but it feel more and more superfluous and unneccisary. We already have DnD.

Still following closely. Anything can happen before 2014. :)


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
So GM Pathfinder Society on Wednesdays there? Then you'd have the choice on what mods to run each week.

We have too many encounters players for us to split the evening unfortunately.

The other problem is the other table at the store. They aren't welcoming to newcomers at all, so I run the table to introduce new people to D&D. If I didn't, well, we wouldn't get new people. Stupid elitist table has already chased off enough people.
Just rolled a Drow Hexblade for D&D encounters. I think it's kinda dumb that you can't use the Forgotten Realms Player's Guide. At least, the character builder wouldn't let me choose feats from that book.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
Just rolled a Drow Hexblade for D&D encounters. I think it's kinda dumb that you can't use the Forgotten Realms Player's Guide. At least, the character builder wouldn't let me choose feats from that book.

Did you roll for the encounters or for home campaign?

I DM Encounters and I don't care WTF people bring. Although I did make most of them be drows.
Did you roll for the encounters or for home campaign?

I DM Encounters and I don't care WTF people bring. Although I did make most of them be drows.

It is for Encounters. A buddy of mine is DMing, but he wanted someone with experience along since everyone else is new, and he's still new to DMing as well. I guess I could ask if he's cool with stuff from other books, especially since its setting appropriate.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
It is for Encounters. A buddy of mine is DMing, but he wanted someone with experience along since everyone else is new, and he's still new to DMing as well. I guess I could ask if he's cool with stuff from other books, especially since its setting appropriate.

Pretty much. My guys, *sigh*, they are choosing like, whatever the siliest thing for a drow to be. I think one guy is a drow bard who plays German Industrial music like Einsturzde Neubauten. I know another person, her player character is straight up Senor CHang from Community. But, they do make the games fun as heck.
Ran my monthly pathfinder campaign session over the weekend. fun for everyone once again just wish we could play more often. this time there was a long term npc murdered and a bloody battle broke out following a feast to thank the players. sadly the npc died because of decisions they made at the last session so it hit home pretty hard.
This is perfect!

Thank you!

Got your back! I'm buddies with the guys that do Know Direction so they are an easy recommend. They keep a biweekly schedule and cover news and interviews quite well.

Ryan also does 3.5 Private Sanctuary as well, which covers more crunchy/rules stuff, along with DM/GM issues, etc.
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