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PnP RPGs OT || Come play the REAL RPGs

Man being a GM is a lot of work. I've taken to recording our sessions and going back to listen to them so I can take notes on what has occurred. Is this weird?

The PCs take notes so it seems to make sense that I should get to as well, lest I forget something. However it does mean that I need to take a lot of time in prep, many hours in fact.


You could also make notes as you GM. NPC names, major and minor events and whatnot. This might save you extra time and effort afterwards.

Also, I don't think it's weird recording sessions, I plan on doing the same. I've spent some more time than I should have looking at different field recorders to find one suitable for the job. It'd still be worth making notes and time-stamping them by referring to the recorder, this can help you find something mentioned in the recording if you need to go back and check something.

My current GM types up a session report and emails it out a few days before our next session, so we can all recap before we arrive. We don't record anything though, I'm assuming it's all notes or impeccable memory on his part.
So got to go over the new Star Wars RPG by FFG, could be interesting. If you played Warhammer Fantasy RPG by FFG, then it's very similar. Dice system is essentially the same, what they did was get rid of all the extra components and having unique abilities on cards. It's more traditional RPG but with the same type of narrative based system that uses the special dice to determine what the outcome is, and from their players determine how the scenario plays out. Lot of folks didn't like how component heavy Warhammer was, so this might satisfy them.

Instead of using cards your earn as you level up to build up a character, Star Wars uses talent trees similar to MMOs like WoW. As you level up you choose a talent trees and invest in customizing your character that way. Similar to D20 like talents, they give you little bonuses or unique special rules that help customize your character.

Abstraction and simplicity is about on par with Warhammer. Again the biggest issue I have with the game which I think is going to hurt it's popularity, is that they are making the games segmented like their 40K line. Edge of the Empire the first release for 2013 is all just about playing Fringe characters. In 2014 they are putting out the Rebellion era set of content, and in 2015 the Rise of the Empire era which will have the force user stuff. Limiting so much what players can play in the SW setting is a bit odd when past RPG's let you do anything essentially since it let you replicate the movies with a hero group made of different segments of the universe. No force user characters in the game at launch seems like a huge mistake still.


So to play Pathfinder, is all I really need to have is the core rulebook? I'm talking minimum stuff required.
That and a set of dice.

Pen and paper as well.

That's the essentials.

Almost-essential but can do without if you DM really good:
Some 1inch graph paper and something to represent players and monsters, like coins or plastic counters.

That's it.

But really, get the Pathfinder Beginner box. It's stupid cheap and has enough in there to last you for hours and hours.


That and a set of dice.

Pen and paper as well.

That's the essentials.

Almost-essential but can do without if you DM really good:
Some 1inch graph paper and something to represent players and monsters, like coins or plastic counters.

That's it.

But really, get the Pathfinder Beginner box. It's stupid cheap and has enough in there to last you for hours and hours.

Didn't know about the box. Will check that out.
The Pathfinder beginner box is responsible for me and my sister and brother in law getting into role playing. The box is a great intro into the rules. It comes with everything you need to get started and the dry erase map, dice and cutouts we still use.

Best product ever!!

If you have friends willing to play... Don't even think about it, just grab it and get started.
The Pathfinder beginner box is responsible for me and my sister and brother in law getting into role playing. The box is a great intro into the rules. It comes with everything you need to get started and the dry erase map, dice and cutouts we still use.

Best product ever!!

If you have friends willing to play... Don't even think about it, just grab it and get started.

Listen to the panda!
Bumping this thread to grumble about D&D Encounters. What is it about 4th ed that makes me roll under 7 on practically every d20 roll?
The Pathfinder beginner box is responsible for me and my sister and brother in law getting into role playing. The box is a great intro into the rules. It comes with everything you need to get started and the dry erase map, dice and cutouts we still use.

Best product ever!!

If you have friends willing to play... Don't even think about it, just grab it and get started.

Did you play with just the three of you? The group that I'd buy it for is just two others so I'm not sure if I should pick it up now since I usually see more than three people playing.


I've just finished my bi-annual Baldur's Gate 2 playthrough, and I got that itch - So I'm DMing a Forgotten Realms game in D&D 3.5. And because I've also replayed Mask of the Betrayer recently, the whole thing is in Rasheman. It'll be a pretty condensed campaign (built for around 5 sessions with an option of extending it.) But obviously, I'm adding playing with it (I've created some crazy ass characters and the whole plot is pretty much bonkers.)

Long story short, I also need some nice character generator. One that is as customizable as possible. Basically something like http://www.pathguy.com/cg35.htm only with a bearable interface?


Bumping this thread to grumble about D&D Encounters. What is it about 4th ed that makes me roll under 7 on practically every d20 roll?

Don't worry, 13th Age and Dungeon World aren't far away. So even if you fail a roll, something interesting is likely to happen.


Unconfirmed Member
I didn't even know this existed -


But I almost audibly squealed when I found it at a Half Price Books the other day while looking for a Dresden sourcebook.

I freaking love Tank Police.


There is now a video of the 13th Age/Dungeon World PAX panel. I thought I'd share in case anyone here was interested in hearing Rob Heinsoo, Adam Koebel, Logan Bonner and Sage LaTorra (with moderator Wade Rockett) talk about old school RPGs with modern design.

I know I am, I've been waiting since PAX for this to be available.
There is now a video of the 13th Age/Dungeon World PAX panel. I thought I'd share in case anyone here was interested in hearing Rob Heinsoo, Adam Koebel, Logan Bonner and Sage LaTorra (with moderator Wade Rockett) talk about old school RPGs with modern design.

I know I am, I've been waiting since PAX for this to be available.

HUGE thank you for this. Really looking forward to 13th Age and I already heart Dungeon World.
Did you play with just the three of you? The group that I'd buy it for is just two others so I'm not sure if I should pick it up now since I usually see more than three people playing.

Sorry it took me so long to respond. It plays fine with just two other people. We have a freaking blast! Sometimes I will lower the number of creatures in an encounter so it's a bit easier and we are all new. We screw up some rules here and there it's really not a big deal. It's such an amazing time!

The game can be as hard or easy as you make it as DM. The second time I ran an encounter my players were getting brutalized. I just added a room on the fly with a little puzzle and gave them potions of healing in a chest. They were unaware it was not part of the premade module.

This is what I did:

Read both books and get a grasp of the rules.

Start with the solo adventure and learn how the rules actually work in the game, then read the solo adventure like a story to both of your friends and have them make the decisions and do the rolls so they understand the rules. Once they are comfortable with checks and combat, Plan a night and do the blackfang adventure! (I had them use premade characters so they would not feel overwhelmed)

I guarantee they will be freaking hooked.

Also watching youtube videos of DnD with Chris Perkins as DM Really helped me grasp some of the rules and how the game actually plays "perception checks etc." I am a little obsessed right now and I'm trying to get this stuff in my brain wherever I can so I've been listening to the penny arcade podcasts of them playing 4e its damn funny and great for new Dms to listen to and learn flavor text and explaining combat hits and misses and simple rules since its some of there firsts games too. (they are playing 4e)

Anyone can feel free to chime in if I'm giving horrible advice but this stuff all worked amazing for me.

Wow sorry that was so long. I hope it helps someone.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
Bumping this thread to grumble about D&D Encounters. What is it about 4th ed that makes me roll under 7 on practically every d20 roll?

Cursed dice. Did you die to the gnomes?
Don't worry, 13th Age and Dungeon World aren't far away. So even if you fail a roll, something interesting is likely to happen.
Eh? What do you mean? (Or do I just need to familiarize myself with the system in general?)
Cursed dice. Did you die to the gnomes?
No death, thankfully, just missed attack rolls. I don't even think its cursed dice. I use different dice almost everytime, it's just something about every 4e campaign I've been in where one person can never roll above a 7. It's weird.
You could also make notes as you GM. NPC names, major and minor events and whatnot. This might save you extra time and effort afterwards.

Also, I don't think it's weird recording sessions, I plan on doing the same. I've spent some more time than I should have looking at different field recorders to find one suitable for the job. It'd still be worth making notes and time-stamping them by referring to the recorder, this can help you find something mentioned in the recording if you need to go back and check something.

My current GM types up a session report and emails it out a few days before our next session, so we can all recap before we arrive. We don't record anything though, I'm assuming it's all notes or impeccable memory on his part.

Yeah, I think it is going to become standard practice for me :) improved last nights session to no end. Though the point of doing it all WHEN THE PCS ARE THICK AS TWO PLANKS is beyond me.

Got to have one of my pcs slapped by a halfling repeatedly. Made me feel better.


While I'm here, yesterday I received an RPG I ordered through Kickstarter last October. I am yet to have a read through it, but the concept certainly interested me when I first saw it. The artwork throughout the book is incredible, I'm glad they were able to raise enough funds to print it in colour. I'm also rather impressed with some of the names they got involved; seeing Jason Morningstar (creator of Fiasco) and Jason L Blair attached got me rather excited. I'm keen to see what their scenarios are like.

The front and back cover of Don't Walk in Winter Wood.


Did anyone here end up playing this?


Eh? What do you mean? (Or do I just need to familiarize myself with the system in general?)

If you see the systems function, you'll see what I mean. They're a breath of fresh air.

Nothing worse than having your turn last 5-10 seconds because you failed a roll and then you have to watch and wait, while everyone else is busy being awesome.

Yeah, I think it is going to become standard practice for me :) improved last nights session to no end. Though the point of doing it all WHEN THE PCS ARE THICK AS TWO PLANKS is beyond me.

Hopefully the effort is worth it. Standard fare for a lot of groups is the GM writes a bunch of stuff for the players, and the players don't read any of it. A shame really.

Did anyone here end up playing this?

No one else mentioned buying it, and I haven't gotten around to running or even reading it yet. I will be sure to post about it when I eventually run it, though with so many games to play, I'm not sure when that will be.

In today's D&D game, I nearly died of laughter multiple times. The first was when it was pondered whether or not a Deva had reproductive organs, and someone said they just had a blank mound there and it got all sweaty when they were aroused. "Rub my glistening mound!" The second occasion was when we saw some the damage to a town ransacked by Centaurs. One of the players mentioned how a horse pleasures itself, which led to, when we saw other creatures, jokes about the "masturbatory habits of the Monster Manual".

I promise our games aren't all about crude humour and related themes, but damn they were great out-of-character moments.
I'd just love a way to input stat blocks for all your NPCs and monsters and then be able to set up encounters with them and mark down damage and status and whatnot.

So just wanted to mention that I had this idea too and made a pretty simple Windows 8 Metro App that does this. It was designed around 4th edition D&D and still kind of buggy.

I'm not sure how much more I am going to do with it, I would like to add some sort of upload feature, so anytime someone makes a new monster it would be added to an online database rather than saved local, but I am not that smart. :(

but if anyone is interested in a copy I can email them the code to recompile. (Requires Win 8 and Visual Studio).


There was a panel on Delta Green at Gen Con 2012 and the audio was, once again, recorded so those of us who couldn't be there could still listen to the discussion.

Panelists include Dennis Detwiller, Adam Scott Glancy, Kenneth Hite, Shane Ivey and Greg Stolze. You can download the audio and read the discussion notes here.

Edit: An update to 13th Age: 13 True Ways, the first stretch goal is the Necromancer class if it reaches $37.5k. Also, someone has pledged $550 and designed their own monster with the help of the creators; they bring you...

Devil of the Fangs: When the Blessed Emperor pacified the Midland Sea, most of the terrible giants of the deeps swam out into the Iron Sea. But some of the great krakens moved onto land. They converted their deep magic into river magic and became the river devils, armored squid-like monstrosities capable of heaving themselves from one river to the next, always avoiding their ancient home. The very worst of the river devils made deals with the Diabolist to become devils in truth. The most terrifying river devil of this age is the Devil of the Fangs. The Devil torpedoes through the river networks that give it its name in a squid-like form before heaving itself onto land with tentacles shape-changed into taloned arms.

If you see the systems function, you'll see what I mean. They're a breath of fresh air.

Nothing worse than having your turn last 5-10 seconds because you failed a roll and then you have to watch and wait, while everyone else is busy being awesome.

I've snooped around a bit, and I'm liking what I'm seeing of 13th Age and DW so far! Are there any places I can preview the meaty rules? Seems like most of what I've found so far have been closed playtests, and I don't have the cash, sadly, to pitch in to another Kickstarter.


I've snooped around a bit, and I'm liking what I'm seeing of 13th Age and DW so far! Are there any places I can preview the meaty rules? Seems like most of what I've found so far have been closed playtests, and I don't have the cash, sadly, to pitch in to another Kickstarter.

With Dungeon World, you're in luck because Sage and Adam are super awesome people. Shoot them an email (gm@dungeon-world.com) about it and I'm sure they'll just give you a copy of the pre-release PDF. They did for me, I actually got separate replies from both of them. I can't say enough good things about the game or the cool people behind it.

As for 13th Age, you need to preorder the core rulebook or pledge to the 13 True Ways Kickstarter to get your hands on the pre-release rules for that game. As well as original playtesters, preorder customers have been given updated copies of the core rulebook as changes had been made. They have extended that to Kickstarter pledges to drum up some extra excitement, and since the game it's for hasn't been released yet. I believe it's heading into layout now, so it shouldn't be too far away.


It took us 12 years but we finally did it!
Firstly I wanted to thank Neogaf personally as a ton of people in this thread have helped me with various questions and so forth concerning if I should do this. Hearing that much positive feedback to the secret screenings of the game and rules really pushed me over the edge. I thought I was crazy opening the book to pledge created content but it just felt right.

Anyway here we go!

AfterEarth is up on kickstarter-


AfterEarth is a game of what if scenarios. What if the world almost came to an end, if the fabric of reality ripped apart and realities merged? How would man go on; how would those that arrived continue to live? What if creatures, places, and things from other realities merged with our own? Hundreds of years later, how would those who remain cope, cooperate and conflict with one another?

This is a world that includes: magic combined with gunplay, majestic or cyborgish dragons flying the skies next to the airships of the sinister Energy Cannibals, decrepit and monolithic cities rife with evil bordering wild-lands where the old west meets Mad Max meets Lord of the Rings. Treasures from before the fall of man entice hunters to the deepest depths, even as those that embrace this new world seek to dig out a life for themselves ignoring the past. You can be involved! Hero or villain, man or woman, human or one of more than 20 additional races, it is all up to you!
Think Mad Max, Lord of the Rings, Book of Eli, Reign of Fire, and even an occasional beat up crazy robot all mixed together in a world that actually seems to make sense.

Why We Think it is Special.
This Kickstarter aims to bring pledges together with the game designers to modify and complete a masterful pen and paper RPG. For all intents and purposes the pledges, at particular levels, will have votes that are equal to the game designers themselves. All your creation and design, with be melded with our own and then combined with our incredible rules system that has already been created for the AfterEarth world. A rules system that combines speed with role-playing, brutality with complexity, and simplicity with infinite expansion possibilities. You can vote, you can create, or you can simply sit back and enjoy the completed product at the lowest pledge level. It is in your hands!

Length: 500 Pages unedited and without pledge content. Probably 350 at least once we get pledge content and edit it down.

I am super excited about this. We developed enough on our own that we can give the PDF of the full book for just $1.00 if we succeed! We also got our artists on board for illustrating all the pledge input. So if people create and NPC, race, role, or other pledge reward they will most likely get it illustrated in the book. We got some amazing illustrators too.

Play-testers needed:
Play-testers are needed for this and you don't need to contribute. If you want to give a little that's fine too. But we need about 40 play-testers for some rules changes we just put in. If the Kickstarter is successful we will send out packets that would include;
  1. AfterEarth Specialized Card Deck(poker cards can be used as well)
  2. AfterEarth Play Testing Adventure
  3. AfterEarth Rule Book Sample
  4. AfterEarth Player Guide Sample
  5. AfterEarth Play Test Webpage Link
If you want to playtest PM me.

Thanks all!


Thinking heavily about adding the World Book print on the Numenera pledge, I am really sold on the world about a far, far, far future where technology is regarded as magical and having that one printed sounds awesome.
Thinking heavily about adding the World Book print on the Numenera pledge, I am really sold on the world about a far, far, far future where technology is regarded as magical and having that one printed sounds awesome.

The setting of Numenera has me more excited for play than any of the other upcoming game releases.

As strange as it sounds, it would make an amazing Team ICO game.


Who wants a Dungeons & Dragons documentary?

To celebrate the 40th anniversary (in 2014) of the game that started it all, some cool people want to make a documentary about Gary Gygax and his biggest accomplishment. If you want to help make this happen, details are here on Kickstarter.


The 13th Age seems cool for a lot of reasons, but I have a hard time matching up what sounds good on paper to imagining it in the reality. Combat, though I feel like I'm more comfortable with the extremes as an occasional JRPG player, sounds like a weird mesh of tactical and hand-waving. The skill systems seems like it doesn't actually add much (like it won't be able to do anything a fixed 3e or 4e skill system couldn't) to make up for the fact it could quickly become a case of saying "No" to a non-skill monkey player who has the best background. While initially the Escalation die excited me, once I realized it wasn't a neutral power-source with multiple applications all I saw was a magical, inexplicable bonus that made enemies fall faster, which is not how I want to fix the problem of longer battles. I'm pretty lukewarm about the 13 Icons system. It sounds like I won't be able to find a use, but I can't say anything bad about it. If it is a replacement to alignment (don't recall seeing any mention of alignment), then I like it enough.


Specifically on the Escalation Die, it seems you haven't looked past just one aspect of it. It's not only a flat additional +1 to your attack bonus each round to make the fight go quicker, there is more to it than that.

Yes, it does get introduced in round 2 and goes up by one each round from there. This is meant to add a feel to the combat, because the monsters will enter the fight more powerful than you are. It's meant to evoke the feeling of a struggle when players initially encounter the monsters, it's challenging, the outcome seems bleak, but soon enough, the tables turn in the players favour and they start to gain the upper hand in the fight and leave triumphant. Using the term from the book, it's meant to represent increasing momentum. Because of this, if the players aren't pushing this feel, the increasing of the Escalation Die can cease until they do, or it can be reset to zero if combat has all but stopped. This shows a lot more thought, effort and the use of a mechanic to better serve the flow and feel of the game. It's certainly a lot more than "to fix the problem of longer battles".

There are other things that use the Escalation Die in the game. It can be used as a reference for damage on a miss, when players can use some abilities. Enchantments can use the Escalation Die too. It can tell the GM when a monster can gain an attack (so you might want to kill it quick before the big hurt comes), how many attacks it can use, or what type of attack it will be. Interaction with certain monsters can nullify the Escalation Die, or inhibit its advancement, as could some ongoing effects. Some monsters get the Escalation Die as an attack bonus too, since they're badass monsters and need to continue to be that way.

As you can see, it's much more than just a superfluous addition to the game.

If you're having a hard time imagining how this game performs at the table, check out some actual plays, there's a bunch of them out there. It's a lot more elegant than you're envisioning it, especially with how characters have a relationship with Icons and how that can influence the game, that the combat system is quite well thought out, the One Unique Thing of course, and more. It's a great step forward for the d20 style of game.


Your explanation of the Escalation Die goes against what I've heard, especially when it comes to monsters being able to use it, but I'll take your word for it. To be clear, when you say the DM can reference it for monster abilities, do you mean thumb-ruling or as a piece of the mechanics (like similar to the way you'd roll for monster abilities in 4e)?


Your explanation of the Escalation Die goes against what I've heard, especially when it comes to monsters being able to use it, but I'll take your word for it. To be clear, when you say the DM can reference it for monster abilities, do you mean thumb-ruling or as a piece of the mechanics (like similar to the way you'd roll for monster abilities in 4e)?

A couple of examples from the most recent PDF should clear this up:

Medium Black Dragon
Escalator: The medium black dragon adds the escalation die to its attack rolls.

Frost Giant
Ancient cold: While battling frost giants, there is only a 50% chance that the escalation die increases at the start of the round.

(Part of their Ice Cold Blade attack)
Natural 18+: The target is weakened (save ends), and the escalation die decreases by 1 (minimum 0).

Fear: While engaged with this creature, enemies that have 15 hp or fewer are weakened and do not add the escalation die to their attacks.

There are a number of others noted in the book that have bonuses including the Escalation Die, they're the ones that are meant to be nasty, and it emphasises their nastiness; your average monsters shouldn't be able to have that kind of power over the party. I picked the ones that show you different ways it can be used.

An Owlbear can perform 2 of their main attacks when the Escalation Die is even, is another example, and as a GM, why wouldn't you do this? It keeps the players on their toes, since every 2nd round, starting with round 3, the Owlbear is going to bring the pain.


Neo Member
how would i go about starting this sort of thing the online ones more so, do you pick a game first or find a group? or if anyone on here is starting a game a complete beginner could join?
how would i go about starting this sort of thing the online ones more so, do you pick a game first or find a group? or if anyone on here is starting a game a complete beginner could join?

If you are looking for a play by post game to join, there is one going on here, though I can't speak for the DM whether or not he feels he has room for more players.

If you want to start one... unless you know a group of people who want to play already, your best bet is probably to pick up a game you are interested in, get an idea of what kind of campaign you want to make, and at least get the start of it worked out some how, then ask around for people who might be interested in joining. It may take a while, but generally its a lot easier to find people to play if you have a GM and are ready to begin a game as soon as they are done making characters.
was more thinking about the roll20 and other such ones rather than post by post but guess ill look around at the different games first to see what interests me

Oh yeah, sorry about that... roll20 is suppose to be pretty good and appears to get updated a lot, personally though, me and my friends use Maptools and it works pretty well for us. Gametable is also good, we use to use it, but moved to Maptools as it has more customization options, which is not every-bodies cup of tea, so GT may be of use to you.


Neo Member
Oh yeah, sorry about that... roll20 is suppose to be pretty good and appears to get updated a lot, personally though, me and my friends use Maptools and it works pretty well for us. Gametable is also good, we use to use it, but moved to Maptools as it has more customization options, which is not every-bodies cup of tea, so GT may be of use to you.

Thanks will look into, are groups normally ok with new players or would some just getting annoyed and pissed at me?
Thanks will look into, are groups normally ok with new players or would some just getting annoyed and pissed at me?

Can't really tell you, as that is going to depend on the group. That said, I assume most groups are ok with new players unless they have a reason not to be.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
What exactly happened to Palladium games anyway?

They were like the Image Comics of RPG's during the same time, then I have no ideal where they went.

I'm not upset, stupid SDC/MDC, Skill %, but am curious


Update for: AfterEarth
RPGinformer writeup: http://www.therpginformer.com/2012/09/13/afterearth-the-fall-a-fantasy-and-post-apocalyptic-rpg-you-can-contribute-to-before-printing/

Well, thanks to a very flexible publisher we got a coilbound version of the book with exclusive cover art at a pretty good pledge level. Especially considering its going to be a massive book or 2 large books.

One of the complaints we received is that even though we have a documented amount of work with an actual product at the end of the Kickstarter rainbow we didn't have a book cheap enough on the levels people wanted. Hopefully that, along with the 15 or 20 other new rewards at various levels. Get's us started.

Also guys, if you have questions, comments, or just hate it I would love to know. Seriously. If something seems off, or something you would like I will be glad to take it to the team. We have done so already with the coil-bound books, posters, and framed art from the project. I can try to push anything.



Excellent news. We had another very successful Kickstarter member mention us to some blogs and now we have some interviews set up as well as a couple podcast bits. Good times!


More good news on the tremulus kickstarter.

This morning I received an email from Jason Morningstar (creator of Fiasco) offering to contribute to the development of tremulus, specifically turning his special talents and icy, forbidden knowledge towards The Frozen Wasteland playset. Since Jason really brought Apocalypse World to my attention in the first place, I am delighted to be finally getting an opportunity to work with one of the finest designers in the industry, and cannot wait to see what we come up with.

Jason Morningstar is now contributing his efforts to this? HELL YES! *Does a little dance*

I was already excited when I saw that we'd be seeing The Frozen Wasteland playset, so we can make out own 'At the Mountains of Madness' game. Now I'm even more excited.


And out the window flew the rest of this months budget. Now with Numenera passing 425.000 dollars (adding more pages to all the books), I wanted to have the last 2 books so I would have the complete collection of all hardcover books. 25.000 more and more art will be added to them.

Edit: And there it passed 450.000, big books incomming!
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