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PnP RPGs OT || Come play the REAL RPGs

Hey all!

So been working on my win8 app that I mentioned earlier. It's mostly done now, needs a few polishing touches. Thought I would share some screenshots with ya.

So step one is to create a new monster to add to encounter, which also involves creating the powers for the monster:



Then you can build an encounter from the different monsters you've created:


And finally then you can run the encounter. On the left is the individual hit points for the different monsters that you can keep track of. In the middle is the monster cards. The neat thing is on the monster cards you can click a combat power and it will put the attack roll and damage for the power (kind of up near the top).


Anyway there are a few other minor features, like note keeping, that I didn't show a screenshot of.

If there is any feature requests that you would like or anything, go ahead and let me know. Going to beta test this some more with my group a week from Tuesday. :)
FFG just announced a beginners box set they are doing for Star Wars: Edge of the Empire


This is supposed to be an intro set with adventure, premade characters, and everything to play in the box. Rulebook is only 48 so it's not the complete game but again it's an intro to roleplaying type of deal. Full rulebook is expected to be over 300 pages as the beta book is almost that much and has almost no art or fluff material in it.


AfterEarth: the Fall added hardbound versions for 55 to the Kickstarter.
500 pages of awesome for 55 bucks, or even less if you go with the spiral or softcover now.
FFG just announced a beginners box set they are doing for Star Wars: Edge of the Empire


This is supposed to be an intro set with adventure, premade characters, and everything to play in the box. Rulebook is only 48 so it's not the complete game but again it's an intro to roleplaying type of deal. Full rulebook is expected to be over 300 pages as the beta book is almost that much and has almost no art or fluff material in it.

I saw this and I must say im pretty intrigued!


Hi all. I wanted to say thanks to Neogaf! I can see where people came from to pledge and Neogaf has been really generous to me and my team. I dig you guys!
Thanks man...sniff...


So, I never realized how homophobic the nerd population actually is... We are now having to let ago another player for this reason (he was harnessing a player on Facebook with "jokes".)
Ugh, I mean, seriously :|
So, I never realized how homophobic the nerd population actually is... We are now having to let ago another player for this reason (he was harnessing a player on Facebook with "jokes".)
Ugh, I mean, seriously :|

Super hit or miss. I've seen pockets of homophobes, but being gay and out I get zero flack.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Your experience might be the exception to the rule. From my experience role-players are among some of the most accepting groups of people you can find.

I mean, ignoring the basic decency of the thing, the kind of game we are playing is one where everyone is encouraged to have the freedom to be whoever/whatever they want.

Being so narrow-minded in this hobby makes very little sense to me.


One of the players in my group is openly gay, and makes it obvious to newcomers so he knows if you're cool with it or not. Another player does make jokes about it, but it's obviously in good humour and not in any way an attempt to be hurtful. Everyone in my group, besides me, have been friends for 30+ years and of course are constantly ribbing eachother, it's great. Any real homophobia or bigotry is unwelcome, none of us are tolerant of that.

I would think a lot of the nerd culture would be accepting of many things, especially since the serious nerds of yore were outcasts of one kind or another. I guess it has become more socially acceptable to partake in nerd-like activities now, so you get all sorts. Kick 'em to to the curb and move on, I don't give bigots like that a secondary thought, they're not worth it.


I think, from what I've seen, that it's actually the most hardcore of nerds (the three players we had to kick were the most socially-awkward/"classic nerds" of our group) who tend to be more uncomfortable with gay people. It could just be coincidence though, I don't know, I certainly hope so though, I used to have faith in the nerd population.

Maybe it's just our group - we have 3 non-heterosexual players overall, and usually at least one gay character in a game (which is pretty understandable considering the ratio, I guess). In a recent campaign we had two male characters in active romance. So maybe it's just harder for some people when those things are also featured in the actual campaign.
Not that this is an acceptable excuse to imply on Facebook (as a "joke") that one of our players is "converting" little boys by seducing them.

Anyway, we're just starting a new Forgotten Realms campaign, so it's a good time to refresh the group.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
So, I never realized how homophobic the nerd population actually is... We are now having to let ago another player for this reason (he was harnessing a player on Facebook with "jokes".)
Ugh, I mean, seriously :|

I have to regulate on the teenagers who come to Encounters regularily.

Speaking of Encounters. TPK last night.

Being so narrow-minded in this hobby makes very little sense to me.

Sadly, it makes sense to me. Seeing the kids that come in for drop in play. They aren't the most socially adapted kids. They are either in their own little world, or they overcompensate by being really loud and goofy. They just don't know any better. I'm hoping through peer pressure adjustment that the behavior will get corrected.
I definitely don't put up with bigotry in my groups, though I've luckily never had to deal with it. (I once DMed a Mutants & Masterminds game with 3 lesbians and 2 straight-guys, had a blast with it.) It seems to be the younger, super-awkward types who engage in that sort of behavior anyway.


Really looking forward to getting my Bones miniatures next year, think they will work great with games like Pathfinder. The Storm Giant looks awesome. :D


Alright, so I played 4e for the second time last night. Went a lot better than my first time since the DM was good and encouraged us to role play.

I want to start D&D with another group, but I'd like to consider alternates to 4e. I would like something that simplifies the combat or at least removes the grid/tactical element to it. I feel combat takes too long and focuses too much on min-maxing and tactical planning, and it just bogs things down. What should I be looking at?


Alright, so I played 4e for the second time last night. Went a lot better than my first time since the DM was good and encouraged us to role play.

I want to start D&D with another group, but I'd like to consider alternates to 4e. I would like something that simplifies the combat or at least removes the grid/tactical element to it. I feel combat takes too long and focuses too much on min-maxing and tactical planning, and it just bogs things down. What should I be looking at?

If our Kickstarter was over I would point you to that as it does exactly what you stated. For currently released games En World has a great thread on just this in the RPG/tabletop section. You should check it out as many of the posts break down specific games and their rules. I personally still like OWOD:) Just because of how quick it was. Sure sure its broken in many ways but man, for my group is was fast.


I'm weary about moving away from D&D simply because I don't have much experience with the genre, so I figured I should sink my teeth into that a bit before I try other things out. It would also give me the benefit of being able to join a larger number of groups in the future, since I'd at least be familiar with the system everyone is using. I was thinking more along the lines of maybe checking out D&D 3.5? AD&D 1? Would those fix some of the issues I have with 4e? Or am I really better looking outside of D&D?

I'm definitely checking out your Kickstarter though. Sounds really cool.


I'm weary about moving away from D&D simply because I don't have much experience with the genre, so I figured I should sink my teeth into that a bit before I try other things out. It would also give me the benefit of being able to join a larger number of groups in the future, since I'd at least be familiar with the system everyone is using. I was thinking more along the lines of maybe checking out D&D 3.5? AD&D 1? Would those fix some of the issues I have with 4e? Or am I really better looking outside of D&D?

I'm definitely checking out your Kickstarter though. Sounds really cool.

Oh sorry. So sticking with DND. Hmm. I always felt that at D@D 3 the bits were in place for a game based more on miniatures or MMO's and it started getting very matrix-ed out.
I made my shift away from DND to Warhammer Roleplay during D@D 2nd ed and haven't looked back. I do hear more positive things about 3.5 from friends than I do about 4. You can change many things in D@D to fit, of course, but I feel like you do. The atmosphere just seems steeped in a game based almost solely around mini's or that thought process which includes a devilish trend towards mini-maxing.

And thanks for checking out the Kickstarter if you want something laugh with or even at check out our Project video's first 2-3 minutes:)


I'm going all in for that hardcover at $55. :)

Can't watch the video at work, but the product sounds very appealing to me. I'm also loving the concept art and the world you've created...seems like something entirely unique.

Maybe I'll start reading the D&D 3/3.5 rules and see if that could work out for me. Otherwise I'll check out what you've recommended.


I'm going all in for that hardcover at $55. :)

Can't watch the video at work, but the product sounds very appealing to me. I'm also loving the concept art and the world you've created...seems like something entirely unique.

Maybe I'll start reading the D&D 3/3.5 rules and see if that could work out for me. Otherwise I'll check out what you've recommended.

Oh wow! Seriously thank you. That is awesome. I have to say we did work hard on the world, making sure we had a boatload of content and a believable but incredible world BEFORE just throwing it on Kickstarter and the card rules really makes it far more role-playing than roll-playing as a rules system base.

Ya D@D 3 or 3.5 might suite you a bit better. Personally I still love old 2nd edition but dang it was so convoluted that it's hard to separate the wheat from the chaff.


I'm weary about moving away from D&D simply because I don't have much experience with the genre, so I figured I should sink my teeth into that a bit before I try other things out. It would also give me the benefit of being able to join a larger number of groups in the future, since I'd at least be familiar with the system everyone is using. I was thinking more along the lines of maybe checking out D&D 3.5? AD&D 1? Would those fix some of the issues I have with 4e? Or am I really better looking outside of D&D?

I'm definitely checking out your Kickstarter though. Sounds really cool.
If your problem is min-maxing AND sluggish combat, you're probably going to have a tough time with 3.5 as well. 1st and 2nd edition might be better as far as the whole min-maxing thing goes, but combat is still going to run into the same general issues and you'll start running into less uniform mechanics.

Truth be told, as long as you offer to run something that sounds interesting, you'll be able to get people to play in it regardless of system. It's really more down to whatever you feel most comfortable running. If those are the problems you are running into with D&D, then you are only going to be doing a disservice to yourself and your players by trying to force it.

That said, I'd recommend testing the waters with something like GURPS or Savage Worlds, both of which still allow you to do the whole fantasy thing but give you a little more freedom to control how min-maxy and tactical the game gets.


If your problem is min-maxing AND sluggish combat, you're probably going to have a tough time with 3.5 as well. 1st and 2nd edition might be better as far as the whole min-maxing thing goes, but combat is still going to run into the same general issues and you'll start running into less uniform mechanics.

Truth be told, as long as you offer to run something that sounds interesting, you'll be able to get people to play in it regardless of system. It's really more down to whatever you feel most comfortable running. If those are the problems you are running into with D&D, then you are only going to be doing a disservice to yourself and your players by trying to force it.

That said, I'd recommend testing the waters with something like GURPS or Savage Worlds, both of which still allow you to do the whole fantasy thing but give you a little more freedom to control how min-maxy and tactical the game gets.

Ya you almost can't go wrong with Savage Worlds in my opinion.


Savage Worlds eh? My friends and I have never really played this kind of game, so we don't have any experienced DMs in the group. Are there modules/adventures readily available for Savage Worlds to get us started?
Savage Worlds eh? My friends and I have never really played this kind of game, so we don't have any experienced DMs in the group. Are there modules/adventures readily available for Savage Worlds to get us started?

It's a generic system so it's made mainly to be used by a GM who is going to make up his own adventures mainly. There is tons of game settings made for Savage Worlds and lot of stuff too that you can get in PDF for independent stuffs. Sometimes they have an adventure or so built into the book, but they don't do anything complex for Savage worlds. The book is cheap and quick to learn/play.


Savage Worlds eh? My friends and I have never really played this kind of game, so we don't have any experienced DMs in the group. Are there modules/adventures readily available for Savage Worlds to get us started?

Check out their test play section. They've got a free test drive version of the system, with a bunch of pre-made adventures in various settings. Then if you actually like the system, it'll only run you $10 for a physical or digital copy of the core book.

The nice thing about this game (and other easy universal systems like it) is that it is incredibly easy to learn for both GMs and players, so you won't have to worry about not having any experience in it.


Savage Worlds eh? My friends and I have never really played this kind of game, so we don't have any experienced DMs in the group. Are there modules/adventures readily available for Savage Worlds to get us started?

We already got your pledge thanks again!

Savage Worlds has a ton of independently made adventures and there are also some websites where fans have made their own and uploaded them. EN World has a pretty big couple threads in various places about it as well.

As for experience, once you get their rules, you can make your own somewhat easily. Its still not a perfect system but more geared towards what you want than say even 2ed D@D.


Finally put down my order for the Rise of the Runelords campaign book. Hopefully I can gather some interest in a group to play it. Also I will most likely need to step back with my Advanced Players guide and just go for the basics in the Core rulebook. Think a mistake last time was to dump so many options on new players so early.

Also, there seem to be a lot of modules for Pathfinder to play, any suggestion for a good lvl 1 adventure? It has been a long time now since I played it (or any PnP RPG really) with people and thought it could perhaps be a good way to warm up.
Finally put down my order for the Rise of the Runelords campaign book. Hopefully I can gather some interest in a group to play it. Also I will most likely need to step back with my Advanced Players guide and just go for the basics in the Core rulebook. Think a mistake last time was to dump so many options on new players so early.

Also, there seem to be a lot of smaller adventures in Pathfinder to play, any suggestion for a good lvl 1 adventure? It has been a long time now since I played it (or any PnP RPG really) with people and thought it could perhaps be a good way to warm up.

Sounds like you're fairly new to the Pathfinder thing, so in that case I always recommend Crypt of the Everflame, ($9.99) which kinda assumes new players and holds your hand a bit, while telling a great story. Another fun trek We Be Goblins (free), the Free RPG Day module from last year, set in Sandpoint (the same place Runelords is set!), in which the PCs play a goblin from the Licktoad tribe and set out into the swamp to recover stolen fireworks, and avoid the way scary Lotsa Legs Eats Goblin Babies Many!

Either would be a great way to start things out. Disclaimer: Crypt is technically still 3.5, and will need just a bit of updating to Pathfinder (calculating CMB/CMD, ETC) but nothing too dire, and there is help readily available at Paizo's forums from folks who have already done the work. Easiest solution is just to use the updated momster stats at http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/.



Can you tell I love Pathfinder? ;)


Sounds like you're fairly new to the Pathfinder thing, so in that case I always recommend Crypt of the Everflame, ($9.99) which kinda assumes new players and holds your hand a bit, while telling a great story. Another fun trek We Be Goblins (free), the Free RPG Day module from last year, set in Sandpoint (the same place Runelords is set!), in which the PCs play a goblin from the Licktoad tribe and set out into the swamp to recover stolen fireworks, and avoid the way scary Lotsa Legs Eats Goblin Babies Many!

Either would be a great way to start things out. Disclaimer: Crypt is technically still 3.5, and will need just a bit of updating to Pathfinder (calculating CMB/CMD, ETC) but nothing too dire, and there is help readily available at Paizo's forums from folks who have already done the work. Easiest solution is just to use the updated momster stats at http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/.



Can you tell I love Pathfinder? ;)[/QUOTE]
Not THAT new really. Have GMd the Beginner Box a couple of times and also been a player for a short adventure another player in a temporary group held. Have the Core rulebook and Advanced Players guide but I haven't then delved that much deeper into Pathfinder (but been very interested to). It is just hard to gather together a dedicated group here since most are busy with different things and have a tendency to come and go quickly.

Looking into We Be Goblins definitely, have heard a lot about it and it sounds fun. Also will take a shot at the Crypt one.
Not THAT new really. Have GMd the Beginner Box a couple of times and also been a player for a short adventure another player in a temporary group held. Have the Core rulebook and Advanced Players guide but I haven't then delved that much deeper into Pathfinder (but been very interested to). It is just hard to gather together a dedicated group here since most are busy with different things and have a tendency to come and go quickly.

Ok cool either way. :)

The suggested 1st level mods are definitely great ways to hook a group. Give them some thought.


Oh dear sweet Emperor!

For fellow swedish PnP RPGers. Riotminds, creators of swedish classic Drakar och Demoner are about to release three anniversary books celebrating 30 years of DoD (not DnD/D&D). First one just called Drakar och Demoner Rollspelet -Version DoD Online (DoD8) got recently sent to the printers, second one being the worldbook DoD - Trudvang compiling Osthem, Mittland, Vastermark, Nhoordland and also new never published materials.

Last and most exciting they will release a new version of Jorges Bestarium which some of you may remember I posted about earlier this year with some selected art.


Howdy, gang. For any Call of Cthulhu fans here, Chaosium is about to wrap up it's Kickstarter to reprint Horror on the Orient Express, a well-regarded 1920s campaign that's been out of print for twenty years or so. Kickstarting the new adventure will get you either a PDF or a deluxe boxed set version of the campaign, plus varying amounts of swag which can be added to your pledge a la carte. It's wrapping up in three days, so if you wanted an extensive CoC campaign to run (and one which has grown larger over the course of the Kickstarter) then check it out!



Cool Smoke Luke
Just a FYI for those that pledged.
The Reaper Bones Pledge Manager is now live.
Access link is being sent to your your kickstarter email address.


Just a FYI for those that pledged.
The Reaper Bones Pledge Manager is now live.
Access link is being sent to your your kickstarter email address.

Soooo tempting to just press +1 on everything. Think I have decided though, will go for Firegiants and Warriors, Red Dragon, Elementals, Khazaraxashzsas (that undead dragon!) and some others.


Cool Smoke Luke
ya I'm weak..I ended up buying way more then I was going to..just knowing I'll never be able to buy them later for that cheap..I'm a sucker for a deal :)


This is what I got in the end. Feels nice, except for the part where I now have to wait about 8-10 months until I get these things.

Vampire x1
Fire Giants x1
Frost Giants x1
There Be Dragons x1
Demons x1
Red Dragon x1
Fire Giant Warriors x1
Kaladrax Reborn x1
Forces Of Nature x1
Frost Wyrm x1
Mind Your Manors x1
Deep Dwellers x1


I just pledged on the Cthulhu Playing Cards Kickstarter. "What's this got to do with roleplaying?" you ask. I think they'd be perfect for Savage Worlds, specifically the Realms of Cthulhu setting for it. Thought I'd throw it up here in case anyone was interested in a set for themselves.

I've been hearing a lot about Savage Worlds and some of my gaming group are looking at Interface Zero for the next campaign, as cyperpunk is amongst their favourite game types/settings. I thought I'd give it a look and pick up the books to read and hopefully run some day.

Those decks are a nice addition, and if I don't end up using them for Savage Worlds, they're still a nice looking deck of cards.


I just pledged on the Cthulhu Playing Cards Kickstarter. "What's this got to do with roleplaying?" you ask. I think they'd be perfect for Savage Worlds, specifically the Realms of Cthulhu setting for it. Thought I'd throw it up here in case anyone was interested in a set for themselves.

I've been hearing a lot about Savage Worlds and some of my gaming group are looking at Interface Zero for the next campaign, as cyperpunk is amongst their favourite game types/settings. I thought I'd give it a look and pick up the books to read and hopefully run some day.

Those decks are a nice addition, and if I don't end up using them for Savage Worlds, they're still a nice looking deck of cards.

Ya agreed. Decks are becoming huge on the crowd - funding sites.
A friend just turned my onto OGLAF.com tonight and I cannot stop reading them. Hilarious.

But be aware, there is occasionally insanely filthy content. That said its always RPG fantasy oriented.

Latest strip:



A friend just turned my onto OGLAF.com tonight and I cannot stop reading them. Hilarious.

But be aware, there is occasionally insanely filthy content. That said its always RPG fantasy oriented.

Latest strip:


For some reason the strip doesn't show:(

As for us. AfterEarth is rolling forward. Today we will have another race introduction, a monster introduction, and some behind the scenes video of one of the development meetings(if I can splice out my shameless product placement) :)
Actually it was accidental but it reminded me of Wayne's World when I saw the rough footage.


A friend just turned my onto OGLAF.com tonight and I cannot stop reading them. Hilarious.

But be aware, there is occasionally insanely filthy content. That said its always RPG fantasy oriented.

Latest strip:

Oh man, I love Oglaf!
The latest strip doesn't load for me neither though :\
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