My copy of Emerald is a bootleg D:
As i said to you before this is what you get for picking up the inferior 3rd gen game
My copy of Emerald is a bootleg D:
Ike you skipped this one:[IMG]
Which now I really want to use lol[/QUOTE]
Man, I got bored and decided to watch the latest episodes of the anime on demand after not watching since the orange league. Ash finally battles Giovanni and he gets beat by a persian using power gem, lol; and deus ex machina magical force field cubes. Anime seems really bad now, lacks most of its charm, and Jesse, James, and Meowth seem to be personality-less generic villains, now.
Actually BW had that hope that it could trump the original, and RR actually won... but then the tourney happened, Ash becomes stupid, and RR returned back to their stupid crap.
Ash was about to attack a golem and rhydon with pikachu. I'd say he's was as stupid as ever.
I remember getting one of those off eBay when I was trying to get one for cheap. It was kinda obvious it was fake since the cart felt different so I managed to get a refund after complaining to PayPal. Somehow they never asked me to send it in or destroy it so I played it anyway. But after the thing froze on me halfway through the game, I caved and bought a legit copy for full price.My copy of Emerald is a bootleg D:
What's RR?Actually BW had that hope that it could trump the original, and RR actually won... but then the tourney happened, Ash becomes stupid, and RR returned back to their stupid crap.
Ash was about to attack a golem and rhydon with pikachu. I'd say he's was as stupid as ever.
Hmm... should I invest in Durant?
Also I bet they gave Durant Truant because lolrhymes
Searching Yveltal and Xerneas now shows adult images :S
How do dream abilities work? When I played white around launch the website or something was down? Might go back to white again for some dream ability pokemon. I found my copy the other day (only 28 hours).
How do dream abilities work? When I played white around launch the website or something was down? Might go back to white again for some dream ability pokemon. I found my copy the other day (only 28 hours).
It knows Iron Tail.
And he could always aim for the horn.
You probably tried to check in during their maintenance time (Tuesday morning). Dream World abilities (Hidden Abilities) are abilities you can't obtain normally. ie; Gyarados usually has Intimidate has its only ability, but one from Dream World will have Moxie. You can pass these abilities down through breeding, but only through the mother. There are a few Pokemon you can find in game as well (Hidden Grotto Pokemon for example) that also have their Hidden Abilities.
If you really want a specific DW Pokemon, someone on here can probably trade you one. Dream World is sort of fun, in a mind numbing way, but it could take you forever to find a specific Pokemon that you want.. and have it be female as well. There are a few Pokemon that receive special moves through Dream World that can't be learned through other means, like Sludge Wave Gastly.
Wait....another keldeo? Wheres my meloetta GF?
Tho I suppose this is good for those who missed the gamespot one.
Keldeo WiFi event confirmed for English Black 2 & White 2 games
Runs from Jan 25th to Feb 12th. Level 50 with the moves Sacred Sword, Aqua Jet, Hydro Pump and Swords Dance
~Your friendly neighbourhood Serebii
Keldeo WiFi event confirmed for English Black 2 & White 2 games
Runs from Jan 25th to Feb 12th. Level 50 with the moves Sacred Sword, Aqua Jet, Hydro Pump and Swords Dance
~Your friendly neighbourhood Serebii
Have to have the sequel for the event?
I still have to beat the elite 4 in White so I don't know if I can even receive it
Also Garchomp:
I still have to beat the elite 4 in White so I don't know if I can even receive it
Also Garchomp:
Prankster is so godly. Prankster Encore even moreso.
Prankster is so godly. Prankster Encore even moreso.
I still have to beat the elite 4 in White so I don't know if I can even receive it
Also Garchomp:
Thanks. :3
Breast binding
Just like all the raver girls... blech
What are some good pokemon thanks to dreamworld abilities? I'm so out of the loop I don't even know where to begin. haha Been in a SoulSilver timeshell for like 4 years.
Just like all the raver girls... blech
What are some good pokemon thanks to dreamworld abilities? I'm so out of the loop I don't even know where to begin. haha Been in a SoulSilver timeshell for like 4 years.
hmm drout ninetales
drizzle politoed
speed boost blaziken
sheer force feraligatr/nidoking
magic bounce espeon
plenty more i can't remember right now.
Oh, Scrafty! I finally realized that your trainer is named the same as the character from your trainer log. I enjoyed making the connection!