Gothitelle had way too much screentime though.
Pokemon waifu's always get the most airtime. Meloetta got her very own arc ffs, but did my boy Terrakion get his own arc? Nope. He was relegated to being a part of a terrible movie.
Gothitelle had way too much screentime though.
is this the thread where i can ask for a lotad egg?
Looking for a specific nature, or just an egg? I still have a bunch of Lotad left over from making my Ludicolo.
give me the best lotad egg you have
Pokerus is a good thing. It increases the amount of these hidden values your Pokemon get after completing a battle. These hidden values increase your stats.Hi guys, can anyone tell me what's going on with my pokemon?
I've started Pokemon White (after not playing pokemon since the original Silver), my pokedex is now around 60 and I'm loving it, but my pokemon are all getting 'pkrs' status increasingly? The nurse at the center said something but I was distracted and didn't read the text and now she doesn't mention anything *shrug*
Hi guys, can anyone tell me what's going on with my pokemon?
I've started Pokemon White (after not playing pokemon since the original Silver), my pokedex is now around 60 and I'm loving it, but my pokemon are all getting 'pkrs' status increasingly? The nurse at the center said something but I was distracted and didn't read the text and now she doesn't mention anything *shrug*
>The wetlands Ash and his friends stop by turn out to be Goodra's homeland. Goodra is overjoyed to be reunited with its friends, but then an army led by a Florges show up and attack.
Edit: For my HG playthrough which do I go with Cyndaquil or Chikorita? I also don't plan to evolve the starter and am going for modest.
Any suggestions with a moveset for either would be nice.
Chikorita because it's cute.
Cyndaquil if you want something that's actually half-decent though.
Oh Chikorita then yeah
I use him in my Diamond playthrough, I also have SS to playthrough too.
Flygon instead of Garchomp Pikachu.
It is the better dragon.
When Dunsparce gets its Mega, it will be the ultimate Dragon Pokemon.
When Dunsparce gets its Mega, it will be the ultimate Dragon Pokemon.
When Dunsparce gets its Mega, it will be the ultimate Dragon Pokemon.
Comments like this is the reason why I love it when GF trolls Flygon fans