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Pokémon Community Thread 3: "Soon, All of Hoenn Will Be Under Its Withering Glare…"


Hi guys, can anyone tell me what's going on with my pokemon?
I've started Pokemon White (after not playing pokemon since the original Silver), my pokedex is now around 60 and I'm loving it, but my pokemon are all getting 'pkrs' status increasingly? The nurse at the center said something but I was distracted and didn't read the text and now she doesn't mention anything *shrug*


Hi guys, can anyone tell me what's going on with my pokemon?
I've started Pokemon White (after not playing pokemon since the original Silver), my pokedex is now around 60 and I'm loving it, but my pokemon are all getting 'pkrs' status increasingly? The nurse at the center said something but I was distracted and didn't read the text and now she doesn't mention anything *shrug*
Pokerus is a good thing. It increases the amount of these hidden values your Pokemon get after completing a battle. These hidden values increase your stats.

It spreads to your party Pokemon if one of them has Pokerus. However, if you leave any Pokemon in your party with Pokerus overnight, it will stop being contagious, but the Pokemon will still have it. If you want to keep have a Pokemon with Pokerus still be contagious, then store it in your PC.

Though Pokerus isn't important for a normal play through, so you can ignore it if you want.
Hi guys, can anyone tell me what's going on with my pokemon?
I've started Pokemon White (after not playing pokemon since the original Silver), my pokedex is now around 60 and I'm loving it, but my pokemon are all getting 'pkrs' status increasingly? The nurse at the center said something but I was distracted and didn't read the text and now she doesn't mention anything *shrug*

You won the Pokérus lottery!

Hopefully you have stored one of them in a PC while it still has it.

It doubles all future EV gains.

greninja'd like a boss
I started watching the XY anime on a whim a while ago, and I feel like I need to discuss something.

When people bitch about the pokemon anime, I see a lot of bitching about Ash. After watching XY, I can safely say the biggest problem with the pokemon anime isn't Ash. He's actually a fairly decent, if generic protagonist. No, the biggest problem by far is TEAM FUCKING ROCKET. They're awful as villains, they do the same schtick nearly every episode and it gets old really fast, especially considering you know by this point that they're guaranteed to be completely ineffectual. They have honestly ruined what would be otherwise fine episodes by interrupting the story that didn't really need them at all.

The best episodes have by far been the ones where they were either completely absent, or where they were there, but didn't function as the villains. Team rocket is way more interesting when they focus on their good side than when they're villains, and honestly I'd much rather get an episode where they genuinely bow out and retire from villainy for good. I feel like episodes with flavor of the week villains work much better than team rocket, such as the Hawlucha capturing episode where random pokemon were the villains. I also liked stuff like the somewhat ongoing malimar arc where a villain shows up every now and then and is clearly plotting something behind the scenes.

I don't think I'd have as much of a problem with team rocket either if they weren't forced into the same role nearly every episode. I'd rather they were used more sparingly if they need to stay as villains. Perhaps even show them plotting something big, but not acting until a multi-episode piece where they put a much bigger plan into action. It's also an issue that they never succeed at anything. Obviously they can never steal Pikachu, but it'd be way more interesting if they actually succeeded at something every once in a while. Maybe have Giovanni give them some plan that requires an important item rather than a pokemon, which they succesfully get away with leading to some climax later on.

Honestly, a big part of the issue is that as noted earlier, a lot of episodes don't even really need a villain, and they completely destroy the mood and pace by doing the exact same thing they've always done with the exact same results each time

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
It seems more like a contractual mandate. At the very least when push comes to a shove they're easily eliminated (like last week's episode).

As for Ash bitching, like I said most people only see OS and think Ash is the same from OS, AG, DP, BW, XY. That's why people who watched anime roll their eyes when they do say that. Yes, even BW - he is not OS Ash because he is far more stupid and annoying there.


Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
holy arceus fuck

>The wetlands Ash and his friends stop by turn out to be Goodra's homeland. Goodra is overjoyed to be reunited with its friends, but then an army led by a Florges show up and attack.


This settles it then.

Goodra will be gone for good after Episode 69.

This is unfair. Just when he got his second Powerhouse it'll be gone.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I really hope it's more like "hah, I defeated the threat to our home, there is no need for me to stay here".
Of all things, Florges is the great threat? lol

I was really hoping Goodra would be around for the sixth gym since that seems like the perfect way to top off its character arc but I guess they gotta rapid evolve and kick it out as fast as possible.
Is anyone else disappointed that we've gotten two Pokémon Rumble games since Pokémon Rumble Blast and neither of them are story based adventures like it? I really enjoyed Rumble Blast's story...

It's also really weird to me that we haven't gotten a Mystery Dungeon game this gen yet.


I actually want a new Coliseum/XD, could give us a new baller moveset like Baton Pass Zapdos or Psycho Boost Lugia.

Which reminds me, I should go play XD. Lol

Edit: For my HG playthrough which do I go with Cyndaquil or Chikorita? I also don't plan to evolve the starter and am going for modest.

Any suggestions with a moveset for either would be nice.



I use him in my Diamond playthrough, I also have SS to playthrough too.

Chikorita because it's cute.

Cyndaquil if you want something that's actually half-decent though.

Chikorita or Cyndaquil would be paired up with my now default starting pair of Jirachi and Celebi
and if I can RNG it right, Shiny Manaphy for this playthrough.

This is mainly for silly, and dumb fun adventure reasons. Also my TID/SID was rng abused to ensure 6IV shiny spreads of Timid or Modest for starters and WCs and the like.



Oh Chikorita then yeah

Yeah I guess it is. Lol

Looking @ in game:

- Toxic
- Protect
- Giga Drain
- Synthesis / Aromatherapy / Ancientpower

The first two being level up moves and the last being a gen 4 MT. Since this is the starter no breeding moves available. The first three moves will be hustled TMs from gen 3.

Yah totally gaming these games' systems. Lol
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