I gotta admit there was a really weird undertone there.Watch that episode and tell me Scraxew isn't a reality.
I gotta admit there was a really weird undertone there.Watch that episode and tell me Scraxew isn't a reality.
In Scraggy's debut episode Axew became it's "brother", so to speak, since they were around the same age and Iris decided it'd be good for Axew to have someone younger than it to look out for. I'm pretty sure that's why they're close and not...romantic feelings. :0
The battles may not be as cinematic as in DP, but the writing is far better and way less stilted. For once, the writers haven't created a Mary Sue type character who wins every battle without even trying and exists only to be a pretentious jerk to the protaganists, and (in my opinion) Trip is the best rival Ash has had in years. Not only does he get honest-to-god character developement, but he also loses as many battles as he wins. I also think that that the Pokémon themselves have better personalities, and I love how they're giving Team Rocket the break they deserve instead of shoehorning them into every episode for teh lulz. Best Wishes is the most consistently good season in years, and that's my two cents.
Pikachu and Piplup were "brothers". Squirtle and Bulbasaur were "brothers".
This is not how a brother looks at a brother.
Pikachu and Piplup were "brothers".
You guys actually watch the show?
You guys actually watch the show?
In gaming news, I saw scans of this Japanese magazine (Famitsu, maybe?) that sort of hinted at a few Black and White 2 stuff, with it possibly hinting at a new region, Gym Leaders, and even new (or at least new to Unova) Pokemon.
According to Serebii, the magazine is just being hypothetical basically (like "will BW2 contain so and so?"), but it could be possible they are hinting at stuff.
I'm not going to lie, I think it'd be pretty cool if they do introduce actual new Pokemon to the mix. It's never happened before, but if they ever plan on introducing new Pokemon mid-Generation, this would be it.
Not a ton though, but 50 or so new Pokemon, like new starters (dual-types), a few more common Pokemon to fill in the lacking types like Ice and Poison, and maybe evolutions of weak Unova Pokemon would tickle my fancy.
I definitely think a new region is possible, if they continue the N story since he was said to be heading towards one in Black and White.
Idle thought; if it is a new region, they might use Pansage, Pansear and Panpour as the starters.
Barf. Nothing against the monkeys, they just have average stats and bad movepools.
I'm not saying Serperior's much better. I almost never used mine in White, and got rid of her as soon as I found a Pokémon to replace her. Design-wise, though, the Snivy family blows the monkeys out of the water.Oh hi Snivy.
All it needs is new Eevolutions. A Ghost type Eevolution that happens whenEevee dies :O
I kind of liked the monkeys' status as second starter in B/W. In the sense that you were entitled to one.Idle thought; if it is a new region, they might use Pansage, Pansear and Panpour as the starters.
I got some juicy news. So according to this post, there's 2 hidden Pokemon that still have not been revealed that will be making an appearance in this summer's Pokemon movie
They think one of the hidden Pokemon is Meloetta's other form but have no idea what the other Pokemon is.
I kind of liked the monkeys' status as second starter in B/W. In the sense that you were entitled to one.
Nobunaga's Ambition is being localised?
Didn't expect that at all.
Nobunaga's Ambition is being localised?
Didn't expect that at all.
Nobunaga's Ambition is being localised?
Didn't expect that at all.
Fire Emblem only for EU, Conquest only for NA.
An SRPG for everyone!
Only one of those games is region locked.Fire Emblem only for EU, Conquest only for NA.
An SRPG for everyone!
Only one of those games is region locked.
Pokémon Conquest has DSi enhancements, which means it is in fact region locked :<
Not with a DS Phat or Lite, it isn't.
Fire Emblem only for EU, Conquest only for NA.
An SRPG for everyone!
What? The new Fire Emblem is EU exclusive?I've bought each western release on release day with the exception of the 1st GBA one just because I didn't realize how awesome it was.
Nobunaga's Ambition is being localised?
Didn't expect that at all.
Nobunaga's Ambition is being localised?
Didn't expect that at all.
I used mine for a while. Got to about level 25 before getting boxed.Entitled to chucking it in the PC?
I liked them but they really were kind of bad, stat and movepool wise.
It's a game with POKéMON on the box, why would they not localize it?
Some type of Pokemon, right?Look at those nice people.
None of them probably know what a Japan is.