Man, I'd go into an
Unstoppable Rage if someone save over my Black cart. It's the culmination of 1000+ hours of playing. The idea of losing all that terrifies me.
Not quite as bad, but on my Leaf Green cart I had over 70 hours of game. My team as of the last save was:
Level 85 Charizard
Level 83 Raichu
Level 83 Vaporeon
Level 77 Kadabra
Level 75 Clefable
Level 66 Graveler (was always the straggler, though I'd intended to beef him up a bit)
I'd also caught everything in the game without trading. In LG this is 171, though in FR it's 169 because of different evolution methods and whatever.
WELL ANYWAY my brother's friend comes over and plays Leaf Green. He gets 14 minutes into the game and saves over my file.
Okay here's what this presumes
1) I'm going to come over again and continue my save file
2) This isn't even my friend's game, it's my friend's brother's game
This is still what's preventing me from giving it another run. LG for a while was my main Pokemon game. Though I recently started another file, but with Bulbasaur. We'll see if it goes anywhere.