Do you guys think Gary beat Lance by having Pidgeot Mirror Move Blizzard back onto Dragonite?
Do you guys think Gary beat Lance by having Pidgeot Mirror Move Blizzard back onto Dragonite?
If we're talking about Gen I Gary Oak, then he probably abused Full Restores while spamming Fire Blast with his Charizard :/
"Gen 1 Gary Oak??" He was only in the anime dude.
If we're talking about Gen I Gary Oak, then he probably abused Full Restores while spamming Fire Blast with his Charizard :/
As far as I'm concerned, Gary Oak IS Blue/Green/Jerk/Whatever you want to call him. I grew up watching the anime and playing the games, so I named my rival in Blue Gary because I was an uncreative little derp. I mean, they ARE pretty the same character in everything but name, so cut me some slack. -_-;
As if Lance doesn't abuse Full Restore while spamming Hyper Beams.
Surprisingly, I never really had any trouble with Lance when I was young. I don't remember much about my first playthrough of Blue, but what I DO remember was almost crying in frustration after Blue KO'd my party for the umpteenth time. I think I was using Venusaur, Dewgong, Fearow and Dugtrio (I can't remember the last two), but they must've been horribly underleveled for me to lose so much.
That or he used Blastoise/Gyarados. It's an interesting possibility in any case.Do you guys think Gary beat Lance by having Pidgeot Mirror Move Blizzard back onto Dragonite?
In fairness, the hierarchy of rival names in Red/Blue/Yellow probably goes something likeScraftyDevil said:As far as I'm concerned, Gary Oak IS Blue/Green/Jerk/Whatever you want to call him. I grew up watching the anime and playing the games, so I named my rival in Blue Gary because I was an uncreative little derp. I mean, they ARE pretty the same character in everything but name, so cut me some slack. -_-;
Nah, Blue became champion and a gym leader. Gary is out in the forest doing science and stuff.
To compare their last appearances:
Seems like they're diverging artistically, too.
Maybe recently they've diverged, but remember that this was them in the beginning:
To a young Scrafty, these people looked exactly the same, so I drew the most logical conclusion I could and decided they WERE one in the same.
That or he used Blastoise/Gyarados. It's an interesting possibility in any case.
You can get Flamethrower from the Game Corner if you like wasting money.I beat him with Gyarados.
Just got a Vulpix in Leaf Green......and he has no fire moves. You're telling me I have to wait til Level 29? Godamnit, screw that.
Pokemon Stadium 2 is pure, unadulterated evil.
Sonic 06 is like fucking Kirby's Epic Yarn in comparison.
You can get Flamethrower from the Game Corner if you like wasting money.
Level 53
Held Item: Leftovers
Special Defense: FUCKING MAXED OUT
Moves: Thunderbolt, Reflect, Icy Wind, Seismic Toss
In a game that doesn't allow the use of items, can someone please tell me how I can beat this.
I think a maxed out Blissey may be the tool I need to finish this game. Softboiled, Toxic, Reflect, Seismic Toss seems pretty god damn unbeatable.
Too bad my Gold and Silver batteries are dead ; _ ;
Stall it to death. Leech Seed + Synthesis
Level 53
Held Item: Leftovers
Special Defense: FUCKING MAXED OUT
Moves: Thunderbolt, Reflect, Icy Wind, Seismic Toss
In a game that doesn't allow the use of items, can someone please tell me how I can beat this.
I think a maxed out Blissey may be the tool I need to finish this game. Softboiled, Toxic, Reflect, Seismic Toss seems pretty god damn unbeatable.
Too bad my Gold and Silver batteries are dead ; _ ;
Brick Break. Didn't do calculations but seeing as HP wasn't EVed for some reason, that should be a 1 or 2 hit KO and it breaks Reflect. Blissey only has 10 base defense.
Edit: Oops, nvm. Didn't realize this was Pokemon Stadium 2. Though you were playing a game with some self-imposed rules. I assume this is Poke Cup? Use Curse Snorlax if one is available.
Yes, Poke Cup.
I'll look into Curse Snorlax, but it's not going to be easy considering I don't have access to any Gen 2 games.
I swear I'm getting trolled. I'm looking to catch a Chansey, and the ones that pop up in Cerulean Cave are... level 56. Level 55 cap in Poke Cup. No breeding in gen 1. Fuck.
The only under leveled ones are available in... Safari Zone. FUCK ME.
You can use the Missingo glitch to fight Safari Zone Pokemon at Cinnabar Island.
Don't you love that moment where against your better judgement you use information on Serebii for once and it turns out it didn't say something really crucial and you waste a few hours of your time?
I do.
I just borrowed Pokemon Emerald from my cousins. Seeing how I never properly beat any 3rd gen games, now is a good time to do so.
What's the best starter? I'm leaning more towards the Blaziken right now
I just borrowed Pokemon Emerald from my cousins. Seeing how I never properly beat any 3rd gen games, now is a good time to do so.
What's the best starter? I'm leaning more towards the Blaziken right now
Insert obligatory "leave Serebii alone, he's a nice guy!" post.
That's good, at least. Did you have anyone particularly important on there, or had you moved all of them off (something I usually do for housekeeping purposes)?Okay, my Heart Gold version was the one my brother deleted, my White is safe.![]()
That's good, at least. Did you have anyone particularly important on there, or had you moved all of them off (something I usually do for housekeeping purposes)?
Ah, well that's good.I never even beat Claire.
So, no one was in that version apart from my in-game team and random Pokemon I caught.
Level 53
Held Item: Leftovers
Special Defense: FUCKING MAXED OUT
Moves: Thunderbolt, Reflect, Icy Wind, Seismic Toss
In a game that doesn't allow the use of items, can someone please tell me how I can beat this.
I think a maxed out Blissey may be the tool I need to finish this game. Softboiled, Toxic, Reflect, Seismic Toss seems pretty god damn unbeatable.
Too bad my Gold and Silver batteries are dead ; _ ;
Okay, my Heart Gold version was the one my brother deleted, my White is safe.![]()
Yes, Poke Cup.
I'll look into Curse Snorlax, but it's not going to be easy considering I don't have access to any Gen 2 games.
I swear I'm getting trolled. I'm looking to catch a Chansey, and the ones that pop up in Cerulean Cave are... level 56. Level 55 cap in Poke Cup. No breeding in gen 1. Fuck.
The only under leveled ones are available in... Safari Zone. FUCK ME.
So there are small scanned pictures, 3 that I seen, am I able to post links to them? They go along, well, sort of match what the leak earlier suggested.
I'm leaning towards fake.
There's a page listed with the different sayings the Happiness Checker can say but fails to mention that one of them doesn't change what she says above a certain rating so she never says the lines for 250 - 255 happiness. I finally found a GameFAQs message board thread about it which explained that.I've been there before. I spent fruitless hours searching for an item in SS because their ItemDex had an error in it. Never again.
What happened with you?
I don't know about nice guy. Pompous dick seems more accurate from the posts I've seen by him.Insert obligatory "leave Serebii alone, he's a nice guy!" post.