Watch Da Birdie
I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I really can't make a list either, but I know Drowzee, Carnivine, Glalie, Medicham, and Palpitoad are in there.
Are... are you me?1. Typhlosion - Was there ever any doubt? Pokemon Gold was the first pokemon game I owned, and Cyndaquil was the starter I chose. All my friends chose Totadile, so when we'd battle they'd all assume they would win no problem head to head. Little did they know that Typhlosion could learn Thunderpunch! So many memories with this guy, all culminating in him being my favourite pokemon, hands down.
He's definitely usable, but you'll probably replace him at some point for something faster and stronger. Noctowl is really durable though, and helps at a few specific gyms.
They should do it with the HGSS following-behind sprites.Ok so.
Pokémon would be a completely different and much much more awesome experience if you could see the Pokemon in the world. Whenever you go by a scene that does have actual Pokemon in the world it's soooo cool but then you hit stretches of the Game where you never see Pokemon running around. It's sad.
Ok so.
Pokémon would be a completely different and much much more awesome experience if you could see the Pokemon in the world. Whenever you go by a scene that does have actual Pokemon in the world it's soooo cool but then you hit stretches of the Game where you never see Pokemon running around. It's sad.
It would culminate in the ultimate: A mainline Wii U title with an overworld reminiscent of Dragon Quest VIII.They should do it with the HGSS following-behind sprites.
At first I thought it wouldn't really work because really badass Pokemon will be cute and tiny, but well, then I realized all the stationary legendaries are basically that.
It'll ruin roaming legendaries though, and make it a lot more annoying to grind.
1st Gym: Flying verse Flying, probably even here.
2nd Gym: Resists U-Turn, nice.
3rd Gym: Dies to Rollout :/
4th Gym: You went over this
5th Gym: Primeape has Rock Slide, but I think he'll be able to fight Poliwrath
6th Gym: Dies to Magneton
7th Gym: Not going to take a STAB Ice Move that well.
8th Gym: Eh, probably a pass.
I'll probably just keep him until I can replace him with Ho-Oh
The rest are kind of a mess.
- Charmander
- Dragonite
- Umbreon
- Butterfree
lol andrex
besides everyone knows Roy is the best character in melee
Whateva man...
Whateva man...
7)Raikou: Raikou was really the only legendary I really thought looked just awesome, and felt compelled to catch. Considering I did not really like legendaries for being OP, Raikou looked so badass I didn't care. Luckily for me, not only did I catch him in both Gold and HG fairly easily, but he wasnt that OP compared to other legendary Pokemon. Also, the way I caught him in Gold was one of the most memorable things to happen to me in Pokemon.
While we're still talking about favs, post a nice piece of artwork featuring them if you can.
Ever notice the Johto Gym Leaders use more Kanto Pokemon than Johto:
01. Pidgey
02. Pidgeotto
03. Metapod
04. Kakuna
05. Scyther
06. Clefairy
07. Gastly
08. Haunter
09. Gengar
10. Primeape
11. Poliwrath
12. Magneton
13. Seel
14. Dewgong
15. Gyarados (remake only)
16. Dragonair
Johto Pokemon used by Gym Leaders:
01. Miltank
02. Steelix
03. Piloswine
04. Kingdra
Too bad scrafty is weak to fighting :/
Here's one of Scrafty, proving who's the superior Fighting-type:
He's not weak to it; he just allows it to hurt him more to give other Pokémon a fair chance.
I do enjoy GS, but it's stuff like this that make them easily the least satisfying of the gens.
Pokemon distribution and levelling was all manners of fucked up in the second gen. Loads of second gen hidden until you get to Kanto, with some hidden in Mt. Silver. Gym Leaders almost exclusively using first gen Pokemon. The early game dungeon devoted to Bellsprout of all things.
I do enjoy GS, but it's stuff like this that make them easily the least satisfying of the gens.