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And there's no backing down.
The heart of the cards is where magic is found.
And there's no backing down.
The heart of the cards is where magic is found.
We've played this game before, but never this quite this way.
It's like an all-out war, with monsters at obey.
I remember this when it first aired. Classic.
Entirely terrible for reasons mentioned above. In game, it might be okay to toss a couple special moves on Pokemon like Gyarados, but not for most competitive purposes. Gyarados enjoys having more bulk EVs applied, or even Speed for a more offensive Dragon Dance set. And given that it's so situational in use, you'd be better off accounting for something like Ferrothorn with teammates. Gyarados' own best bet against it is probably Taunt, forcing Ferro to use Gyro Ball and the more rare Power Whip (although it will hurt), instead of stalling you with Leech Seed and Curse. This way, you can actually use it as setup bait a bit.
Gyara shouldn't learn Crunch though, that'd be OP.
Would it? He still has the crushing weakness to electric attacks.
Hmm, how about this. What is the most hypothetical overpowered set you can make?
Basically, take a Pokemon, and give it any move/ability you want. And it has to be moves/abilities that already exist, no making up abilities or moves.
Well there aren't that many ridiculously overpowered moves that can completely break a pokemon...with the exception of Spore. Spore's only balanced because the fastest pokemon that can learn it has a base speed of 75, so give it to any fast pokemon really and you've made yourself an OP set.
This would never, never never in a million years work, but a Shuckle that's used Curse 6 times which then uses Power Trick after a Medicham on your team uses Skill Swap to give it Pure Power. It then uses Rollout the maximum number of times in order to get the most damage calculable in the game. GG, everyone!
And godlike Attack, Speed and type coverage![]()
I've always wanted to use Shuckle competitively, but the only way to do damage with it is toxic.
Anyways, gonna ban myself for two weeks. bye!
Would Crunch really make him overpowered though? What would he hit with it that he can't already hit with his current moveset?
That's the American release right?
Saw this just now. For those not in the know (or care), the anime will be starting Pokemon Best Wishes Season 2 on June 21. Apparently, Cynthia and Dawn will be returning, among other things.Dawn is back?
Saw this just now. For those not in the know (or care), the anime will be starting Pokemon Best Wishes Season 2 on June 21. Apparently, Cynthia and Dawn will be returning, among other things.
I'll admit, the anime likes to settle into its routine a lot, but it's always fun when they shake things up.
Well, it's moreso the "Season 2" label that interests me, and Giovanni's return (he's on the poster as well). It's pretty obvious they've been wanting to do some epic story with Team Rocket for a while, I hope this is when they do it.Shake things up? It's a tradition to have a couple eps where the previous girl traveler comes back.
Will be weird seeing her and de-aged Ash interact.
de-aged Ash
Wait, what?[IMG][/QUOTE]
Saw this just now. For those not in the know (or care), the anime will be starting Pokemon Best Wishes Season 2 on June 21. Apparently, Cynthia and Dawn will be returning, among other things.
I'll admit, the anime likes to settle into its routine a lot, but it's always fun when they shake things up.
Oh man they should totally make Pokemon Generations featuring 3D versions of the Red and Blue sprites, like fat Pikachu and terrifying Golbat.
:O1-Jigglypuff (Just look at her. Most adorable Pokemon ever. Doesn't hurt that she was one of my mains in smash)
They look to be introducing older Pokémon back in, after only having Pikachu and Meowth from the older generations. The poster has the likes of Lucario and Dragonite on it.
Considering that the episode before the changeover is Ash having a Gym Battle with Homika, and part of the setup is there being a Champions League in Unova, I wonder if we'll get lots of cameos and reappearances, similar to the games.
Oh, and Giovanni's trying to get Meloetta.
well I look forward to seeing Tobias kick Ash's ass again in that case .![]()
I could scarcely imagine the howls of outrage were Ash to get to the final of the Champions League and lose to Tobias again.
Next week's dub episode is one of the worst episodes the anime has ever put out.
Under no circumstances should anyone watch. I don't want the makers to think the horrible decisions that they make are supported.
Huh? Which episode are you talking abou-- *checks episode*
Oh Jesus Christ no. That episode was a bloody mess and made no bloody sense whatsoever. Why'd they waste a Gym battle with such a crappy episode? It boggles the mind, truly it does.