Salaadin said:Whats the deal with this Extremspeed dratini? My sister answered the questions correctly and went back with 5 pokemon (after getting the badge and TM from claire) yet he isnt giving her anything.
Do you need to beat E4 first or something?
Salaadin said:Whats the deal with this Extremspeed dratini? My sister answered the questions correctly and went back with 5 pokemon (after getting the badge and TM from claire) yet he isnt giving her anything.
Do you need to beat E4 first or something?
D-Pad said:Question(s): I'm not going to be against a lot of ice moves am I? My team sucks again ice. Any moves I can teach them to take down ice? Where the heck is TM Brick Break in this game?
Devin Olsen said:Still trying to figure out how to use the Pokewalker that I got with it... Am I correct in understanding that my primary pokemon cannot be the one I have 'on' the walker?
jrricky said:It seems they have stopped supporting the current one I have on this web:
Pokemon Netbattle
but there is this one:
I use it to simulate ev gains...
cabot said:forgive me for asking this, but i'm a n00b.
It's my understanding that it's possible to obtain every pokemon ever by playing HG/SS with the exception of pikachu, squirtle, bulbasar, and charmander. is this true?
Gamer @ Heart said:MOTHERFUCK. I have been raising my pilowswine for the last 2 days only to finally learn i cant get ancient power until after i beat the elite four. NOOOOOO.
Harpuia said:You can evolve piloswine into mamoswine. You just need a heart scale and being able to access the move tutor in Blackthorn.
Harpuia said:Nope, you can't catch a lot of the sinnoh pokemon, a couple of the legends from hoenn and sinnoh. But you can catch quite a lot of pokemon.
Here's a full list. As you can see, it's pretty short.
I've found a few through the Pokewalker and apparently you can get lucky with rock smash. Oh and on Saturdays you can buy them at the Pokeathlon dome.Gamer @ Heart said:: 0
: (
I dont have a heart scale. Whats the best way to get it?
Gamer @ Heart said:: 0
: (
I dont have a heart scale. Whats the best way to get it?
Animatik said:Just caught Lugia, took a nice hand full of pokeballs of all kinds but an ultraball eventually got the job done. I didnt like the theme for Lugia though. Is that the general theme for the legends in silver?
Harpuia said:If you've never gotten a heart scale, there's a freebie on route...32 I believe? The route right below Violet city. It's on a rock by the little river around where the pier is. You can't miss the rock, it's on a small rock right next to a bunch of bigger rocks. If you ever need more, you'll have to keep smashing rocks with rock smash.
Teknoman said:Whoo just caught a Magby on the PokewalkerAll thanks to Eevee.
I'm a fan of battle I cant help but wonder how the game looks without them. Are there any effects at all?
The Pokemon sort of fades in and out when hit but that's about it. Battles are a lot faster that way.Teknoman said:I'm a fan of battle I cant help but wonder how the game looks without them. Are there any effects at all?
Gravijah said:Two days and and it's time for Yellow Forest! Guess who's gonna get his avatar in game?
jdogmoney said:Explain, please.
Blue_Gecko said:Made it to the last gym before the Elite 4, everything has been pretty easy so far since Whitney and her friggin' breast feeding Miltank. Got my Haunter evolved into a Gengar via the GTS trick where you offer your 'evolves-upon-trading' pokemon up for trade, complete a different trade, then take the original pokemon back. Awesome times.
I've got a Timid Ditto that I've pretty much bred out in terms of making my team. Would anyone with a Larvitar, Munchlax, Skarmory or Rotom be willing to trade? I know I'm going out on a limb here 'cus Timid Ditto ain't that rare, but I'm trying my best to avoid having to buy a copy of Platinum/Emerald to construct my dream team. I've got a few other things I could offer as well, (chikorita, piplup, naive chimchar & vulpix) just let me know via PM.
Firestorm said:Amount of time I lasted before turning off battle animations: 3:40
Not bad.
Unicorn said:Just wanted to let everyone know I finally got the Soundtrack!
Includes a 3rd disc that contains all the original 8-bit music!![]()
Also, I've added everyone that sent me a PM and for the rest of the night tonight i'll be on handing out male Growlithe that know Flare Blitz, Morning Sun, and Sunny Day!
Shoot me a PM if you haven't already and would like one!
Someone posted this youtube a dozen pages back and I haven't been able to stop listening to it since. God damn the original gameboy's sound chip made some creepy tunes.Dogenzaka said:OMG
Google CD Japan and you'll find it pretty easily.Dogenzaka said:OMG
Echoes said:When you hatch an egg it's Lv1 in HGSS. Has it always been like that? I don't know why I thought it was Lv5.
Oh wow. I've been turning them off since Red Version. I usually start out with animations on and then get annoyed with them (because let's face it, you use the same two or three attacks for most of the early hours) and then turn them off.Dogenzaka said:I've been playing since Red, and this is my first Pokemon game where I realized I could turn off my battle animations.
My playtime has likely been cut in half thanks to it
I also didn't know running increases your encounter chances.
It's been frustrating the past decade or so to go in caves and grass and last more than 10 seconds per encounter for Pokemon, run, and then run into a new Pokemon 2 seconds later. XD
Ten hours from now would be about 9 A.M. my time. I'm sure I'll be up by then. I have a lot of writing I need to do for this contest I'm going to enter, So my DS will be lingering then. :lolEchoes said:When you hatch an egg it's Lv1 in HGSS. Has it always been like that? I don't know why I thought it was Lv5.
Edit: Unicorn, are you available after about 10 hours? That's when I'm home.
Unicorn said:Just wanted to let everyone know I finally got the Soundtrack!
Includes a 3rd disc that contains all the original 8-bit music!![]()
Also, I've added everyone that sent me a PM and for the rest of the night tonight i'll be on handing out male Growlithe that know Flare Blitz, Morning Sun, and Sunny Day!
Shoot me a PM if you haven't already and would like one!
Eteric Rice said:I think I just figured out how the Safari Zone works in this game.
I'm not going to sleep am I?
MidnightScott said:Where did you buy it and how much? Play-Asia hasn't restocked it -_-
I got some magby with the ability. Could perhaps grab one from Pearl to trade you.viciouskillersquirrel said:I've been terrified of using repel just in case I see a shiny. I hate the encounter rate, but I don't want to reduce it.
Also, is Stantler any good? I caught one last night on my way to Ecruteak.
Finally, what's a good pokemon with Flame Body? I'm breeding some Totodiles and want to speed the process up a little.
I'd love to, but I'm not at home tonight and I'm not game to mess around with my girlfriend's Internet.Unicorn said:I got some magby with the ability. Could perhaps grab one from Pearl to trade you.
PM me about it.
about to do some cleaning around my room... Still haven't seen anyone in the wifi room to grab a Growlithe from me.
These have Morning Sun, Flare Blitz, and Sunny Day!
All the ones up for trade are male so you can breed for your own natures and IVs