Do you feel you're a danger to yourself, Blarg?Or just the town?

Do you feel you're a danger to yourself, Blarg?Or just the town?
I've been discussing it. See Pages 19 and 20. If you wanted to ask me something specific, just ask.
I was going to reply to some things but might as well wait for Ferret's list to save me some trouble
I should probably be moving my vote around at this point
Who wants to hold my vote
So her surviving the Night is somehow scummier than her 'let's vote out the inactive' vote?
Then there'll be trouble!But what if he doesn't post it on the double?
Royal Flush or Splinter who brings the better points to that discussion? How do you feel about Royal Flush in general now since you had a null read during the last day phase, but Flush had you as a scum candidate?
You really feel that bad about your chances?
Then there'll be trouble!
It isn't any problem to post my impressions, there's just a lot(!) of reasoning in the last page, some I don't agree with, and I'd rather not make multiple long posts just in case the discussion drags.
Then there'll be trouble!
It isn't any problem to post my impressions, there's just a lot(!) of reasoning in the last page, some I don't agree with, and I'd rather not make multiple long posts just in case the discussion drags.
It's the royal "I"
Blarg, sometimes I get the feeling you would lie to me.
A Blarg vote?! I can hold it in my hand holders since Nin didn't want them.
Who are you lying too?
I'll hold you to that, blarg.
Seeya you guys in the morning or so with some fresh reads.
If you had pushed me under the bus I am sure town would have followed you. Hell, I am sure if you do it now its going to be extremely easy to get me lynched, since I have been so unhelpful.
Is this a dare?
Well, duh.
Regarding #2 the one who sticks out to me the most still is Ynnek. He seems to be too willing to please everyone with his posts and the only vote he's made so far (Bronx's) has been one he calls a "prod", and it even came with a disclaimer that he could be swayed from it out of the gate. I just feel he's playing too defensively for someone who got 1 single vote in all of day 1. I'd like to see some more decisiveness from him at the very least.
What are the facts we have so far?
1.) Sophia has a double vote that has a high enough number of shots that she can use it flippantly enough to undo it, at least for the purposes of proving that she has a PR
2.) Bronx-Man had a soft override, but didn't use it for some reason
3.) Trainers can create sub-factions
A.) All Pokemon and all Trainers are town, and the chat is for them to consolidate a pro-town position.
B.) Pokemon can be aligned with town or scum, and Trainers are town. When Trainers catch Pokemon, they align them with town. This ends when the trainer is killed.
C.) Similar to B, but Trainers can be both town or scum. A scum Trainer catches a town Pokemon, and makes them scum. But then wouldn't the caught town just out the scum Trainer? Unless the Pokemon were disallowed to talk about it, but that seems messy.
D.) Trainers and Pokemon of either side. Trainers catch Pokemon, neither party knows the alignment of the other, and the mason chat is just tenuous uneasiness as they race to figure it out!
If I were a doctor I'd've protected Sawneeks
If I were a roleblocker I'd've blocked roytheone
If I were a tracker I'd've tracked SalvaPot
And if I were ordinary I'd've been too busy playing Lords of the Fallen to look back over D1
We should talk about the Triangle again
Those were good times
Equilateral, isosceles or scalene?
Sounds like a great way to blow off some steam.
Subtle® PR hint?
Subtle is a trademark, registered on NeoGAF by user Sawneeks. Used with permission.
If you are killed during the first night while you are recruiting your first Pokémon, that recruited Pokémon will inherit your Pokémon Trainer status. Please note, that this inheritance will only happen, if you die during the first night.
anyway, I was bored so I wrote a villanelle
It's dedicated to the member of the Elite 4 we lost last Night
RIP in Pokemon
Lady Gaga might still be out there. Her soul and spirit transferred to some unknowing little Pokemon, unprepared for the greatness that awaits them.
This just stuck out to me. So, with the first night kill, are we dealing with:
A pokemon who has now become Lady Gaga, with their own faction?
A pokemon who has simply gained the Trainer Status? (so now we may have a fully town-aligned trainer)
Or no trainer at all, as Barrylocke could have been unlucky enough to try capturing another trainer.
(Worth noting that the second one is a reply to an equally fluffy post by Sawneeks though that did contain some actual game-related questions)
I've played with CM before and I honestly don't remember him being this insecure? The rest of his posts are mechanics and Sophia's doble-vote-related, so I'm looking forward to his next posts considering both of those topics seem to have died down for now.
Sorry I've been rereading and working on a big stupid read list for a while (still not finished) (also why I haven't addressed post directed at me, I'll get to that stuff when I'm done with what I'm doing, but don't hold your breath). Current thoughts in summary though
Asking "why Barry" is an easy pointless conversation, I would know as the master of easy pointless conversations. I know I'm late on the matter but really it's just such an obvious question that will always be answered with, "well he was a safe choice for scum", and "he did say these people were scummy/voted for these people what do you think of that" which is answered with oh it's just too obvious".
LP would be more useful if he used his amazing ability to bring up obvious things everyone else overlooked/just don't bother mentioning on other people and not just me (he can still talk about me, it's like I have a fan who hates me and scrutinizes my work constantly). Anything else noteworthy LP, or do you only watch this series for the Furrets?
I want to know why you Melon, as president of the Don't Mention Sophia Fan Club, hasn't chimed in on the previous discussion about her role and claim and potential scummness.
OK now before I go back to doing this pointless thing I was doing I'll answer the burning question of why no vote from Ferret so it can added to the list of why Ferret is likely scum. I didn't feel like it. No one was particularly scummy, and while I understand the reason people vote for inactives and dead weight, I personally don't like doing it because it feels like a lazy cop out of a way for people to thin the herd and get weak reads.I thought about voting CM and already explained why I didn't (and will again when done with this list thing) I also considered voting no lynch, especially when Darryl did, but then Darryl switched off and Royal made his whole "no lynch is not an option" post, so I thought "why even bother, the result will be the same regardless they'll just put me as no vote instead of no lynch". There now you can all stop asking about that and add it to whatever data/read you have.
Of course I think the pileon on Bronx-Man was scummy. But it was a D1 vote and I've been slammed before for putting too much stock into it.
You can automate my jobs,
You can automate my transportation,
but automate my fuckin' minigames bruv?
Okay seriously, what's this whole 'well I would have voted for Melon!' thing that keeps going around? A good chunk of the Bronx voters mentioned they would have gone for Melon but didn't and now you are too.
Was that directed at me? I have no idea.
So Ferret, how do feel about a Fireblend lynch? I can't blame him since Dusk_Soldier wants to push for his lynch and he needs a bunch of people who look more scummy than he does.
He's not fond of my postings, thinks I'm in general not worth having around. I'll admit I'd vote for him today though he's not my preferred lynch.
Oh, those words... they are like magic to your ears. All of your fans cheering you on, as you are walking towards a new challenge, a new source of inspiration for your new song after NeoGAF decided to dislike your newest hot single "The Perfect Illusion..."
Indeed, it is time for you, Lady Gaga, to show the world your might as the next Pokémon Master!
You are Lady Gaga, a Pokémon Trainer!
You are aligned with [REVOKED DUE TO N1 DEATH]
However, you are also aligned with The Pokémon Team of Lady Gaga!
During the night, you may throw a Pokéball at a player with the command POKÉBALL: (Player). If all conditions are met, the Pokémon will be caught, and will be given the alignment of The Pokémon Team of Lady Gaga, while still retaining also their pre-existing alignment. You will receive a PM confirmation if the recruitment was successful or not. However, note that you can only catch Pokémon that haven't been caught yet by other trainer(s). You cannot be caught in a Pokéball yourself.
If you are killed during the first night while you are recruiting your first Pokémon, that recruited Pokémon will inherit your Pokémon Trainer status. Please note, that this inheritance will only happen, if you die during the first night.
I have no idea what you are trying to say in the bold.
As for a Fireblend lynch, I don't read FB as scum now, but I don't town read him either. If others decide he is a worthwhile lynch candidate then that's fine, I probably wouldn't vote for him (unless someone makes a really good case for why), but I won't defend him either. It would just sort of end up being day one again. But you know, Always Be Lynchin' Fireblend.
Honestly there's no real reason to vote out Fireblend over you, or Dusk, or from everyone else' perspective me
Is your whole reason for Fireblend a omgus because of the second part of your post? And who is your preferred vote at the moment, is it Sophia because of what you said before, or did you have someone else in mind?
Roy, do you think we should lynch Fireblend today? yes or no.
I slightly scum read him since a lot of his day 1 activity was very safe imo. He isn't my preferred lynch candidate, that's you and Blarg, but I wouldn't be opposed of a Fireblend lynch.
SubtleOh joy, flavour/mechanic speculation. It's like day 1 never left
Oh joy, flavour/mechanic speculation. It's like day 1 never left