Goomy >>> Goodra honestly in terms of being cute.
Favorite Gen VI Pokemon
Favorite Mega Pokemon
Mega Mawile
Apparently i'm a "noob" loool
It's not my fault he doesn't know how to kill Aegislash.
Username: Nub
Apparently i'm a "noob" loool
It's not my fault he doesn't know how to kill Aegislash.
Favorite new pogeyman
Tie between Greninja, Xerneas, Zygarde and Aegislash
Favorite Mega
Tie between Mega Mawile, Mega Alakazam, Mega Blaziken and Mega Scizor
When breeding the Pokemon has to actually have the move you want to pass on in its currrent four moves.How come my Roselia didn't get Extrasensory from his Shiftry daddy?
Is it because Shiftry doesn't lean it, Nuzleaf does? That sucks.
When breeding the Pokemon has to actually have the move you want to pass on in its currrent four moves.
Anyone have that breeding image?
If Roselia has 4 moves, then it may have been overwritten due to move inheritance priority.How come my Roselia didn't get Extrasensory from his Shiftry daddy?
Is it because Shiftry doesn't lean it, Nuzleaf does? That sucks.
Haha, that is an awesome OT title. Awesome work.
Favorite Gen VI (Non-Mega): Quilladin. The design is just so awesome. Jeez. I love the Chespin line after not being a fan of any of the previous Grass starters all too much.
Many people were turned off by it when it was revealed but I need all Quilladin related products. Toys, plush toys, cell phone cases, rugs, alarm clocks, everything.
Hey guys, I've been trying to figure out how to get the Hatching O-Power and I'm not sure what I need to do. According to the list at Serebii, I have all the O-Powers except the hatching one and I spent all night trying to become more stylish. I'm now able to enter the boutique in Lumoise so I figured that would mean I have enough style, but the guy still doesn't show up at Introspection? Cafe. Not really sure what else to do at this point, so any advice would help!
Eh, I don't get what the fuss is about when breeding Larvitars. Takes one Hatching O-Power lv 3 and al iittle more. Not that hard!
It still takes two full sets of Hatching Power 3 in order to hatch all five eggs. And when you're breeding for a while, you'll run out of power very quickly.Eh, I don't get what the fuss is about when breeding Larvitars. Takes one Hatching O-Power lv 3 and al iittle more. Not that hard!
Seriously. Especially if you're going for the Hidden Abilities.Yeah, you people can go complain when you've bred Gibles, Axews and even specifically aimed for 5IV female Eevees.
Yeah, you people can go complain when you've bred Gibles, Axews and even specifically aimed for 5IV female Eevees.
Breeding Gible didn't take me as long as breeding Larvitar, or at least I didn't remember correctly at least.
I think the most trouble I had as far as breeding goes was for Honedge... But that all was my fault.
You are not allowed to call that trouble. Two shiny Honedge in a very small time frame? >_>Breeding Gible didn't take me as long as breeding Larvitar, or at least I didn't remember correctly at least.
I think the most trouble I had as far as breeding goes was for Honedge... But that all was my fault.
You are not allowed to call that trouble. Two shiny Honedge in a very small time frame? >_>
I shouldn't need max IV's in Attack for Carbink, should I?
I JUST got a Carbink with max HP/Def/Sp.Atk/Sp.Def/Spe that also happened to be Sturdy! So if I don't need it to have good attack I think I might start getting ready to train this!
Isn't that basically a perfect Carbink?
Got to the PokeBall Boutique, and buy tons of Balls.
But don't buy in bulk, do it one-at-a-time, so just keep hitting A. About 100 or so should work.
I got a surprisingly large amount of female Eevees when I was breeding them. Even got a perfect female Eevee (who's now Flareon). Guess I have decent luck in that regardYeah, you people can go complain when you've bred Gibles, Axews and even specifically aimed for 5IV female Eevees.
That is probably true. It usually takes me so long to check IVs, mark them, find a place for them in my box (seriously gotta clean those up) and I have recharged a good amount.It still takes two full sets of Hatching Power 3 in order to hatch all five eggs. And when you're breeding for a while, you'll run out of power very quickly.
Seriously. Especially if you're going for the Hidden Abilities.
Ah, I just so happened to have a parent with Outrage already. I guess that saved me some time.Gible took me a bit longer since I had to first breed in Outrage and then breed in its Nature.
>_> Ha... I don't know what you're talking about.You are not allowed to call that trouble. Two shiny Honedge in a very small time frame? >_>
Haha, yeah. I felt it was fitting for a perfect weapon.Speaking of, I'm very flattered that spin named his perfect one, Ultima!
Ah, I just so happened to have a parent with Outrage already. I guess that saved me some time.
I also made a shiny Gible from when I breeded. Not bad for the first Pokémon that I breeded in this gen.
Damn, nice. #YellowBelly Gible represent.I also bred a shiny Gible.
Was quiet surprised since it was non-Masuda method.
Damn, nice. #YellowBelly Gible represent.
Is it too early to pull out the statistics/probability of coming across a shiny through the various methods available? I think we can all come to the conclusion that shinies are more common in this gen than they were in the past gens.
Wild Encounter: 0.02%Damn, nice. #YellowBelly Gible represent.
Is it too early to pull out the statistics/probability of coming across a shiny through the various methods available? I think we can all come to the conclusion that shinies are more common in this gen than they were in the past gens.
Monochrome is the new Shiny in terms of rareness. It helps that monochrome Pokémon look really friggin' cool on every Pokémon (as opposed to the multitude of ugly and/or eye-searing shinies), so their desirability is through the roof.