Stories are popping up all over the place on how lures, Pokestops and Gyms are bringing Pokemon GO players to shops and businesses that they may have never went to before. And many Pokestop/Gym businesses are all on board. Places that are gyms have been seen advertising themselves as such. Shops have discounts for people that use lures there, discounts for certain teams, ect.
I know one of my local bars in Atlanta, Argosy, gives 2 dollar shots to anyone on the team that owns the gym next to them. It's fucking awesome.
Any local businesses in your area on this train? To me, the idea that a video game could actually have some sort of effect on the on the real world economy is fucking Zubat-shit crazy awesome.
Finally a thread for this.
Yep. Mentioned a few times in another thread that my girlfriend runs a double decker carousel in Savannah that also happens to be a Pokestop. When Pokemon Go came out, business jumped significantly. Like double the number of riders she was getting this time last year.
I know one of my local bars in Atlanta, Argosy, gives 2 dollar shots to anyone on the team that owns the gym next to them. It's fucking awesome.
Any local businesses in your area on this train? To me, the idea that a video game could actually have some sort of effect on the on the real world economy is fucking Zubat-shit crazy awesome.