1. They dont stop people
2. This isnt moive or a game when you shoot you shoot to kill and the dont aim for head shot they aim for the body.
That seems like a pretty serious design flaw. I would've thought being hit by something small, relatively solid and moving at high speeds would.....what do you define stop as?
Doesn't have to be a movie, I'd have thought police officers with weapons would receive a high degree of training to ensure their accuracy with said weapons. There's plenty to the torso too, where are they aiming? Actually, has it been said where the girl was hit?
there is no such thing as shoot to wound or shoot to incapacitate.
Read that back to yourself and tell me that doesn't concern you.
Never shot a gun, but I'd guess that if somebody is pulling a gun on you you don't have the time to aim for knees. Those are small and seem really hard to hit.
Well, I totally agree but I didn't mean the knees specifically. Anywhere on the lower half of the body would have been fine really, anywhere not the head or heart I guess. Does depend on range from offender too, but yeah lol kneecaps are a bit small.
no rubber bullets because he potentially had a gun.
no shooting for the knee hand toe etc because it's a ridiculous shot. they aim for the torso because it's the best target.
the question is just shoot or don't shoot. i'd say it was premature.
Fair does I suppose. It's sad that there doesn't appear to be a better option than live ammo in this day and age.
Like I said above, don't mean any specific body part, just something non-lethal. But then I guess if you plan to shoot at the guy nine times anyway...
Because it's not a hollywood movie.
You aim for the easiest target, which is the torso. The part that is easiest to hit and moves around the least.
Nobody aims for the head except maybe a sniper who has a perch and a good shot.
Like I said to Heroman above, these guys are highly trained aren't they? Hitting somewhere that isn't likely to be lethal shouldn't be a difficult task.
I'm with you on the gun laws part. But, rubber bullets don't always work. If you are in a life and death situation, you don't want to rely on rubber fucking bullets.
Shooting someone in the knee is ridiculous (you don't aim for the head either). You aim for their center to increase your chances of actually hitting your target. Landing your shots with a pistol is a billion times harder than what you see in the movies.
You know how Jules thinks it's a miracle he doesn't get blown away at point blank range in Pulp Fiction? Him not getting blown away is actually more realistic than other movies.
Agreed, just a shame there's not a better option, as effective but not as lethal. Y'know, besides the tazer which didn't work.
I didn't mean the knee in particular, first part that came to mind. I get that, but isn't that what snipers and soldiers do? I mean, I'm assuming they were aiming for upper torso considering the girl caught in the the crossfire died from the shot, and considering they fired nine times was it really necessary to aim for upper torso on the guy?
It's a sad situation, but I do think it's a good reason to maybe give armed officers some more target practise. Can't hurt.