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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Teh Hamburglar said:
I thought this part was interesting if not obvious.

This is exactly what is happening at my place of employment. We're one of the global top financial companies (won't say who) and the work we do is contracted by a government agency. Anyway, we rely a lot on temporary candidates for employment, and in comparison of last year where the work was spread out fairly across all shifts and was able to be put out in a timely manner, this year is totally different. Shift numbers have dropped significantly, and they claim to be hiring more yet we're not seeing changes. They fired about 20 people from our shift who were competent and knew the job well enough, then go and fucking hire 20 more over the course of a few months? Makes no fucking sense and is completely irrational. I am by no means a political mind, meaning I don't have much to offer on policy change, ideals, procedures etc, but I can tell when the truth is staring me right in the face. Workers here are getting stretched fucking thin, and in my case, I'm the lowest of the low at the company.

I'm quite anxious for this country's future right now...


Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Boehner's response:
“In the end, we couldn’t connect. Not because of different personalities, but because of different visions for our country,” Boehner said in a letter to colleagues. He said Mr. Obama ” is emphatic that taxes have to be raised” and “adamant that we cannot make fundamental changes to our entitlement programs.”

“For these reasons, I have decided to end discussions with the White House and begin conversations with the leaders of the Senate in an effort to find a path forward,” he said.
Boehner letter

Yeah good luck getting a better deal out of Harry Reid. Boehner is a fucking tool for the Tea Party who know next to nothing about what they will unleash with their stupidity. Does Boehner really think senate Democrats are going to be more willing to put up with the GOP's bullshit than Obama was?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
mckmas8808 said:

GROVER NORQUIST on CNN giving an interview about what Obama said at the Presidential press conference. First republican on TV to speak against Obama is fucking Grover GOT DAMN Norquist.

This fucking asshole is a lobbyist, not a fucking elected official. Get him off TV and out of the picture. FUCK YOU CNN, FUCK YOU GOP, AND FUCK YOU AMERICA.
What a damned mess---this whole thing is going to run to the wire, and perhaps still jump off the cliff.

Most of the biggest of the big are proper outsourced and insulated so as to not get slammed by the repercussions of this thing not getting settled...everybody else...aagh.

Slim to NOTHING can coast indefinitely---the road ends and that can that's been kicking along for the last 30-40 years is on the lot of them.

Rather surreal and disheartening....all the world over people are hard at work in their various careers and fields of study while living their lives that have no direct skin in the game on this entire mess. Yet these assholes, incredibly cavalier as they do, have the mother of all blindsidings about to smash into everybody else for some worthless, theoretical, short-sighted set of notions.


Junior Member
mckmas8808 said:

GROVER NORQUIST on CNN giving an interview about what Obama said at the Presidential press conference. First republican on TV to speak against Obama is fucking Grover GOT DAMN Norquist.


Didn't you know? Grover has the GOP by the balls.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Doesn't Obama use his executive power unilaterally all the time when it comes to war policy? If it comes down to it, I'm sure he'll have no problem raising the debt ceiling by himself.


testicles on a cold fall morning
for perspective, let's all remember that had Reid not punted this issue to the Republican House as a 'strategic' move, we wouldn't be in this mess now.

that he's playing point with McConnell on the backdoor plan is a fucking disgrace.


Junior Member
scorcho said:
for perspective, let's all remember that had Reid not punted this issue to the Republican House as a 'strategic' move, we wouldn't be in this mess now.

that he's playing point with McConnell on the backdoor plan is a fucking disgrace.

The issue has to come from the House, not the senate..


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Ezra Klein had a good point. He said "Notice that Pres. Obama waited until the markets closed to make his statements."

Yeah I would have hated to see what would have happened on the stock market if he would have said those things at say 12:00 pm noon.


House Republicans and tea party are cowards. How fucking dare you do this shit to all of us? You disgust me. You're lucky Obama is president and I am not. I would not have been that polite on television.


Junior Member

Wow. Wtf?
Big Baybee said:
Why is Al Sharpton hosting a program on MSNBC?

They told Cenk to piss off for not towing the line IIRC.

Otherwise: Damned Norquist----why give credence to the little "Feudal Lord Maker"?

Total aside though perhaps brimming with topical hatred from today: Unless my program guide has been totally wrong all day, for some reason Real Time with Bill Maher this week is supposed to run from 10PM-12AM EST tonight----don't think such a thing has ever happened.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Did I just read that Rep. Boehner would not answer or return President Obama phone calls today?

AAAAAAAAARRRGGGHHH!!!!! Got damn this shit is wack. How the hell does a Speaker not answer a President's phone calls?


Is it unrealistic to hope this teaches the American people not to let Republicans control ANY branch of government, unless they somehow reinvent themselves in the future?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Measley said:

Wow. Wtf?

Pay no taxes? Seriously? I just wish, once and for all, Obama takes 5 minutes with a giant chart on prime-time TV and lays out what taxes EVERYBODY pays.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Kosmo said:
Funny when you look at with reality, huh?

Reality: There are a lot more taxes than federal income tax. Everybody pays them.

Now that reality has been seen, not so funny to you, I assume.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Kosmo said:
Funny when you look at with reality, huh?
how the poor get away with paying no state or sales taxes is beyond me. do they all have falsified 503b non-profit forms?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Rubenov said:
Is it unrealistic to hope this teaches the American people not to let Republicans control ANY branch of government, unless they somehow reinvent themselves in the future?



Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Kosmo said:
Funny when you look at with reality, huh?
oh shut the fuck up.

They pay sales, property, payroll taxes, state taxes, and more. (payroll taxes at higher rates than everyone else, btw). I guaran-damn-tee your their share of the federal tax burden is much more than their share of the wealth in this country (LESS THAN 1%).

Fuck you for declaring a war against the least fortunate of americans, and fuck you fo buurning the world to the ground in 10 days. Just fuck you.


Rubenov said:
Is it unrealistic to hope this teaches the American people not to let Republicans control ANY branch of government, unless they somehow reinvent themselves in the future?

Yes, the American people for the most part are fickle and foolish.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
scorcho said:
how the poor get away with paying no state or sales taxes is beyond me. do they all have falsified 503b non-profit forms?

Or Medicare and Social Security taxes.....
Rubenov said:
Is it unrealistic to hope this teaches the American people not to let Republicans control ANY branch of government, unless they somehow reinvent themselves in the future?

Pretty much, given their skill at dominating the narrative and cultivating a swarming mass of true believer folk that'll unconditionally follow them down to the gates of Hell as far as the country at large is concerned. "Real America" is probably about the last line of anything a person would want to count on.

Reinvention? That's pretty much the loud line for the Tea Party----fertilized by glorious astroturfing and tapping in to the most mean spirited and selfish the gimped education system of the last decades have produced.


Junior Member
Rubenov said:
Is it unrealistic to hope this teaches the American people not to let Republicans control ANY branch of government, unless they somehow reinvent themselves in the future?

Haven't u seen all those idiots dressed up as founding fathers, who probably have no idea how much they had to compromise back then to bring this country forward?
Vestal said:
Haven't u seen all those idiots dressed up as founding fathers, who probably have no idea how much they had to compromise back then to bring this country forward?

No way dude, they didn't compromise with the British, they just kicked them the fuck out


GaimeGuy said:
oh shut the fuck up.

They pay sales, property, payroll taxes, state taxes, and more. (payroll taxes at higher rates than everyone else, btw). I guaran-damn-tee your their share of the federal tax burden is much more than their share of the wealth in this country (LESS THAN 1%).

Fuck you for declaring a war against the least fortunate of americans, and fuck you fo buurning the world to the ground in 10 days. Just fuck you.

Come on, overreacting much?


Junior Member
Pctx said:
I'm glad we're a tolerant bunch here at NeoGAF to be beyond name calling.

Oh Im way past being tolerant when it comes to that group sorry.. Too crazy to be taken serious..

I mean these people actually believe that allowing the raise of the Debt Ceiling is a compromise.

Or how some of these dumbasses believe that just don't raise it, everything will be fine.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Enron said:
Come on, overreacting much?
Okay, look at what greece almost did to the EU.

Yeah, that's fucking greece. What do you think will happen if that happens to the world's largest economy?

LovingSteam said:
I never thought I'd say this but we need a revolution like in the Middle East. NO, not a civil war (stupid Somedude). A revolution that puts employers and wall street back in their place.

Is and was a good idea.

consider the activities of the stock manipulator, the paralyzing of whole industries, the overstimulation of others, for speculative purposes; the assignments and bank failures, the crises and panics,
"and why should Jesus have nothing to do with his church--why should his words and his life be of no authority among those who profess to adore him?
And this man they have made into the high priest of property and smug respectability, a divine sanction of all the horrors and abominations of modern commercial civilization! Jeweled images are made of him, sensual priests burn incense to him, and modern pirates of industry bring their dollars, wrung from the toil of helpless women and children, and build temples to him, and sit in cushioned seats and listen to his teachings expounded by doctors of dusty divinity--"

The Jungle. 105 years ago.


scorcho said:
how the poor get away with paying no state or sales taxes is beyond me. do they all have falsified 503b non-profit forms?

Hmm, I thought we were talking about the federal deficit, not state deficits.
mckmas8808 said:
Ezra Klein had a good point. He said "Notice that Pres. Obama waited until the markets closed to make his statements."

Yeah I would have hated to see what would have happened on the stock market if he would have said those things at say 12:00 pm noon.

But I think unless that crash happens, house Republicans will never realize what are the consequences of default.

They are believing their own BS, that default will cause nothing.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Kosmo said:
Hmm, I thought we were talking about the federal deficit, not state deficits.
you brought up taxes, which lower income individuals and families still pay to state, local and federal governments in various forms.
This news should have been released at 3pm.

Id love to see the GOP running around when they realzie they caused the DOW to drop 300 points.

A man can dream


GaimeGuy said:
Okay, look at what greece almost did to the EU.

Yeah, that's fucking greece. What do you think will happen if that happens to the world's largest economy?


Nothing. Which is why I'm golfing every day this week and not worrying about it. Why are you losing sleep over this - politicians will not fuck themselves out of being re-elected.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
FAA funding ends at midnight; almost 4,000 at FAA to be furloughed
By Carol Cratty, CNN Senior Producer


Washington (CNN) -- Almost 4,000 Federal Aviation Administration workers are facing furloughs after Congress adjourned Friday without passing a measure to reauthorize the agency's funding, according to the Transportation Department. A $2.5 billion program providing grants for airport construction projects also will shut down, and thousands of construction jobs could be jeopardized.

In a news release, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said he was disappointed that lawmakers did not pass a reauthorization and that funding is set to run out at midnight Friday. "Because of their inaction, states and airports won't be able to work on their construction projects, and too many people will have to go without a paycheck," he said. "This is no way to run the best aviation system in the world."

The release goes on to say, "The safety of the flying public will not be compromised."
Air traffic controllers will remain on the job, but the furloughs will affect many FAA engineers, scientists, computer specialists, community planners and others. According to the Department of Transportation, FAA workers could be furloughed in 35 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.

Efforts to continue funding hit a stumbling block over House Republican efforts to make it harder for airline and rail workers to unionize and over a move to cut subsidies for air service to rural airports.

Rep. John Mica, R-Florida, chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, took issue with funding for the Essential Air Service program, which provides subsidies to ensure that small communities have access to passenger air service.
"It is unbelievable that after the House passed the 21st FAA extension, the Senate departed Washington and left the FAA and many of its employees behind," he said. "In light of the nation's pending financial disaster and soaring deficits, they couldn't find a way to cut even a few million dollars by accepting this minor request to reduce outlandish subsidies."

Sen. Jay Rockefeller, the Democratic chairman of the Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, issued a statement saying that he is concerned about the economic impact at airports in all 50 states and that the furloughs would end research on major new air traffic control technology known as Next Gen. "The House did a disservice this week, and I am hopeful that they will realize the error of their ways and return to the table so we can work out a compromise that restores funding to the FAA," he said.
Rep. Nick Rahall, D-West Virginia, heaped blame on House Republicans. In a news release, Rahall said, "The House Republican leadership is willing to lay off tens of thousands of middle class American construction workers and jeopardize billions of dollars in airport construction simply to score a few political points for Tea Party extremists."

FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt said the nearly 4,000 workers who will have to be furloughed "perform critical work," and he said they "do not deserve to be put out of work during these tough economic times."

Transportation officials said Congress has extended the FAA's funding almost 20 times without controversy. Without new legislation, the government also will not collect about $200 million a week in airline taxes that normally go to the Airport and Airway Trust Fund.


RAGE RAISING!!!!!!!!! ARGH! So is this the week the GOP in the House decided to blow shit the fuck up? How can moderate conservatives even explain this crap by their party?
Kosmo said:
Nothing. Which is why I'm golfing every day this week and not worrying about it. Why are you losing sleep over this - politicians will not fuck themselves out of being re-elected.
you have a lot of faith in the tea party and junior politicians in the house.


scorcho said:
you brought up taxes, which lower income individuals and families still pay to state, local and federal governments in various forms.

That's not the discussion we're having. The cartoon was Obama, who represents the federal government, not a state, and we're talking about a federal deficit. But if you want to still talk about state taxes and sales taxes, keep fucking that chicken.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
scorcho said:
how the poor get away with paying no state or sales taxes is beyond me. do they all have falsified 503b non-profit forms?

Every poor person has at least a master's degree in tax law.

Pctx said:
I'm glad we're a tolerant bunch here at NeoGAF to be beyond name calling.

You know, when a person is trying to bring about destruction to the world economy, I think it's safe to put civility on the backburner for a while.
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