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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Kosmo said:
That's not the discussion we're having. The cartoon was Obama, who represents the federal government, not a state, and we're talking about a federal deficit. But if you want to still talk about state taxes and sales taxes, keep fucking that chicken.

And you ignored all the other posts that brought up federal taxes.


teruterubozu said:
Tolerance? Tea Party? Does not compute.

You must have been asleep for the people carrying these signs a few years back:

mckmas8808 said:
RAGE RAISING!!!!!!!!! ARGH! So is this the week the GOP in the House decided to blow shit the fuck up? How can moderate conservatives even explain this crap by their party?

Because the other party doesnt have the balls to buy TV commercials and air

"This week in GOP idiocy" in prime time every week.

"Tune in this week to see how the GOP's inability to pass a procedural motion has resulted in 4,000 lost jobs, delays at airports, and chaos for travelers!'


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Kosmo said:
Nothing. Which is why I'm golfing every day this week and not worrying about it. Why are you losing sleep over this - politicians will not fuck themselves out of being re-elected.
oh really? Because we've alreaady hit the debt ceiling, we're just using accounting tricks to bullshit the numbers. We run out of accounting tricks in 10 days. at that point, we are fucked.

ten days away. and youu think there's nothign to worry about. Even if by some miracle something gets passed, you are fucking delusional for not recognizing this craziness occuring right in front of you. We have a lit match held over a propane tank right now. It gets dropped in less than 240 hours.


Kosmo said:
That's not the discussion we're having. The cartoon was Obama, who represents the federal government, not a state, and we're talking about a federal deficit. But if you want to still talk about state taxes and sales taxes, keep fucking that chicken.

You are skirting around the point as a whole.


testicles on a cold fall morning
hmm. amazed that NPR cut off Boehner's talk so abruptly for station identification.
Godslay said:
You are skirting around the point as a whole.
he has a interest in seeing me fuck a chicken. nothing wrong with that.
mckmas8808 said:
FAA funding ends at midnight; almost 4,000 at FAA to be furloughed
By Carol Cratty, CNN Senior Producer

RAGE RAISING!!!!!!!!! ARGH! So is this the week the GOP in the House decided to blow shit the fuck up? How can moderate conservatives even explain this crap by their party?

Damn it all, I remember hearing about this earlier in the week but here we are! Gotta throw everything at those nebulous Union boogiemen!

Even in the worst case, IIRC, some of the critical personnel keep at it----bound to be some idiots then spouting about how stuff is "fine still, see gov't was bad~"

I'm guessing shit is going to ramp up even worse next week, to say nothing of whatever else drops over the weekend/gets buried in the cycle later tonight then everybody recoils in horror at when it is too late. : (


testicles on a cold fall morning
as much as i dislike Boehner, i have to admire that man's dedication to a dark tan and sultry voice.


Vestal said:
Oh Im way past being tolerant when it comes to that group sorry.. Too crazy to be taken serious..

I mean these people actually believe that allowing the raise of the Debt Ceiling is a compromise.

Or how some of these dumbasses believe that just don't raise it, everything will be fine.
Then I suppose a constructive conversation is out of the question.

Big Baybee said:
Fuck the tea party. I know republicans who say the same.
Doesn't make it right.

teruterubozu said:
Tolerance? Tea Party? Does not compute.
Lead by example.

Whats funny is I wander in and out of the PoliGAF threads and see such polarized viewpoints of which is what the national conversation is all about. It's unfortunate that political activism on a purely idealistic model seems to be dead in this country since everyone is so caught up in the rhetoric of what buzz word people spit out next... regardless of race, sexual orientation or gender. This republic was built on the notion that debate is part of it but name calling, polarized view points and slander (on either side) does not help anyone.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Kosmo said:
You must have been asleep for the people carrying these signs a few years back:


Damn, son. Hitting the overdrive button on the false equivalencies today, aren't we?
An update on the deal Boehner walked out on
President Obama laid out a sketch of the terms he and Boehner were working on. He said the plan included $1 trillion in domestic and defense cuts and $650 billion in cuts to entitlement programs.

The part that Boehner objected to came in the way of $1.2 trillion in revenue increases that the president said "could be accomplished by eliminating loopholes and deductions" in a "tax reform process."

The president said the tax increases were less than what the bi-partisan "Gang of Six" plan called for. Obama said it was an "extraordinarily fair deal."
Kosmo said:
You must have been asleep for the people carrying these signs a few years back:


the difference is democrats disown these types of people. Republicans--they have a few holding office and having the same views.


testicles on a cold fall morning
the biggest issue is that Obama's willing to abandon political ideology (though some could argue that he doesn't really adhere to one) while Boehner, Cantor and the GOP can't.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Pctx said:
Then I suppose a constructive conversation is out of the question.

Doesn't make it right.

Lead by example.

Whats funny is I wander in and out of the PoliGAF threads and see such polarized viewpoints of which is what the national conversation is all about. It's unfortunate that political activism on a purely idealistic model seems to be dead in this country since everyone is so caught up in the rhetoric of what buzz word people spit out next... regardless of race, sexual orientation or gender. This republic was built on the notion that debate is part of it but name calling, polarized view points and slander (on either side) does not help anyone.
what the fuck. The founding fathers had fucking duels to the death. Don't talk to me about polarization when you're just spouting bullshit.


GaimeGuy said:
oh really? Because we've alreaady hit the debt ceiling, we're just using accounting tricks to bullshit the numbers. We run out of accounting tricks in 10 days. at that point, we are fucked.

ten days away. and youu think there's nothign to worry about. Even if by some miracle something gets passed, you are fucking delusional for not recognizing this craziness occuring right in front of you. We have a lit match held over a propane tank right now. It gets dropped in less than 240 hours.

You know what, we tell out debt holders "Hey, fuck you. You know all that policing we've been doing of the world for the last 60 years and the foreign aid we've provided? We're calling it even, thanks."

NOTHING is going to happen.


I'd love to hear as to why (from a different viewpoint than my own) as to why we need raises in taxes.... anyone care to give their opinion?

GaimeGuy said:
what the fuck. The founding fathers had fucking duels to the death. Don't talk to me about polarization when you're just spouting bullshit.
So you're saying we should come full circle then? Great.


The cute blond girl on CNN said that the White House pulled back and started asking for more in the way of tax revenue than they previously had once the "Gang of Six" jumped in.
Pctx said:
I'm glad we're a tolerant bunch here at NeoGAF to be beyond name calling.
Is that what you care about?

The debt deal just fell through. Speaker walked out of the meeting with the President when we were inches away from the deal. The country is about to default again. And you're worried that a bunch of raging lunatics who has GOP by it's scrotum are being insulted?


Junior Member
Pctx said:
Then I suppose a constructive conversation is out of the question.

Doesn't make it right.

Lead by example.

Whats funny is I wander in and out of the PoliGAF threads and see such polarized viewpoints of which is what the national conversation is all about. It's unfortunate that political activism on a purely idealistic model seems to be dead in this country since everyone is so caught up in the rhetoric of what buzz word people spit out next... regardless of race, sexual orientation or gender. This republic was built on the notion that debate is part of it but name calling, polarized view points and slander (on either side) does not help anyone.

How can you have debate when 1 side is UNWILLING to move out of their position.

You have Democrats willing to take a huge hit by allowing Cuts in Entitlements.. Then you have the Republicans who wont fucking touch Taxes.... Not to mention the abomination they passed a few days ago..

to top it all off, just listen to what Bohner just said.. The same shit they have been spewing for weeks, JOB CREATORS cant tax the Job creators.. WHAT JOBS HAVE THEY CREATED since the Bush Tax cuts?!?!?!
Pctx said:
I'd love to hear as to why (from a different viewpoint than my own) as to why we need raises in taxes.... anyone care to give their opinion?

Because raising taxes is a part of the solution to decrease debt...?

See top chart, bush tax cuts expiration hits in 2012 currently:

Pctx said:
Then I suppose a constructive conversation is out of the question.

Doesn't make it right.

Lead by example.

Whats funny is I wander in and out of the PoliGAF threads and see such polarized viewpoints of which is what the national conversation is all about. It's unfortunate that political activism on a purely idealistic model seems to be dead in this country since everyone is so caught up in the rhetoric of what buzz word people spit out next... regardless of race, sexual orientation or gender. This republic was built on the notion that debate is part of it but name calling, polarized view points and slander (on either side) does not help anyone.

But if you just walk out without debating, then what options do you have?


RustyNails said:
Is that what you care about?

The debt deal just fell through. Speaker walked out of the meeting with the President when we were inches away from the deal. The country is about to default again. And you're worried that a bunch of raging lunatics who has GOP by it's scrotum are being insulted?
The way we treat people matters a great deal to me actually and should matter to you as well.


Kosmo said:
You know what, we tell out debt holders "Hey, fuck you. You know all that policing we've been doing of the world for the last 60 years and the foreign aid we've provided? We're calling it even, thanks."

NOTHING is going to happen.

American people. Debt holders. Are they related? Hahahahhaha.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Kosmo said:
You know what, we tell out debt holders "Hey, fuck you. You know all that policing we've been doing of the world for the last 60 years and the foreign aid we've provided? We're calling it even, thanks."

NOTHING is going to happen.
i think global finance gives fuck all about self-righteous concepts like American Exceptionalism.


Junior Member
Pctx said:
I'd love to hear as to why (from a different viewpoint than my own) as to why we need raises in taxes.... anyone care to give their opinion?


So you're saying we should come full circle then? Great.

Why?!?! Because the Fed needs more revenue.. Because the bush Tax cuts have really hurt the ability to control the debt.. Because there are too many loopholes in the tax code for the fat cats.

Because right now.. the top 1% is making too much fucking money compared to the rest of america, while at the same time hardly INVESTING it in the country.
Sounds like this is just Boehner sending signals to his base. They aren't going to give Obama his victory, so they'll take the smaller Gang of Six deal.
Pctx said:
The way we treat people matters a great deal to me actually and should matter to you as well.
I'm sorry but I won't afford the courtesy to a reckless bunch of selfish individuals who want nothing more than the president to fall and the country to slip. Just because they have political clout does not mean whack.
Pctx said:
I'd love to hear as to why (from a different viewpoint than my own) as to why we need raises in taxes.... anyone care to give their opinion?

In 2001, when we had a surplus Bush said that we should cut taxes because "the government is overcharging the american people".

We weren't underpending, we were overcharging.

After the massive tax cuts, we find ourselves in a place where we have a deficit.

Logic holds that we aren't overspending, we're undercharging.

That holds true. Someone wants to link that cartoon/chart showing that as a percentage of GDP....we've never spent less on the good stuff?

Or lets use everybodys favorite
small business example.

If a small business is losing money because the chicken costs $4 to buy, and you're selling it at $3.50 do you...

a) Raise the price
b) Stop serving chicken breast and start serving chicken feet, to hold the price steady


Vestal said:
How can you have debate when 1 side is UNWILLING to move out of their position.

You have Democrats willing to take a huge hit by allowing Cuts in Entitlements.. Then you have the Republicans who wont fucking touch Taxes.... Not to mention the abomination they passed a few days ago..

to top it all off, just listen to what Bohner just said.. The same shit they have been spewing for weeks, JOB CREATORS cant tax the Job creators.. WHAT JOBS HAVE THEY CREATED since the Bush Tax cuts?!?!?!

I'm not defending Bohner... he's not a real leader anyways... in fact, we do not have leadership at all in this country which is part of the bigger problem.

teruterubozu said:
But if you just walk out without debating, then what options do you have?
Default I suppose.

cartoon_soldier said:
Because raising taxes is a part of the solution to decrease debt...?
Taxes do decrease the debt but what is the point of spending any more on entitlements or military?


Junior Member
PhoenixDark said:
Sounds like this is just Boehner sending signals to his base. They aren't going to give Obama his victory, so they'll take the smaller Gang of Six deal.

My problem with the Gang of 6 deal is that it the whole thing can't be finished before the 2nd. therefore it will all get cluttered up in smoke and mirrors and at the end we will probably be back in this same fucking spot when the deadline comes up again.


Vestal said:
Why?!?! Because the Fed needs more revenue.. Because the bush Tax cuts have really hurt the ability to control the debt.. Because there are too many loopholes in the tax code for the fat cats.

Because right now.. the top 1% is making too much fucking money compared to the rest of america, while at the same time hardly INVESTING it in the country.

Fed needs to spend less (military, Medicare, SS, employees, all of it). .


Kosmo said:
You know what, we tell out debt holders "Hey, fuck you. You know all that policing we've been doing of the world for the last 60 years and the foreign aid we've provided? We're calling it even, thanks."

NOTHING is going to happen.
Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Boehner's response:
“In the end, we couldn’t connect. Not because of different personalities, but because of different visions for our country,” Boehner said in a letter to colleagues. He said Mr. Obama ” is emphatic that taxes have to be raised” and “adamant that we cannot make fundamental changes to our entitlement programs.”

“For these reasons, I have decided to end discussions with the White House and begin conversations with the leaders of the Senate in an effort to find a path forward,” he said.
Boehner letter
First, I though Obama wanted tax revenue increases - possibly through tax reform but not necessarily tax raises. Is Boehner opposed to any increases in revenue like Norquist? Second, why do we need fundamental changes to entitlements?
Pctx said:
Taxes do decrease the debt but what is the point of spending any more on entitlements or military?


So you are fine with not having a program that helps insure children of families who otherwise can't afford the amounts charged by insurance companies?


So Boehner just confirmed what cute CNN girl said earlier - the President had agreed to x amount in revenue increase, then came back a day later and changed his demands?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Vestal said:
Oh Im way past being tolerant when it comes to that group sorry.. Too crazy to be taken serious..

I mean these people actually believe that allowing the raise of the Debt Ceiling is a compromise.

Or how some of these dumbasses believe that just don't raise it, everything will be fine.

Or some of them believe in lowering the debt ceiling. Crazy I know.
Vestal said:
My problem with the Gang of 6 deal is that it the whole thing can't be finished before the 2nd. therefore it will all get cluttered up in smoke and mirrors and at the end we will probably be back in this same fucking spot when the deadline comes up again.

You're right, there's not enough time to score the bill, pass it, send it to conference, pass it again, etc. I tend to think republicans chose to run this process out the minute Obama gave a deadline; that way they get to snidely point out the world didn't blow up like Obama said it would, blah blah blah. It's certainly possible we won't default on August 3rd, as we don't know if the WH has been telling the full truth here.

I'm pretty surprised the markets haven't reacted harshly in one fell swoop yet.
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