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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
RustyNails said:
Shit got real.

These bozos have absolutely no clue on how to appeal to their teabag caucus. Biggest failure of a speaker since Newt.

Damn I wish I could have seen it. Hope it's recorded somewhere. People are making it seem as if Bams was mad at the GOP or something. Was it that obvious?
Patrick Klepek said:
Maybe this moment is what was finally needed to get Obama to grow some balls?

Doubt it. There have been tons of moments that we expected would bring out the Incredible Barack Hulk Obama and none of them have come to fruition.


testicles on a cold fall morning
by the way, for anyone watching Morning Joe, these turn of events should make you smile. half the morning was spent to waxing on how 'great' the personal relationship between Boehner and Obama was, and how Boehner's professional sacrifice to reach a compromise was praise-worthy.

don't you just loathe beltway journalists?
i swear to f'ing god if the GOP makes our credit rating drop (yes, the GOP - the Dems were willing to give so much, the GOP? nothing) I will despise the GOP from now until past the end of eternity.

i swear to f'ing god.


Junior Member
mckmas8808 said:
Damn I wish I could have seen it. Hope it's recorded somewhere. People are making it seem as if Bams was mad at the GOP or something. Was it that obvious?

It was obvious.. He was his usual calm cool self, however his words were strong..

Best Ive seen him in a long time.
Republicans are trying to add a health care mandate repeal to the Grand Bargain

It is amazing. The Dems had complete (albeit weak) control of government from 2008 to 2010 and got a little bit done and passed some very-watered down legislation.

The GOP gets control of a single branch and is now aiming to kill medicare, nullify consumer protection agency, pass constitutional amendments, defund planned parenthood, repeal healthcare reform, repeal wall street reform, etc.

And if they don't get their way, they'll blow up the world by causing the USA to default.

It is fucking crazy.


Wall said:
I'm not sure where exactly I stand in this debate, but I'm gonna take the side of the Obama critics here because, right now, it is closer to where I am emotionally if not logically. I guess I have 5 points to make

1) In order to compromise your principals, you need to actually have principals in the first place. I'm not saying that President Obama does not have principals, I'm sure he does, and I'm sure they line up with mine much better than any Republican's possibly would, but, and this is one of the problems of his Presidency that even he has admitted to - he does a horrible job of communicating them. He tends to react to the political narrative more than he drives it, and he usually speaks in such general terms that you either think that he agrees with you on everything, or that he disagrees with you on everything. That, I think, more than anything, drives progressive distrust of him.

2) There are principals, and then there is policy. You can argue principals, you can't argue facts. When he came into office he was facing basically a repeat of the economic conditions that faced the country during the Great Depression. That is what the economic advisers, that he brought into his administration, were telling him. We know that now because they've gone on record talking about it. What the public really wanted, aside from accountability from Wall Street, was a return to prosperity. In response to that, he passed a stimulus bill that his advisers told him was too small, and then proceeded to defend it as if it was adequate. That tells me either he believes that lying about his policy choices is a good political idea, which I disagree with (again, how can you compromise if you don't first have a position), or that, against the advice of his advisers, he was already worried about deficit reduction.

3) I agree that this is not all Obama's fault. In 2010 the right organized into the tea party, and proceeded to mount a massive campaign to not only re-take both houses of congress, but to re-make the Republican party in their own image. The left, meanwhile, responded by either bitching about a lack of a public option in the health care reform bill and doing nothing, or, the weekend before the election, when they could have been participating in get our the vote efforts on behalf of candidates that support their positions, attending a "rally" hosted by two comedy show hosts to protest T.V. shows on a rival network.

I'm sorry, but that rally represents everything shitty not only about the politics of this generation, but the art and culture as well. It was smug, arrogant, self-satisfied, and too ironic and self aware for its own good. It was for people who wanted to take a political position without really risking anything; without risking being wrong, looking stupid, or getting into a debate or two. It was people who didn't want to take any risks, or put any effort, towards the issues they supposedly cared about. (If they cared about anything - I couldn't tell). Is a message praising compromise and criticizing the part of your base actually expressing views, a message that gives people the same outs from putting forth any real effort or taking real risks, really the message that people on the left - supposedly his base - need to hear?

They should be kicking themselves for being lazy, not being unreasonable.

4) Compromise is obviously something that legislatures in a democracy, in order to accomplish their jobs, need to do. I'm not sure why that message should be directed at me as a citizen, or especially as someone who actually cares about policy. I'm not crafting legislation, I'm advocating a position I believe in. What does he want the Huffington Post to do? Praise every decision he makes if they don't agree with him? Repeat his speeches verbatim if they disagree with the words he is saying? That's not democracy, that's totalitarianism.

5) My memory history during the Civil War is slightly fuzzy, but I think the analogy he is using is inaccurate and more than a little self serving. I could be wrong, my memory really is fuzzy, but I believe that Lincoln came into office as the head of a political party with the abolition of slavery written into its platform. True, he didn't advocate abolition at first, but when the South seceded over the issue and started firing at federal property on their "territory", he didn't offer to sit down with them and craft an assurance that he wouldn't end slavery into to bring them back into the union. Instead, he raised an army and fought the bloodiest war this continent has ever seen in order to bring them back into the union, and proceeded to free the slaves held in Confederate territories during that war. True, as the President points out, that proclamation included provisions protecting slave owners in states allied with the Union, but, by that point, the writing must have been on the wall. Was there really anyone alive who didn't believe those slaves would not eventually be freed?

Wow thats a lot of words. Got to go. No more posting from me today.

I was going to read your substantial post, but the fact that you kept writing "principals" instead of "principles" just made me lose the desire to put the work in.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Might have already been mentioned, but Pelosi says she's willing to go with a deal with no revenue increases. Sad, but not surprising. Dems always like to talk tough, but they always wind up caving.


kkaabboomm said:
i swear to f'ing god if the GOP makes our credit rating drop (yes, the GOP - the Dems were willing to give so much, the GOP? nothing) I will despise the GOP from now until past the end of eternity.

i swear to f'ing god.

hahaha, like you already don't


Crisis said:
I would be embarrassed to call myself a Republican at this point. Every single House Republican obstructing this needs to be thrown out of office.

I think most Republicans are currently throwing back a few brews while high-fiving. This kind of stuff is exactly what they want. It's a game, nothing more. A game currently being led by some of the most small-minded, ignorant people to ever be put into public office. In a just world there would be some sort of comeuppance for such blatant idiocy; sadly, though, there will be absolutely none. Regardless of whether or not they actually manage to agree to something that keeps our credit rating intact this is nothing more than another black eye on a once-proud country.


testicles on a cold fall morning
LovingSteam said:
Can somebody summarize and single out the particular spectacular statements that inspired some of you to make the Obama boss statements you made?
praphrasing here - we're not going to demand that those in most need, most marginalized, and least represented by lobbyists make all the sacrifices in favor of the wealthy.


more money than God
People are still getting hyped up by Obama's words? He's been making great speeches this entire administration, but will any legitimate action be taken (not just by Obama, but all of Congress).

I'm sick and tired of words, let's get something substantive done.


teruterubozu said:
I think Boehner's just lazy and doesn't really understand the details of the proposals. The "Party of No" is such a cush job.

Anyone can easily be a Republican. Nothing to think about, just say no to whatever a Democrat says.


testicles on a cold fall morning
SoulPlaya said:
People are still getting hyped up by Obama's words? He's been making great speeches this entire administration, but will any legitimate action be taken (not just by Obama, but all of Congress).

I'm sick and tired of words, let's get something substantive done.
when did we become a dictatorship?
Boehner's response:
“In the end, we couldn’t connect. Not because of different personalities, but because of different visions for our country,” Boehner said in a letter to colleagues. He said Mr. Obama ” is emphatic that taxes have to be raised” and “adamant that we cannot make fundamental changes to our entitlement programs.”

“For these reasons, I have decided to end discussions with the White House and begin conversations with the leaders of the Senate in an effort to find a path forward,” he said.
Boehner letter


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Back in the U.S., companies are squeezing more productivity out of staffs thinned out by layoffs during Great Recession. They don't need to hire. And they don't need to be generous with pay raises; they know their employees have nowhere else to go.

Like we haven't know all along the higher ups are all on the same page. They don't even need to do a wink and a nod to each other for collusion's sake. It's like they can active flaunt hey we are making big profits up in here, but fuck having to higher mofos or pay more taxes. Someone call my lobbyist so they can get on that so we can have another ball'n ass quarter with all kinds of $$$ coming in without having to pay any of it out with new highers or corporate taxes. Gots to have that money to go on Vacation on my yacht yo!

Obama didn't cave!!


testicles on a cold fall morning
SoulPlaya said:
your point doesn't make sense - Obama can't will Congress to act alone, so your argument contrasting getting 'hyped' about Obama's words and legislative action are meaningless.

Obama's making a public appeal right now to show his frustration. this isn't about hope n' change.
speculawyer said:
It is amazing. The Dems had complete (albeit weak) control of government from 2008 to 2010 and got a little bit done and passed some very-watered down legislation.

The GOP gets control of a single branch and is now aiming to kill medicare, nullify consumer protection agency, pass constitutional amendments, defund planned parenthood, repeal healthcare reform, repeal wall street reform, etc.

And if they don't get their way, they'll blow up the world by causing the USA to default.

It is fucking crazy.

GOP is trying to repeal most of everything Dems did in those 2 years.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Boehner's response:
“In the end, we couldn’t connect. Not because of different personalities, but because of different visions for our country,” Boehner said in a letter to colleagues. He said Mr. Obama ” is emphatic that taxes have to be raised” and “adamant that we cannot make fundamental changes to our entitlement programs.”

“For these reasons, I have decided to end discussions with the White House and begin conversations with the leaders of the Senate in an effort to find a path forward,” he said.
Boehner letter
are you fucking kidding me?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
LovingSteam said:
Doubt it. There have been tons of moments that we expected would bring out the Incredible Barack Hulk Obama and none of them have come to fruition.

Yeah weak ass Obama.


more money than God
scorcho said:
your point doesn't make sense - Obama can't will Congress to act alone, so your argument contrasting getting 'hyped' about Obama's words and legislative action are meaningless.

Obama's making a public appeal right now to show his frustration. this isn't about hope n' change.
Yeah, that's what I said. I'm not blaming Obama here, I'm just making a general point that I'm sick of words from both sides. Just get something done.
I never thought I'd say this but we need a revolution like in the Middle East. NO, not a civil war (stupid Somedude). A revolution that puts employers and wall street back in their place.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Vestal said:
Obama better not accept anything but minimum 18month extension.
agreed. if Reid and McConnell agree to a piecemeal approach i hope the Administration vetoes it and raises the limit unilaterally by constitutional mandate.
Teh Hamburglar said:
Its freaking amateur hour over at CNN. Trying to watch their live feed.
I'm on the train and was just watching that on my iPhone. They forgot to shut that shit off when the conference ended. Saw Jessica Yellin rambling on and on while typing super fucking fast on her pink blackberry.
Vestal said:
Obama better not accept anything but minimum 18month extension.

He shouldn't sign any extension. At this point it's pretty much time to dare the GOP to default the country. There's no way they let that happen.

Or Obama should raise it unilaterally and tell the house "see you in court"


Junior Member
scorcho said:
agreed. if Reid and McConnell agree to a piecemeal approach i hope the Administration vetoes it and raises the limit unilaterally by constitutional mandate.

Yeah... It doesn't make sense either Practially or Politically to just kick the can 3 fucking times before 2012..


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
SoulPlaya said:
People are still getting hyped up by Obama's words? He's been making great speeches this entire administration, but will any legitimate action be taken (not just by Obama, but all of Congress).

I'm sick and tired of words, let's get something substantive done.

Talk to the GOP son!


Junior Member
scorcho said:
agreed. if Reid and McConnell agree to a piecemeal approach i hope the Administration vetoes it and raises the limit unilaterally by constitutional mandate.

Then get ready for the impeachment hearings....


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
scorcho said:
agreed. if Reid and McConnell agree to a piecemeal approach i hope the Administration vetoes it and raises the limit unilaterally by constitutional mandate.

The only way I'd do an extension for less than 18 months is if they could get over $1 Trillion in taxes increases. Then I'd think about it.
Whitehouse will NOT take kindly to being sidestepped in favor of Senate. There is gonna be serious foot clamping from Whitehouse. Bam's press conference was just the start. In the end, Boehner's playing little games. He wanted a narrative for the weekend. He's taking marching orders from Cantor and teabags.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives

GROVER NORQUIST on CNN giving an interview about what Obama said at the Presidential press conference. First republican on TV to speak against Obama is fucking Grover GOT DAMN Norquist.

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