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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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empty vessel said:
There is no way to compromise. The only relevant question is whether the US is going to raise the debt limit. This is a binary proposition: either it is or it fucking isn't. The current Republican position is no. The Republicans already agreed to the current budget, so that has nothing whatsoever to do with this. This is about whether we pay for what the Congress has already spent (which for most of the last 17 years has been either under sole Republican control or under partial Republican control). And the Republican position is that we are not paying for what they agreed to spend.

You can't compromise on the question: should we raise the debt limit? It's a yes or no question.

This is the simplest of logic.
And yet somehow both sides have managed to circumvent your logic here, by offering "Yes, if". There are multiple ifs, here, but no party at the table is proposing "raise it." Note the period.


MrGame&Watch said:
I think that although it's completely unrealistic, I believe Americans needs to really think hard about tweaking the current republic system we have. You can't get anything meaningful done when there's every motivation in the world to make the President fail by the minority.

Fuck china of all places seems like the model these days.
To be honest I like the idea of "super committee". I sounds familiar to me:

CPC Politburo Standing Committee

Sure yours is made of 2 parties but essentially it's the same.


Cyan said:
Reality check:

S&P 500 at today's close: $1,337.43
S&P 500 at close two years ago: $979.26

Not bad for a fool.

37% not bad, unless you compare it to gold...74%! (928.40 to 1614.40 @ kitco)
MrGame&Watch said:
I think that although it's completely unrealistic, I believe Americans needs to really think hard about tweaking the current republic system we have. You can't get anything meaningful done when there's every motivation in the world to make the President fail by the minority.

Fuck china of all places seems like the model these days.

All it would take is a simple proportional representation system w/ weaker executive branch imo (lol at "all it would take")
CBS News said:
As House Speaker John Boehner left his ceremonial office building and was walking through the Speaker's Lobby surrounded by his security detail, he expressed his frustration with the ongoing debt debate gridlock. CBS News' Jill Jackson overhead the Speaker say: "I didn't sign up for going mano-a-mano with the President of the United States."

His remark was dry in tone, and it was followed by silence as walked down the marble stairs and left the Capitol.

Boehner is caught in the middle of a battle within his own party and with the opposition party, and he apparently didn't expect being Speaker would lead to verbal combat with the president in prime time.

What a joke.


jamesinclair said:
Gold is useless. Its not backed by anything.

Try and build a house out of gold. Try and feed your kids gold.

Gold is backed by intrinsic value (rarity) and the idea its value cannot be depreciated away by the governments printing more of it. As there is only finite amounts of it.


DOO13ER said:
My favorite:

The hell you didn't, Boehner. You just didn't think he would fight back much.
I didn't think he would either.

I think Obama not caving in after the GOP rejected his $4T deal caught them off guard. I honestly don't think they thought Obama would be fighting them as hard and as long as he has.


Aaron Strife said:
Is there anything like a vote of no confidence in the US House?

I could see Boehner losing his speakership pretty quickly.

A majority of the House can vote to replace the speaker. Problem is it'd be some idiot like Cantor getting it instead.
thefro said:
A majority of the House can vote to replace the speaker. Problem is it'd be some idiot like Cantor getting it instead.

Would be hilarious if all the Dems stuck behind Pelosi and the GOP split itself between Boehner and Cantor, and she temporarily resumed her position as Speaker. But that probably wouldn't happen - guessing in any instance where anti-Boehner doesn't make it to 218 (or 217 now I suppose, given Heller/Weiner's exits), he remains Speaker.

Still, even the vote happening at all would be the ultimate "GOP in disarray" story.


It really is an unprecedented moment in recent political history where an entire party has deferred power to the minority party who barely holds onto the House. Judging by all the rhetoric you couldn't believe that a party that owns the presidency and the Senate could look so hopeless and helpless to drive any kind of agenda. Even at Clinton and Bush's weakest points in their presidency they were still able to maintain power to some degree.

This passive-aggressive jujitsu that Democrats are trying to play has only convinced their base of rabid supporters.
ToxicAdam said:
It really is an unprecedented moment in recent political history where an entire party has deferred power to the minority party who barely holds onto the House. Judging by all the rhetoric you couldn't believe that a party that owns the presidency and the Senate could look so hopeless and helpless to drive any kind of agenda. Even at Clinton and Bush's weakest points in their presidency they were still able to maintain power to some degree.

This passive-aggressive jujitsu that Democrats are trying to play has only convinced their base of rabid supporters.

They haven't "owned" the Senate in quite some time due to the way the Senate works. Anyone with even the slightest semblance of intellectual honesty knows this so I'm not surprised to see you have difficulty with the concept.

The only body of Congress that the Democrats have "owned" was the House and the legislation that moved through it in that time was very close to what was promised in 2008 (Especially as it pertains to HCR).


WickedAngel said:
Anyone with even the slightest semblance of intellectual honesty knows this so I'm not surprised to see you have difficulty with the concept.

Just another victim of the passive-aggressive 'woe is us' ploy. If the Democrats were as efficient at negotiating as they are at tagging blame, we wouldn't even be having the discussion.

cartoon_soldier said:
The sad part about all this is that the Public will still reward the GOP in the next Senate/House Elections :(

I don't think so. The Republicans are still held in very low regard as a party and the majority of people are still down on government as a tool for effective change. It's going to be another election cycle of convincing people you are not an 'insider'.

Although, Sherrod Brown is still polling very well in Ohio. I don't think you will see any overwhelming trend this time around.
cartoon_soldier said:
The sad part about all this is that the Public will still reward the GOP in the next Senate/House Elections :(

How is this possible, when obama is the greatest orator president of the modern era?
ToxicAdam said:
Just another victim of the passive-aggressive 'woe is us' ploy. If the Democrats were as efficient at negotiating as they are at tagging blame, we wouldn't even be having the discussion..
Tagging blame? If that was the case they would've won 2010 by a landslide, instead they allowed the GOP to paint the party as a badguy and the lost the house because of it

Neo Samus

So I decided to check and see who my local congressman is in my area (northern IL) and it freaking Joe Walsh, a tea party activist! WTF! Who the hell votes these people in!!


Gaborn said:
We'll have to agree to disagree, though frankly I find it funny that you're upset I'd rather support someone who supported marriage equality in 2008 rather than someone who did not.
Don't you also support Ron Paul who is in favor of DOMA?


Neo Samus said:
So I decided to check and see who my local congressman is in my area (northern IL) and it freaking Joe Walsh, a tea party activist! WTF! Who the hell votes these people in!!
The people who voted last time. Did you?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Neo Samus said:
So I decided to check and see who my local congressman is in my area (northern IL) and it freaking Joe Walsh, a tea party activist! WTF! Who the hell votes these people in!!
.... they get voted in because apathetic young voters like you don't go out and fucking vote.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Neo Samus said:
So I decided to check and see who my local congressman is in my area (northern IL) and it freaking Joe Walsh, a tea party activist! WTF! Who the hell votes these people in!!

Joe Walsh is probably the most douchey Tea Partier in congress at the moment (and that's saying alot).


Neo Samus said:
Yeah I did, and I voted democrat but I wasn't sure who won in my district. It's a bit confusing..... :/

Good on you. Call Walsh and tell him how you feel about this. A phone call is even easier than voting. If you need his number in D.C., it's (202) 225-3711. A little harder to find now that the House servers are melting, but there you go.

Note: If anyone else needs their Rep's D.C. office number, let me know and I'll dig it up for you.


Gaborn said:
I think you need to read Brown v Board again. EVEN IF the schools were equal, received equal funding and were EXACTLY the same separate but equal is INHERENTLY unequal. That means if you separate people for no reason other than because you don't like them that is unconstitutional.

I just read it. You're right about the material differences, but the decision doesn't place a ban on separate but equal in general, just as a racial doctrine in public schools, specifically because segregating black students would deny them educational opportunities and make it more difficult for them to learn.

My personal view is that if it is legal for every adult male in the country to marry an adult female, then it should also be legal for an adult female to marry an adult female. Otherwise adult females are arbitrarily not receiving the same protections under the law as adult males. If that makes sense


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Paul Krugman said:
As I recall, two things happened last year: voters were angry about the weak economy, and older voters believed that Obama was going to take away their Medicare and send them to the death panels. And so the way to win those voters back is to cut Medicare and weaken the economy?

A further point: even if Obama really does cut spending, will anyone notice? Even people who are supposedly well informed believe that there was a vast expansion of government under Obama, when in fact there wasn’t. So we’re supposed to believe that independent voters will actually be able to cut through the fog — the deliberate fog of Fox, the he-said-she-said of most other media organizations — and give him credit for spending cuts? Remember, whatever he does Republicans will claim that the government is getting bigger — and news organization will report only that “Democrats say” that this isn’t true.

See, when people say that Obama should do what the "American people" want, in this case, cut spending drastically, I asked myself the same question Mr. Krugman did. Did the fact that Obama made sure his health care bill have as little government involvement as possible stop fuckheads like Limbaugh and Hannity from still calling it SINISTER GEORGE WASHINGTO HATING SOSHULISM? Obama could fucking gut the entirety of SS and Medicare, and Republicans will STILL say that he made record spending increases (while at the same time telling the oldies that he cut SS and medicare).


ToxicAdam said:
Just another victim of the passive-aggressive 'woe is us' ploy. If the Democrats were as efficient at negotiating as they are at tagging blame, we wouldn't even be having the discussion.
Tag blaming?
The democrats might be spineless, whiny, unorganized and a million other things, but no one will seriously believe that they're good a tag blaming.


Deku said:
Gold is backed by intrinsic value (rarity) and the idea its value cannot be depreciated away by the governments printing more of it. As there is only finite amounts of it.

Rarity means little when it comes to value. I have a bottle of scotch more limited than gold worth significantly less than gold is, despite doing me a lot more good.

Value stems from people finding value in something. Otherwise Bitcoins would be worth equal to or less than the energy that created them.


ronito said:
Tag blaming?
The democrats might be spineless, whiny, unorganized and a million other things, but no one will seriously believe that they're good a tag blaming.

You're probably right. Sometimes I confuse the people in power with the people in this thread.
jamesinclair said:
Gold is useless. Its not backed by anything.

Try and build a house out of gold. Try and feed your kids gold.
Gold is a panic/paranoia indicator . . . and yes, it is quite high. And it will probably remain high over Fed fears, economic stagnation, etc.
Deku said:
Gold is backed by intrinsic value (rarity) and the idea its value cannot be depreciated away by the governments printing more of it. As there is only finite amounts of it.

Yeah, let's base our currency on arbitrary unknown amounts of something that only a few other nations can dig out of the ground in meaningful amounts.

And then maybe someday we'll be able to come up with an efficient, non-radioactive process for transmuting other elements into gold and then it will become hugely inflated.

Dumb dumb dumb.


Junior Member
Anyone notice this kind of shit happens anytime the Republicans control the House and there's a Democratic president?


Beer Monkey said:
Yeah, let's base our currency on arbitrary unknown amounts of something that only a few other nations can dig out of the ground in meaningful amounts.

And then maybe someday we'll be able to come up with an efficient, non-radioactive process for transmuting other elements into gold and then it will become hugely inflated.

Dumb dumb dumb.

Trust me I'm not a gold standard believer.

Just explaining why gold is such a hot item at the moment,
Deku said:
Trust me I'm not a gold standard believer.

Just explaining why gold is such a hot item at the moment,

It just doesnt make sense.

Say the Apocalypse comes.

You have all the gold in fort knox.

I have a cow. I sure as hell arent trading my cow. And ym neighbor has a well. He wont let you access his well if you give him gold. But he will let me if I give him cheese.
George Bush 6 months after getting in office under less than ideal circumstances got his 1.3 trillion dollar tax cuts.

In the institution we have come to feel sorry about ruining the ratings of C-SPAN 2, the US Senate, 12 Democrats voted for it.

8 years later.

Lilly Ledbetter
Cap and Trade
Health Care Reform

Obama got 12 votes combined. In the House.

The GOP is reaping what they sowed. Salt.
What are the Democrats supposed to do? The caving to Olympia Snowe and spelunking for support wasn't pathetic enough?
I guess they should be Bizzaro Ricky Watters. Expose yourself completely and after taking a bad hit you should give the other team the ball. Just because your team is better you don't have to win.


jamesinclair said:
It just doesnt make sense.

Say the Apocalypse comes.

You have all the gold in fort knox.

I have a cow. I sure as hell arent trading my cow. And ym neighbor has a well. He wont let you access his well if you give him gold. But he will let me if I give him cheese.

The alternatives aren't between end of the world apocalypse and life as usual.

It's between financial apocalypse of the Euro and possibly the dollar, and a safe bet, namely gold.

Gold will be relatively more desired. Best to think of it as 3 cups of beverages, say coke, orange juice and water. Each beverage will be relatively more desirable over the others depending on the situation.
J.P. Morgan on labor:

J.P. Morgan said:
[P]rofit margins have reached levels not seen in decades. ... US labor compensation is now at a 50-year low relative to both company sales and US GDP.



Adam Smith said:
[T]he rate of profit does not, like rent and wages, rise with the prosperity, and fall with the declension, of the society. On the contrary, it is naturally low in rich, and high in poor countries, and it is always highest in the countries which are going fastest to ruin.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I keep hearing that the Dems haven't passed a budget in 3 years. There HAS to be something wrong with that. Can someone explain it to me?
Cyan said:
Indeed. While, on the other hand, stock certificates are tasty and nutritious.

At least you can wipe your ass with stocks and light a fire. Worst case, you eat it for the fiber content of the paper.

Gold isnt even flammable!


I was pleased with parts of President Obama's speech. I affirmatively nodded my head a few times. I chortled when he mentioned Reagan. And I was delighted he mentioned our weather satellites; a potentially major problem if not addressed in a timely fashion. Otherwise, it was somewhat forgettable. Not that it was a terrible speech. But it was not whelming. I doubt it will have an impact on the process; presidential speeches are rarely consequential and usually fail to galvanize support.
odin toelust said:
All it would take is a simple proportional representation system w/ weaker executive branch imo (lol at "all it would take")
That would not help. It would likely exacerbate the problem. If we are going to enact electoral reform, it would behoove us to accompany it with broader institutional reforms; a significant overhaul of executive/legislative relations would be necessary.
A Human Becoming said:
Didn't they pretty much do that in France? I believe a civil union there is more attractive.
It was similar, but they did not eliminate marriage. They extended civil unions to heterosexual couples. And, yes, they have become popular. The overwhelming majority of civil unions are for heterosexual couples. Still, more marriages are performed.
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