reilo said:The difference is not practical. In practice, there is no difference. In written word on categorization, there is, but in execution and legally binding terms there is no difference.
You know I'm on the pro-gay activism side, but to argue that Obama is not versed in constitutional law because he does not believe there is a difference between a civil union and marriage is a reach of Mr Fantastic proportions.
"Separate but equal is inherently unequal" so of COURSE there is a fundamental difference. Obama's "explanation" for his original support for gay marriage before he was against it (which, admittedly was better than Pfieffer's "fake questionnaire" explanation) is embarrassing and laughable for anyone who purports to have any knowledge of the law or the history of constitutional rights.
With that said I agree with the Senator that said this:
The fact that we are here today to debate raising Americas debt limit is a sign of leadership failure, he said. It is a sign that the U.S. Government cant pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Governments reckless fiscal policies. Leadership means that the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase Americas debt limit.